I actually might have something to bring to this. Sign me up for reserves, I'm not positive I'll be there but the odds are 50/50 at the moment.
Nice. I'll take slot 5 please. Unfortunately I won't have a mic but if we do the one test then rotate thing I'm sure I'll catch on. I hate not being able to talk while we play but my wife has exams coming up (which is why I'm missing Tuesday). Basically every four weeks or so I'll have to miss a Tuesday lobby because that's one of her few totally free nights (binge celebration after block exams night, yay). Hopefully this doesn't jeopardize my permaslot but I will let you know the weeks I can't make it so you'll know not to put me down (if you do go through with the idea).
yeap. Recording? yeap. (I got back real late last night. Only found one possible place so far. I got to get at it to have this map ready for tonight.)
List updated. Note: ForgeWolf asked to be taken off due to a misunderstanding of the time difference, so I'm not screwing him over or anything by not including him on the list.
are you recording both nights sunday and tuesday Edited by merge: Also i usually run a lobby at a different site sundays so i might be able to bring a few players. They aslo have some semi decent forges
I might hold off on two things i really want to test until tuesday. they are both untested and one is unseen by anyone and one is a modified version of my floor map.
Hey guys, still up for the lobby but I'll have to take a quick break at 8 for a few minutes but I'll join right back in after. Ideally I will only miss one game.
I would have liked to come, but I was set to look at contest submissions tonight. Still, if you guys are still going later we can maybe party up. Thanks for the invite either way.
So my internet connection was especially terrible tonight. I'm sorry I messed up teams when I rejoined. When I ran by the same mongoose 6 or 7 times in a row due to lag teleporting I decided it was time to call it a night. Still had fun for the non-laggy games though.
Recap for Sunday Feb. 17th Talk about it! Non-map-related point of interest: how did you like changing the party lead every game instead of every other? Better, worse or indifferent?