Gun Control is not about stopping crimes and stopping these orchestrated mass shootings. Don't believe all the propaganda that spews from controlled and corrupt news media. There is a hidden agenda here... and it certainly isn't for your benefit. But if you want to call me a tinfoil hat wearing nutjob, be my guest. With that being said, banning guns wouldn't make much of a difference in crime or murders. A criminal will get a gun regardless. It's stupid to think otherwise. All it will do is make it harder for YOU to acquire a gun. Narcotics are illegal... can you still get those if you want them? [br][/br]Edited by merge: In case you have not noticed, the voting system is rigged and was proven with both Bush Jr. elections. It doesn't matter who you vote for... or "vote-out", which would just replace them with another scumbag.
Yeah, aliens have brainwashed our nation's leaders in an attempt to remove pistol grips from shotguns despite the fact that you can own a lot of weapons still. IT'S ALL A PART OF THE HIDDEN PLAN! Those pistol grips are vital to the protection of our society. ILLUMINATI! THE FREE MASONS! OH MY GOD! IT'S ALL MAKING SENSE! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!
I remember reading this a while ago and being pleasantly surprised it didn't go off topic or become a flame war. Why would you revive this with abortion religion and slavery, zombie? It's only worth reviving a thread if there's going to be a good discussion not off topic rants about whatever happens to be on your mind. To discuss the on-topic portion of your original point, assault rifles are not that much different from any other rifle. The classification is almost entirely cosmetic so there are rifles without the assault classification that would be just as effective for crime. Assault rifles are not unnecessary because depending on a person's style of shooting it can be much more comfortable to use an assault style weapon for hunting or target shooting. Laws are usually focused on assault weapons rather than just assault rifles but the same argument goes for shotguns and pistols. Your brother in law sounds like the kind of person who wants a gun for the sake of owning a gun and as such just wants it to look cool. Just because he takes this approach to guns says nothing about anyone else. You need to learn that an anecdotal piece of evidence says nothing about a large population. Stereotyping like that is not a good idea if you want an argument to hold weight.
...right, the anti-gun lobby (what is the opposite of the NRA...?) has a hidden agenda to make it harder for average joe citizen to shoot a dear in the face with a 30 shot magazine semi-auto weapon. No, gun control is not about stopping all crime or those who commit crimes. It is about enacting regulation that makes figuring out where a gun used in a crime came from, how to stop guns like it from being used in future crimes, and by imposing stricter controls on who can buy a gun and under what circumstances, because, and people seem to gloss over this like it is nothing, THEY KILL PEOPLE QUITE EFFICIENTLY. What "propaganda" are you even referring to. Speaking about it in vague, ambiguous, strokes is what makes people think of you as a "tin-hat" wearing crazy. ...and by who's numbers are you getting "banning guns wouldn't make much of a difference in crime or murders". By common sense alone the number of gun related homicides and accidental shootings would go down considerably if we "banned guns" as in all guns. Now, no legislator is suggesting we do so (despite what people think who don't seem to understand what regulation means). Yes, people who obtain guns through illegal means (black market, importing them from other countries, etc) would still do so but I think you are severely overestimated the amount of guns available for people to obtain that way. Most guns used in crimes were legally purchased or stolen from someone who legally purchased them. That's the whole idea behind a gun registry that the ATF is not allowed by laws pushed through (by the NRA) by congress to use to investigate gun crimes. Do you honestly think your garden variety convenience store robber will go through the effort of obtaining an illegal gun when they could with much less effort obtain one just by buying a gun from a pawn shop, in a state with minimal gun control laws, or by stealing one from someone who legally owned one. If you reduce the amount of "legal" guns available you reduce the amount of guns criminals have easy access to. Forcing them to use harder to obtain guns makes it easier for law enforcement to find those sources. As far as narcotics go, people aren't hiding rifles up their ass. Narcotics are muuuch easier to smuggle into the country than guns and muuuch easier to sell illegally than guns.
I think in an ideal world, guns would be publicly owned. No person would own firearms, and guns would be restricted to the military and perhaps monitored and regulated entertainment areas like gun ranges. I don't feel like responding to "what if we need to rebel against the government", so don't say that. please.
