Out of words.. The music.. Really don't know what to say besides, Amazing. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Not on PC.. Ha.. HAHA. AHAHAHAHAHAHHA! TAKE THAT. Its payback time PC.
The glimpses of FPS gameplay looked amazing too, although what is shown is not running off the 360. There is a **** load of more info in the OXM article. One of the biggest things mentioned is that it will probably be released next year, after the new Xbox has been released but still be available on the 360.
It sounds to me that the game is a FPS, with qualities of a MMORPG, and has competitive online multiplayer as mentioned in the article. Sounds sick and I am definitely looking forward to immersing myself in bungie's new world.
Honestly, it didn't look as great as you all are saying. They kept saying it was some revolutionary thing, but gave no reason for me to think so. It also seemed centered around a guy in a suit or armor, so in that sense I got a feel of a grittier Halo game from this. The lore seemed like it had potential, but ended up off-putting to me in the end. I'm still interested, but it wasn't a great first impression for me.
My take was mostly that everything they've shown so far (and not the stuff they're hinting about) feels way too familiar. A lot of it is Halo stuff, slightly rearranged. If there's a MMORPG element they should talk about and focus on that soon, I think, because visually, musically, and story-wise, most of what they're showing has a lot of Halo DNA in it. It could be that the game is hugely different from Halo, who knows? But first glimpse has it feeling more familiar than foreign to me, which after four iterations of Halo (+ ODST and Anniversary...) is maybe not such a good thing any more.
I think Ive fallen in love with Destiny.... Nah not really! Still a brilliant looking game that I will certainly be getting. I admit there is a small amount of Halo DNA it. The last weapon you see near the end of the ViDoc looks kinda like an Assualt Rifle from Halo. Either way. Im buying this game, Ive got absolute faith that Bungie can pull this off.
The two main points in your post don't show up in the vidoc at all: >There is no single hero in a suit/armor. >It doesn't look gritty at all. I honestly think, from the little I've seen, that it looks pretty good. Nothing mind blowing, because they've only really teased some lore and about 4 seconds of pre alpha gameplay footage, but nevertheless, I'm happy we finally got something. Anyone outright complaining about it or assuming it's the greatest thing ever right now is pretty damn silly considering how little we've seen. But I wont bullshit, I'm a little excited. If it's gonna be an MMOFPS, I wonder will it work more like Battlefield Heroes, or will it work more like Firefall? Having like, a massive world, in which you can battle players and take part in matches, while at the same time go out and fight AI enemies and farm for gear and explore and ****, that'd be cool. Especially with Bungie designing the universe, it's bound to be pretty damn interesting. We'll see once it comes out. I'm interested that it's being advertised for coming out next year, which undoubtedly we'll have next gen consoles by its release, but it's also coming out on the current gen? It'd be a wise sales push to have it on release for Next Gen, that'd be a hell of a launch title.
Bye bye Halo, welcome Destiny! If I said bye to Halo before Halo 4 came out I'd declare myself insane, but bungie > 343i
I can understand that, but (1) while there is no single hero in a suit, there is still you (protagonist). The images of many unique heroes appeared as possibilities for customizing to me, but it is too early to tell. Still, my point of heavily armored guardians of humanity rings true. Secondly, (2) it looks a whole lot grittier than Halo ever did. halo has always been rather clean and polished aside from some scrapes on the armor. This seems to have dirt all over everything and a sense of ruin.
(1) I agree.. They took their experience from halo IMO. These "Hero,s" do remind me of Spartans, but just a little less heroic.. and more vulnerable. (2) Yes, but you have to remind yourself : This is a part of the game now, and the release date isn't even clear, it could be 2014. They wanted something to show, and they did. But the only thing I could see is that the vegetation was unclean, not polished.. (3:23) And those gameplay parts gave nothing, I could only see two portals connected with 4 beams, probally activated before. Im going to scan this video to the max though, to find out more. Im excited for this. To me the soldiers remind me of spartans, they just do. (2:30) Though they don't look similair I have my reasons. And The Traveller.. Reminds me of Forerunners, they guard the humans. Didact : "We are Forerunners, Guardian of all that exists" At (3:40) we see a weapon, and just because of that ammo count it reminds me strongly of the Assault rifle, and at that point the area looks amazing. And lol.. I just realised, this video is released at day 7.. Seven will always be with bungie.
The people complaining by saying it seems too similar to halo...my stance is why is that a bad thing? I mean halo is an immensely well crafted universe. Destiny obviously won't be Halo but even if it had picked up the faintest of whiffs of what made Halo such a great framework to work within than I say good. To people who act like unless it is so polar opposite of Halo than they can't enjoy it than that's a shame, you must dislike most modern media that draws inspiration from projects that came before it.