Continuing my annual tradition I flew the overnight to Sydney and back as to not exist on February 14th.
didn't take it as offensive haha, but I'm 16, but realistically have been lurking the interwebs since i was like 11 or 12, so i've seen her before, and dont really find it amusing
I'm lurkin' and posting Got 28 solo on kino der toten the other day.. i'm too cheap for blops 2 w/ mappack. Took about two hours
So stayed home sick from school today, started playing der rise solo at 1:15... its 6:45 and ive reached round 50, should i keep going or just end it before my xbox implodes? Also im taking a break right now, and have a pound of ground hamburg, anyone have any good simple recipes i can use it with?
Take the meat, head it up in the microwave, and eat it/make love to it. Wait, no, I mean, yeah, Zombies is frreaking FUN.
So from 50-52 it took me an hour Then i died because i slipped on my siliquifier jizz and slid into the horde that i was training had a full siliquifier and full rpd
I got to 35 in kino last night, and died when two, yes, TWO zombies cornered me as I was rebuilding windows after the round. But still, I got over 1,000 kills so I'm happy. I basically used every weapon in the game to get to that point. At one point it took 6 shotgun shots to the head to kill a single zombie, was funny
it took 20+ hits with the galvanknuckles at 52, and those are a one hit kill till round 15 lmao, i only used two guns the whole game though haha, i was gunna pack a punch my rpd once the demons came though You know, that whole process of getting to round 52 without glitching took over 6 hours of straight play, it amazes me that im only 16,000 in the world for rounds on that level, thought i'd be alittle higher at least