People are still confusing gun control with a blanket gun ban. You will probably always be able to own some kind of gun... Whether it be for recreation, protection or what have you. I don't understand where this misconception of "I won't be able to own any guns" is coming from to be honest... Unless you own some gnarly and unique gun I guess which they are considering banning.
my ideal opinion on gun control is banning private possession of firearms but yeah, gun control in america =/= banning guns
It comes from this irrational fear that King Supreme Leader Chairman Obama Bin Laden wants to take people's freedom away.
A big reason debates tend to be lame on this site (and most other online sites) is that people's massive (and sometimes unheard of) egos get in the way of good, civil conversation. Blaming it on ill-informed people is one thing, but it's another to take them as scapegoats. But I guess that's internet anonymity for ya..
Gun "regulations" is only the first step. It's called the Totalitarian Tip-Toe. So yes, I do think there will eventually be a "ban" of guns. These people do things in steps over time. But I'm not going to waste anymore of my time typing to ignorant know-it-alls who regurgitate the programmed consensus. Carry on clowns....
I demand the right to hold a grenade in Wal-Mart because it is my God given freedom to do so! God bless America! Suck it, commies.
What amazes me here is not that you (among many others) are incapable of at least seeing the holes in your own point of view (that helping people is apparently a stepping stone to totalitarianism) it's that you think our point of view is driven off of some sort of agenda we're not telling you. Is the belief that guns kill people, are used to kill people, and when they are not used to kill people they are used to kill other things, a completely foreign concept to you? Regardless of how strong someone holds onto the concept of "guns don't kill people, people kill people" it doesn't change the fact that the gun is the tool that does it. The tool does it very well. No car argument, baseball bat argument, bow and arrow, whatever comes close to the efficiency to which a gun kills people. We don't live in prehistoric times when hunting was the primary method of food gathering and survival. You know why people in this country are so wound up whenever "gun control" is hinted at? Because when it comes down to it, owning a gun is the most power any one person can have at any time in their life. On a primal level, owning a gun gives a person a feeling of knowing they can kill their predators and keep on surviving. I might not be the president, have a lot of money, hold any position of power in society, but as long as I have a gun, I am an equal to any other person in terms of survival. The key issue with that primal belief is it is an antiquated belief. And as far as sport or recreation goes, you know what, there a lot of ways people can have fun. The funny thing here is the excuse of "well you would know if you owned a gun and fired one", doesn't work most of the time. A lot of people own guns, shoot them at ranges. I own a handgun and I've shot it at ranges. I could give it up in a heartbeat and I don't go to shooting ranges every day, I highly doubt anyone who owns a gun does. Boredom is cured in soooo many other ways. This should be a discussion on what gun regulations should be done, how far they should go, which ones are not good. Not a discussion about gun banning which isn't on the table, and (indulging sharship ghost) even if it was, way down the line, its not what is being discussed now.
Is there something special about gun laws or are all forms of regulation bound to result in a totalitarian dictatorship?
Furry x Furry: Anyone ever tell you that you aren't funny? PacMonster1: You talk too much. Security: Yes, No.
None of that was a valid response to any of what was said. Wanna just try putting your fingers in your ears and saying, "la la la la, I can't hear you". Works just as well. Furry was doing an exaggerated joke based off of your own words about gun laws Reading won't kill you, and if you do it enough you might find that suddenly the world starts making more sense And yes, no to what? Yes, you find gun regulation special and no you don't think other forms of regulation lead to the same conclusion you draw for gun regulation? That's stupid in like every way.
Yeah, the corrupt Jew media's hidden agenda: conspiring to regulate gun ownership so that they can limit the amount of people killed with firearms. Those crafty sonsabitches. Anyone ever say that you're a... Oh wait, they've already said that. Don't listen to them man. I don't think you turn to guns as a way to empower yourself and shake your feelings of inadequacy and now see gun control as the only vestige of power in your life being infringed upon. It's all about protecting yourself from the government, because the government is jealous of your guns. Yeah, that it. The man wants your guns, because if the government ever decides to resurrect Hitler and anoint him king of America or something, you'd be powerless to stop them.
God this is so ****ing true. People cling to their guns as if they and their AR-15 are the last bastion of hope standing against the imminent government invasion of their suburban ranch home. You REALLY think you can take on the military if they want you dead? That's just about the most laughable thing I've ever heard. None of those guns is going to be of any use when they can just drop a missile through your roof from a drone.