So.. I don't know if it's been brought up yet, but apparently there are player classes, not just players. From what I've read so far there's a Titan, Warlock, Hunter, Scout and Vanguard. [SOURCE] "From left to right: Titan, Hunter, and Warlock."
If the female warriors are clad in metal bikinis like every other game out there, I will flip my ****.
Haven't we done this before? From what I recall, you said you only read part of one of the books. If I'm correct in remembering it was you, how about we abstain from generalizing about all the Halo books, some of us like the expanded universe. ...actually regardless if it was you before, let's abstain from generalizing about an entire series of books written by different authors with different styles.
I don't like the idea of Halo books. That being said, I strongly beleive that books are the best form of media to tell a story in. Games are fun, but fluctuate often based on the player and a sense of realism can be lost when your epic battle descends to tea-baggery. Movies are great windows to view, but are short. Books can be any size, have any detail, and tell the story intended with no limitation other than your own imagination.
^ you don't like the halo books. Because the "idea of them" is basically what you said right after. It's how the universe is expanded. Anyway, back to Destiny, whether books come out or not is up to the success of the game. If the universe is interesting enough and the fan reaction positive enough then it is entirely likely that books will result.
Yeah... It's probably because I'm not a halo fan. Halo 4 is the first plot I actually enjoyed. I still haven't beaten my Halo Anniversary plot and 3 was just awful in my opinion. I completely agree about the books being irrelevant to game success. It's the product of the game that matters in these universes. The books are nice for those who enjoy them, though.
No one ever stated the books were essential for a game's success. It's usually the opposite. Books are made because a game is successful. If you mean what was said regarding the most recent Halo books having a more integral context to the plot of Halo than prior books, than ok, that's not the same as the "success" of the game, that's just how well one follows the plot of the game. Anyway, joystiq has a nice recap explanation of the Destiny vidoc Recapping Bungie's 'Destiny' reveal | Joystiq
Anyone else watch the Vidoc for this and the whole time be thinking, "That looks like Halo... That looks like fifth element, that looks like Halo too, oh and that...." It does look interesting however and may end up being my replacement series for halo.
Reading around, I've noticed that you can find better weapons from doing "missions" (I don't know what else to call them), and these weapons pertain to your class. I wonder what the Warlock gets from these missions?
I hope they call them "instances" and not missions. I hate when games use a new name for terminology that already exists. I can't see why warlocks wouldn't get armour just like everyone else, and if they can't use weapons (which I doubt), their drops would be an equipable/ wieldable object that affects their spell damage, casting speed, range, mana use, type, e.c.t.
I preordered a few hours ago. I don't think the warlock actually uses magic. I was thinking powerful biotics.
But its not like they invented the term biotics.
Never played mass effect, but Biotic="Of, relating to, or resulting from living things." And I'm pretty sure mass effect isn't the only game that relates to living things... They definitely use some kind of magic in destiny if it comes from traveler or magic or bioengineering only Bungie knows. Do we battle giants or have giants on our team or even play as giants? My depth perception maybe off but to me these things look huge and there could be even bigger things not showing us.