Or PAX east which is right before that GDC isn't much of a reveal conference, that conference is more about video game development insights.
being from Seattle is not much of an excuse for a AAA development studio. They can go wherever they want to pitch their game. I'm just saying PAX East is a more likely place to reveal game information to fans than at the Game Development Conference. I could be wrong but I highly doubt geographic location factors into the decision much.
They are almost certainly announcing it at PAX. Read the bungie mail sack. They mentioned that they better keep zombies away from PAX. Hint hint much?
It appears we were both wrong, Pac... It's being revealed over a month earlier than either of us thought... https://twitter.com/destinythegame
Some information about Destiny and gamestop pre-order swag Bungie's Destiny pre-order posters arrive at GameStop | Joystiq
Looking forward to the reveal. I wonder how close to Halo this game is going to be. Obviously they'll be taking some measures to separate the two, but just the fact that this is an FPS is a small surprise to me, and shows that Bungie may understand full well what's been buttering their bread for the last decade.
If the game has a map maker, I vote that 4chub becomes a Destiny website. It's got to be better than Halo 4. Got to be.
Well, I don't know about all that - but if it does have a map maker and the game is any good, we may have to talk about adding sub-forums for it. I would like it if the site diversified and became just a bit more all-purpose than it is. Halo forge is awesome, but many people here make maps in other games too.
It's been talked about a lil bit. Minecrafthub, too. Not as the main focus, but their own sub-forum. My main argument is that we should make sure the games have legs before dedicating a full space to them; don't want tumbleweeds blowing through after a month. But I think at the very least Minecraft will be around a while, and Trials looks like it ought to be, too. Far Cry is another contender but I think the multiplayer nobody really likes hurts it as a long-term prospect.
Can't agree more.. Halo is the main focus. But, like you said, people make maps in other games too. I would be very interested. But I don't know what you guys expect from Destiny, I think its going to be an MMORPG and that is not likely to have an editor. Though I don't really know what to believe anymore, because we have seen an "Wallpaper/Poster" and that showed the Xbox 360 logo. I just have an feeling that this isn't a kind of game for an editor, but I really don't know. We have only speculated towards what the game could be by looking at the Concept Art. Im excited for tommorow, they are going to show, reveal Destiny. Im hoping they are going to give us something awesome.
...what? Why? If by "factions" you mean it would cause new members to join the site with interests other than Halo then, yes I suppose so.
I saw this happen in another online community I was a member of for a long time. We had fun leagues and played regularly. As more and more games came out, the community slowly fractured with multiple groups buying and playing different games. The leagues and events died off and game nights were harder to get together. Everything changes of course, but SilentJacket makes a good point. You guys have a good thing going here.
Ah.. Still just as interested. And I would not like to see the site "Teared" apart.. Trailshub, Minecrafthub etc. Still interested in that though, im sure we can keep it controlable if something gets considered.