So I'm sure everyone knows that Sony is having a conference later today that will show off the new playstation. What do expect/hope for?
From what I've read around the net, the purpose of the conference Sony is holding hasn't been released, just that they are having one. Many people surmise it's going to be about the PS4, but Sony hasn't said that is the case for sure.
If it actually is an announcement for the PS4 of whatever they choose to name it, I'm hoping for a better Internet browser than the one the Xbox has, and maybe slightly larger controllers. Always felt like the playstation controllers were a bit small... Also this better support PS2 games cause mine broke and I'm going into withdrawal from lack of crash bandicoot.
Official stream for anyone who's interested: New games and **** being announced there too.
*sigh* I really wish they'd gone with an x64 Processor. With the 8GB of RAM they have in that machine, I doubt the average user will ever use more than 6GB of it. With the description they've given of the PS4 so far, my computer's already more powerful than it.
To clarify something about the PS4. It will not be backwards compatible with any previous Playstation game disc. Its backward compatibility will come from its cloud service. Sony hasn't stated if previous purchases will transfer over so it is highly likely people would have to rebuy games they already own if they want to play older games. Also, apparently PSN purchases won't transfer between devices. Hopefully that doesn't mean movies/music bought through PSN also don't transfer...because that'd be just stupid.
I know I already apoligized for saying something stupid about the pc, on Destiny Thread.. Well. I only want to point out a thing : We know that (Your) the PC, is better. But it costs a whole lot more sometimes, to get something that beats the console by far. So isn't it just logic that your gaming pc, or anyone's gaming PC for that matter of, lets say.. 700-900$, Maybe.. Is just more advanced than the consoles who are estimated to cost around 300-500$? I just wanted to say that.
No console/PC debates here. Make a thread about it if you want. God forbid people enjoy both mediums.
As long it is discussing technical specs, I see no reason for this conversation to be omitted. However, anything having to do with anything else, I agree. For instance, my PC has a better GUI and more processing power, why couldn't they put more in the PS4.
The reason I said that wasn't so much to say "Hey, guys. Look how much better PCs are than Consoles!" It was to point out that they're launching a console with hardware that's already out of date. The reason why there's such a rift between PC and Console gamers isn't some kind of loyalty war like between Xbox/PlayStation, it's that PC gamers are mad because consoles are holding back games that could be amazing from reaching their full potential. (Ex: Borderlands 2 crashes Xboxes when people are using more than the intended amount of skillpoints on their characters in some situations due to the graphical effects added by said perks) Judging by the fact that it's easily possible to build a PC more powerful than the next generation of consoles for less than $700 (Like mine) then consoles will be holding back games again in the next 3 years. Also, to address your point about the PC Costing more: For the next year or so (Actually probably only a few months as Nvidia's about to announce their next series of GPUs which will drastically reduce the price of the current newest ones) Yes. It will cost more for the actual machine. However, the prices of games on PC are drastically lower than those on console. The price will definitely more than even out over time.
Consoles are not holding PCs back, Stickman. PCs are holding PCs back because there's no profit in making a game that only some can play. Keep in mind, I'm typing from a powerful desktop -- I know most people won't shell out a thousand (or 700) bucks for a good computer. As a developer, they want to reach all platforms easily. The specs of the last generation called for a lot of innovation in developing technologies and the added optimization combined with the consumer price point was the whole cause of the "expired" specs. A lot of your points are half truths anyways. I was not expecting them to implement 8GB of RAM (as you can probably see from another thread) though. The x86 architecture means that it's easier to port and develop games for the PS4. I'm glad they scrapped the old platform which was just a complete hindrance. Obviously, some of the auxiliary components, such as the "kinect clone" aren't exactly original but I'm glad they're staying competitive and not tapping out like Nintendo did. I'll have to wait until I see the new Xbox but I think I'll be doing a lot of gaming on my PS4 once I get one. I skipped the PS3 so I am excited to catch up on all of the exclusives and the new ones as well. Overall, I'm pretty excited for it.
Did anybody catch how much storage you get on the PS4 hard drive? I know the main speaker essentially said, "the amount of storage you can only get on a hard disk" but I was wondering if there was anything more concrete. I was kind of hoping for a 128GB SSD for super fast load and bootup times.
So you are saying that there is more powerful hardware they can use, for the same production price? And hold it right there, Consoles aren't holding back games for the next 3 years. And PC Gamers like that should... .. That is really one of the most annoying things about gaming out there. They should be happy because the can play something better. Some games were only intented for the Xbox, or the Playstation.. And then when it comes out on PC, people are mad, Even though the Graphics, lagg compensation and many other things are just better. With the last part.. I must agree. And maybe that compensates the PC costing more.
If the game is intended for PC release, build it for PC and then port it to console. I'm not sure how it's the console's fault that some devs build for console and then port to PC. Blame the developers, not the consoles.
The problem is that if a game is meant to be on console at all, they have to start building it on console then port it to PC due to the hardware restrictions. The only exception to this I've seen is Valve, and the difference between the console and the PC versions of their games is clear. On a console they have a finite amount of content they can put into their games. It's like giving Michelangelo an 8x10 piece of paper and telling him to repaint the entire Sistine Chapel on it. He's gonna have to cut corners, blend things together, and even omit some of his masterpieces from the final product. On an open platform, though, it's like giving him a canvas that is constantly growing because it's made up of all the canvas that can possibly be produced. He could make things bigger, better, and more detailed than he even imagined. Consoles do, in fact, hold games back as they force the developers to have to cut features (Anything ranging from a Higher-resolution texture to entire levels) because the console cannot handle it or because the console creators have forebode it. (Ex: User-Created Content in the form of Mods) Well, considering we have yet to see a price point for the PS4, and considering that prices of PC Hardware are constantly dropping, It's honestly a safe bet.