Gonna watch Tangled soon, my girlfriend said she liked it, I thought it would be standard but when I heard my friends and people here liked it too I did get curious. I didn't like much of the music for Wreck-it (Skrillex at one point... meh), and there are some bits of the script that were a little bit too cheesy for my liking. But the rest made up for it for me. (The Candyland place made me lol. Diet Cola Springs and the Falling mentos from the roof of the cave, and the NesQuiksand. That was pretty clever.)
Its and older movie, but my friend recommended Good Will Hunting and i must say it was a fantastic movie, me being from around the area it was shot on, its funny to see the actors put the Boston accent on. Definitely would recommend, kind of a feel good/ drama movie. Robbin William's surprised me and i grew to really enjoy his character
I don't know where else to put this.. so I'll just put it here: "Arrested Development" Season 4 Date Confirmed
I watched this movie with my friend last saturday on netflix, its called the new guy, i havent watched an actual comedy movie that made me laugh so freaking hard in all my life but jesus christ this movie literally is so funny. Its about this nerdy white kid who gets expelled from his school and he goes to prison for it, and he meets this guy in prison who is literally crazy and he pretty much runs the prison and everyone in it, and he teaches the kid how to be tough and how to control people and stuff and then he goes to a new school and becomes like a badass, it doesent sound that funny but its so funny it literally made me cry like my sides hurt.
Just saw Django.... and gotta say, was disappointed.. it had its funny moments, but it was too random. Plus tarantino's too obsessed with blood/people screaming/wtf moments. And this random guy kept laughing in the theater whenever someone got shot... it was slightly disturbing.
I didn't like the "dumbness" of the story, it was more weird than funny for me. Felt like inglourious basterds but with more pomp and less humor, I guess. That said, I really liked the beginning?
i can assure you, Tarantino's writing is as solid as it gets, and there's really not a random moment in any of his films unless he wants it to be there, which makes it not random at all really... evil random. and the reason the guy was laughing is that he's either a psychopath, or he's like me and highly entertained when tension breaks in a movie, especially if that tension is broken with old school blood packet special effects. and eric, every time you use "quotes" like that i want to "slap" you.
I don't see it. I mean, have you seen Tarantino's other movies? Django is literally one of the most straight forward movies he's done. Bounty Hunter needs to kill an outlaw. He needs Django's help to identify the outlaw. Django wants to be with his wife. Bounty Hunter agrees to help Django free his wife. Django finds his wife. Samuel Jackson acts like Samuel Jackson...only more dickish. **** ensues, end of movie. I've abstracted away all the killing bits but that really is the straightest line a Tarantino movie gets as far as plot. I mean, if anything the movie lacked most of Tarantino's famous "random"ness that ties his movies together. I don't disagree that some might not like the gratuitous gore scenes, and I suppose liking a plot is a very subjective thing, but it's just weird to hear the movie described as "weird" or hard to follow. Now, I saw the new Die Hard movie tonight...that was hard to follow. Mind you I still enjoyed the action, but it was the worst Die Hard of the series.
Random was the wrong word, I'm just too lazy to think about it too much atm. The guy was laughing at: Spoiler when samuel jackson's character gets shot in his knee caps at the end and was screaming. The guy kept bursting out in laughter at all the wrong times.. i drew a pretty big blank when trying to understand why someone would laugh at that lol
Spoiler A slave who was pretending to be crippled reveals that he can walk fine, then immediately gets shot in the knee. Pretty hilarious if you ask me. Also, I'm pretty sure there is no "wrong time" to laugh during a Tarantino movie. The best movie I've seen of late is Side Effects. Talk about a twist...
The last movie I went and seen was Warm Bodies. It was an okay movie, but don't expect traditional zombies. Its supposed to be a blend of romance, comedy, and action? Not so much action but yeah. 6/10
Watched Cabin in the Woods. I was very pleasantly surprised by this, I think it's now one of my top 5 horror movies... However: (not a big spoiler at all, really, but just in case Spoiler The ending was... pretty corny. Edit: Saw Argo tonight... and it was great, I really enjoyed it. Glad it won best picture, very unique and inspirational story..