I posted last night because I wasn't sure I'd have time to get on this morning. As it turns out, instead of starting a long car trip back home, I'm stuck in this hotel room waiting for ice-covered roads to thaw out. Also, with as long as I've been doing this basically for no personal reward except the fun of playing games with others and improving at forge, I really would hope to not get this much attitude back. I run things in a way that has worked pretty well for a long time, and seems fair. I've never prioritized friends over anybody else who wants to play. If I can improve the process I will, and am trying to - hence the permanent slot discussion, and trying out your rotation idea (which we will do again). But I'm a bit tired of being second-guessed on every last decision I make.
Of course. We might have to run 5v5 this week to get everybody in... hell, maybe we should just become a 5v5 lobby.
Thats cool. What I have might work better for 2v2 or 3v3 so if I get in towards the back with possibly fewer people that would be fine. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Inorite? This is a peaceful loving environment filled with hugs, tears, encouraging words and more love! Negative vibes are not appreciated nor tolerated! I need a hug.
Thanks Wanez snatches. I couldn't abandon you guys. And theres nothing quite like a hug from an englishman to brighten your day!
If we are doing the rotate every player thing again I should be fine. I just thought we were going to do the 2 times in a row and i wasn't going to get to test because i signed up late and have to leave early, and frankly this has been a pretty frustrating week as it is. I didn't mean to give you "attitude" .
Lol @hulk. There is an awful lot of gayness in this thread now isn't there? [br][/br]Edited by merge: On another more serious note, if Nutduster were a muppet, he would be Floyd from Electric Mayhem
Ok, so it seems like there are not many people interested in participating in this contest due to the time hack. FFA is my specialty and most here know the quality of work I do (not saying I'm good, I'm just saying you know my skill level and style.) So I really wanted to submit a FFA map but had nothing planned out before this and been thinking about it a lot but I still know a solid map worth standing a chance just ain't going to happen on my own in around 5 days time. I was recently online talking to behemoth and taking a look at his epic urban maps and we got to talking about his concepts. He stated they just started throwing objects around and eventually had a concept already laid out in forge. So I took him up on this idea and played around on forge and see what I could come up with. I wanted to do a map inspired by Turf and Lockout (2 epic maps that work great for FFA). In the pics below you can see my concept here and it is just a "quick-sketch" of a concept. Those will be actual buildings inspired by lockout. So to get to my main point, is there anyone here interesting in halting anything they are working on and co-forge this bad boy with me? I'm looking for 1-2 co-forgers here. Yeah, the time table is still crazy stupid, but it's better than not giving it a shot here. I have never co-forged anything before so this will be a first for me. I'm not set in my ways on the decision making process and layout, more heads are better than one. Here's the basic concept I got.
i'm not entirely sure how coforging works! im sure you'll get some better offers than mine if you wanted to upload a working version to your fileshare, i would be willing to forge from your initial design. then you could incorporate anything you like from what i have done. ...if anything! probably not what you are after though
I'm more than willing to accept ideas and concepts and give you credit for them. Fileshare uploading is not working for me at the moment. I have my xbox chilling in forge right now if you want to join it and it will put it in your recent map list. I'm away from my xbox right now but it's there, open to the public.