Halo 3 Rat's Nest Remake Its Finally Here! After All The Waiting My Final Halo Remake, And its a Good One! Details : This Map is Version [1.0] It is Currently only set up for Slayer Gametypes. For The Same Gametype i Used in My Gameplay, Just Send Me a Message on XBL asking for it. This Map Plays a Max of 7v7 Best Results Are [SIZE=4]6v6. [/SIZE] Forge Details : The Map is Currently in Stage 1 Dynamic Lighting. I Have Reach Forge's Max Object Limit With This One, The Is Frame Rate Lag in some Lines Of Sight, when playing with Ordnance Drops. !Teaser Picture! (Scroll Down Lower For More Goodies!) KAZEROID P.O.V GAME PLAY (Live) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SFjeVHV3LRU Rat's Nest Show Case Video! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFDmhBgz1e0 BLUE FLAG ROOM Rocket Cliff Drainage Ally Red Base
This looks amazing, man. Sorry I couldn't make it to your test, I was already in a big lobby and didn't want to lose my spot. I will bring this to Nondual (the guy running the customs I was in) so that we can test this properly.
I Have Tested This Map a couple times, it plays best With My Custom Settings, -No Sprint -Speed increased to 120% -No Instant Re-spawn -Jump Height 110% -Player Damage 110% -Player Load-outs -Ordnance Drops enabled. Kind of a mixture of Infinity Slayer and My Old School Settings.
Sorry about not accepting your invite yesterday; I'm just not a fan of Rat's Nest. Looks great though, I might have to hop around on it for fun later.
Its all Good, we eventualy got a game going, and i dont know why my Videos Are Not Showing up on Here Now... Theres the links tho.
If you used Station Corridor Ramps, instead of Station Corridors, I bet your lighting would start working.
According to the dynamic lighting guide, the station ramps are less taxing than the station corridors. I don't know why and haven't tested it myself, but it would probably be worth a try for your map.
lee is correct, though the station ramps are a little trickier to use and preclude you from using the coordinates to align. you have to nudge manually but I've had success w/ it. you can use something like 5x as many ramps as corridors with respect to lighting, so it's a good swap to make. also, sorry I couldn't join you for the testing session a week or so ago. been busy but probably will be able to get some games in soon.
I didn't know about the ramps, good to know. Really sucks you can't line the station pieces side by side without bumps but what can ya do. I'd like to apologize also for not being able to join the match testing but I'm out of town here for a couple more weeks so I'm AFK a lot. I did check out the map today in Forge and looks like it's great classic warthog fun. I loved Rat's Nest for the warthogs in H3. I wasn't a fan of the "look" of the map with colors and what not but the circular track was what sold me. Nice job on the remake Kaz. Hope it's not too much of a pain in the ass to get that lighting back but it looks like it will be... maybe not too bad. At least it's just flooring that needs replaced.
There is a modded gametype with sprint disabled or no instant respawn, and both together. I don't know if that's what was used but it exists. I think the next TU update will have the option to disable instant respawn... so I heard.
i dont think you can make this map without the lighting being broken, it just requires too much floor, walls ie big flat pieces to be able to make it without this happening, i still cant think of any pieces that would work to make it size accurate like yours. Job well done kaz
your custom settings seem similar to an old school halo 3 settings i use. damage 110 shields 90 resupply and explosives. and br starts. it makes the battle rifle 4shot again like in halo 3. consider trying it. i like it a lot personally. =)
Halo 4 Forge Quacks #29 - Preventing shadows on Forge pieces - YouTube Put all the pieces to spawn a few seconds in when the loadout camera plays, could get rid of your problem