I know you guys will enjoy my remake of The Pit, Tartarus. Tartarus - The Pit Please, give it a look. Screenshots are provided in the thread above.
Ive got Rat's nest and Headlong. please enjoy. Rats Nest: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-standard-maps/143741-spartan-nest.html#post1574783 Headlong: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-standard-maps/143737-oni-station-h3adl0ng.html#post1574758
For all fans of Uncaged on Halo:Reach, I've created a new HALO 4 map called "Ode to Uncaged". I duplicated UNCAGED for a basic starting point, then tweaked it for greater game play. There are new locations on the map, new features allowing for quick movement from one place to another, a top tier above the center portion of the map, etc. I think you'll like it. Hope all game types that I placed on the map are good enough for you all to enjoy. Only RED, BLUE, YELLOW and GREEN teams are configured. I could do more if there's a need. NEGATIVE: I believe I put too many INITIAL DROPS for weapons. I think there are too many. Let me know what you think. If you have strong opinions, tell me how many initial drops, and the type of weapon I should place on there. I'm hoping to have it reviewed by the folks who recommend maps to the "COMMUNITY FORGE TEST". Let me know what you think.
Updated! A reminder to please clearly list the file share and name if you're submitting one, otherwise I don't know what you're talking about and can't put it up! And to Specia1 K, not sure, running into budget issues... gotta start cutting corners and been busy the last week... soon! Ill keep you updated
Best countdiwn remake http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-standard-maps/143735-countdown.html follow the thread above. download at gt: A R C A S I U S
Ah, I see. Definitely understandable. I'm in the process of making improvements to my Burial Mounds remake as well, though it may be a week or two before I'm able to finish overhauling/tweaking it. I'm personally going to enjoy doing some customs on Standoff when it's ready (miss those good old H3 maps!). And for those of you who have tried it out (or have yet to try it), be expecting an improved Burial Mounds in the near future. Until then I've still got the latest Infinity and classic versions in my file share.
the forge test gametype was only up for a week, it will be back but i wouldnt expect ur map to make it there, just honest opinion, sure we would all love to see our maps in matchmaking but the reality of it acterly happening is another thing. good luck anyways chubbymex
I'm here, but people aren't posting their remakes here! I have this thread bookmarked and check it every day - but can only find so many on my own!
man, i would love to see a remake of high ground and snow bound. love those levels [br][/br]Edited by merge: i found it. its by "Menos Wulf19" i downloaded it. not bad, but not that well done. missing areas and such
You Should check out my maps. I know you will all enjoy them they are very accurate remakes of Halo 3's Foundry, Citadel, and Guardian. Sorry for the lack of pics in the threads but I assure you they're worth the download. Earthwork Refuge Paladin @Pharmacyninja- I think I will be including either High Ground, Snowbound, or Isolation in my next set of maps. HCTF Reaper
I have a cleaned up version of Sword Base on my file share. I've not posted a topic on it as it's a (sort of) co-forge. The original author had a strong overall structure, but it was messy and had budget issues. I went through and aligned every piece, made almost every floor a dark piece, improved the budget, and did major overall aesthetic cleanup. It's still slayer variants only, and it's not splitscreen friendly (as pretty much every other map). GT: CombatantSteve
For anyone interested, I have a remake of the original Halo 2 Sanctuary in my fileshare. The map is made on Forge Island, and I tried to make it identical to the Halo 2 version, so you can expect the lines of sight and everything to be exactly the same. download link: File Share Halo Official Site Link to FH thread: http://www.forgehub.com/forum/halo-4-standard-maps/144969-halo-2-sanctuary.html#post1586673
Sidewinder by NOKYARD Sorry, i haven't posted this anywhere yet other than JDHarbs thread over at Waypoint. File Share I don't recommend linking the actual map file since i tend to update it frequently. pics
Hello folks, I would just like to add my contribution to the forging remakes, I have created an excellent Lockout, I called it Reachout, My gamertag is Freelancer Redd. It looks really great, and I've downloaded quite a few versions, but none where up to snuff, so I had made my own which is done very nicely. If you're interested in it just go to my fileshare(File Share Halo Official Site). Also I have little experience with setting up the gamemodes, so if anyone is interested in helping me set up the game modes, just msg me sometime, and by this I don't mean for you to come in and alter the map aesthetics, just help with objective placements and improved spawns so teams can't spawn trap so easily.
There's a damn near perfect remake of Lockout called Shutout. I see it all the time in the SWAT playlist. If i can find a link... yea here Killtacular on Lockout ... Shutout. Halo 4... Shutout - YouTube