I bet by exclusive content they just mean some feature that will best utilize the new abilities of the PS4. It's like how a lot of Wii U games that are multi-platform have exclusive Wii U content. Seeing as there was no mention of the ps3 getting the content I doubt it was Sony exclusive. Maybe even the next xbox will get some exclusive thing. Of course I could be wrong and it's just some cash grab for the heck of it but my bet is on it's exclusive because they want to show off some gimmick with the new console.
I see it like this : PS4 is going to recieve exclusive content to make up for the difference with PS3. (Does not include graphical reworks and such.) Xbox 720 is going to recieve exclusive content to make up for the difference with Xbox 360. (Same story) I hope Xbox will hurry with their announcement.. The PS4 becomes appealing. Don't think I will leave the Xbox though, and with that Halo.. Never leave Halo But Bungie still has an close relationship with Microsoft, we just have to wait but im sure they will talk about it. Im going to scan the two video,s they have and every concept art they made, heard about pretty awesome stuff.. Like day cycles and weather they don't control. Just found an new vehicle though, The Pike.. an Hoverbike. Click the spoiler for it. Spoiler Oh and fun little thing... Was Destiny teased in Halo 3: ODST? People came across this, I believe even I saw it. (I think its pretty much obvious that its teased) Click the spoiler for it. Spoiler
I'm pretty sure the announcement said that the PlayStation got exclusive content, not just the PS3 or PS4. And it's been known for months that Bungie teased Destiny in O.D.S.T. Pretty ballsy of them to hide the traveller in plain sight, and have people assume the white dot is meant to be the moon.
In i think it was IGN interview they found sound files for destiny created in 2009 or something and IGN made it sound very likely they where working on it before ODST. Which makes sense since you can tell ODST and Reach had some elements that work in there own retrospective games but also served as a test for destiny. (Like Reach's UI how you can see all your Friends online on the side to easily join and make game feel more social, They using something very similar in Destiny)
Destiny will come out both on PS3 and PS4. I know they don't have identical graphics, thats why I said : Not including graphical reworks and such. Was an bit misleading I guess. Again, I believe the Xbox 720 and PS4 both have the same exclusives, wich Xbox 360 and PS3 will not recieve. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Yeah, they were working on it before Halo 3: ODST if I believe the articles. And exactly, It looks like Destiny is going to be very social and Halo Reach had an nice clean system for it.
Games can change alot in the early stages, perhaps in an earlier concept the traveler was more like a moon.
It is not always the same distance from Earth. http://scifiempire.net/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/destiny_desktop.jpg
I like it more when it is closer to earth, I don't know why, maybe it just adds more to the skybox but in a way it's beautiful.
It's a representation not a scale diagram... I do like they made traveler closer though, It looks like it would make the main town feel more of a safe haven which is what I think the main town is meant to be.
Im curious if this going to be a ps4 launch title, or if its just gonna be on its way to it. I know its gonna be for more than ps4, but frankly, Im tired of microsoft and am probably just getting a ps4.
The picture on the board, in Halo 3: Odst would look weird if the traveller was closer to earth... Think about it. And I believe the traveller is a ship? Then it would make sense it was higher above the earth at some point.
Was that even confirmed? I know it's not a good indication of when a game will come out but many sites have listed it to come out in Q3/early-Q4. Just curious.
Destiny release date not 2013, Activision confirms - ComputerAndVideoGames.com Destiny release date not 2013, Activision says | GamesRadar The internet rumors saying the game will release October 6th, 2013 on Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 result from a listing from a french retail site. The problem with that is Activision did not include Destiny in its year end earnings report for this year. If the game was to be released this year they would have included that so investors and Activision stock holders would have known about it. It's more likely they received an early tentative release date from Activision based on some internal deadlines and when those deadlines couldn't be reached Activision pushed back the release date.
Interesting, yet disappointing. I wonder how raids and dungeons (for the lack of better words) will work. Will it be "casualized" like Borderlands or will it be legitimately hard and require team strategy. I have been playing quite a bit of LoL so I'm kind of hoping for a variety of different skills from the bosses. In fact, I would probably enjoy a procedural skill/spell battle system in PvE as opposed to a procedural gun system seen in Borderlands. These are obviously just random thoughts of mine and not intelligent speculation by any means.
I'm quite interested to see how factions play out. I wonder if you can raid other factions... That would be cool.
Well this is rather interesting.. I noticed this myself earlier too, and that about the Pike sounds awesome. This really must be an open-world game, I already thought that from the beginning. Destiny News - Third Person Feature & Pike Vehicle Spotted!? - YouTube