Drop Spawning

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by CrafiestBeef, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    ^ Yep.

    I mean, basically, if you choose to use drop spawns, you need to be aware that your power weapons won't be on the map half the time that you expect them to be, especially right at the beginning of games - unless you drop-spawn them a few feet away from your initial spawns.

    To me, it doesn't seem worth wrestling with.
  2. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Idk if you guys are doing it wrong or what?

    I drop spawned my power weapons and they never despawned. I played a game with Urbanmyth, Giventofly, and someone else & it worked fine. I will say that one weapon was set wrong at first to where it dropped then bounced to a second landing spot. In this situation it would despawn quick like you guys are saying. I'm curious to what is going on in your situations.
  3. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    The weapons land and then despawn really quickly. Unless I'm misunderstanding you?

    I wouldn't bother with drop spawning... Two reasons -

    1. Obviously, the stupid fast despawn timer.

    2. Teams can just not show up to a major power weapon spawn and not be punished by delays from the other team. This one alone would keep me from using drop spawns even if they worked like they did in Reach.
  4. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    I noticed what I perceived to be a very fast despawning soccer ball the past couple days.

    I'm working on a mechanism that requjires the ball to travel to a detonator to trigger a door.

    when I trigger the initiation of the event by shooting out a fusion coil to start the movement of the ball, if I'm far enough away it appears as though the ball almost immediately despawns upon moving.

    That totally breaks my idea for this new map.

    Is this being caused by the proximity factor possibly? Like, is it that I'm so far away from the ball after I snipe the coil to get it moving, that is causing it to despawn so frickin' fast?
  5. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I'll check tonight but I'm almost positive that the weapons didn't despawn. Just the rail gun despawned after landing & then bouncing but I fixed it from bouncing & it works perfect. I'll make a double check tonight.
  6. a Chunk

    a Chunk Blockout Artist
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    I don't know if this has been mentioned, but if you stare at a drop spawned weapon it will not despawn. Also, I believe proximity affects is, so if you are close to it, then it will not despawn. So if you're testing this out, you need to keep that in mind. Stand on the opposite side of the map for 20 seconds, and then see if your drop spawned weapon is still there.
  7. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    It's official. You guys are doing something wrong. I tested it out and it works fine. The only difference comes when you drop a weapon it despawns fast but if you set it up right, drop spawning works 100 percent correctly. I had a SAW set to 120 respawn. When the game started I ran around the entire map for a minute or two and saw all 4 weapons (drop spawned) never despawn. They all remained where they were dropped too. I then grabbed the SAW & ran around shooting & sure enough, right at 2 minutes after I picked it up it respawned & never despawned. I tried it far away, up close, full clip, and empty clip. I tried it while holding the SAW & after dropping the SAW. It always respawned on the timer correctly so it works just like its supposed to. Idk what you guys are doing wrong but there is no reason to hesitate drop spawns.
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    You're jumping to conclusions a little swiftly. If you read the post I linked to earlier, that guy clearly had at least some idea what he was doing. xAudienceofone is also no dummy when it comes to forge. And we all know despawning is funky in Halo 4, though the jury is out on exactly how. For all we know it could be dependent on...

    1. The particular weapon
    2. How far it drops
    3. How much it moves, or doesn't move, once it hits the ground
    4. How close any player is when it spawns (we don't know what proximity affects despawning)
    5. Lines of sight
    6. The gametype
    7. Other?

    Personally, I'd stay away from this until somebody fully understands it and all the various factors that affect it. My vote would go to someone science-minded (like MrGreenWithAGun) who will run a bunch of tests and check every last variable. As for me, I'm not gonna get involved, because when it comes to drop spawning, I just don't think it's worth the bother.
    #28 Nutduster, Feb 15, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2013
  9. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well I'm not attempting to sound like a douche and please don't think I'm denouncing you guys in your forge knowledge. I've been around for a long time & have witnessed the hard work audience has done to get where he is now. I just know its working for me. I've got a SAW, Railgun, Plasmalauncher, & Needler all drop spawned & neither despawned & I tested this from all over my map so they were out of sight, far away, up close and so on. That's efficient enough for me, but feel free to do what you want. I had no intentions of being insulting or negative it just seems you're doing something wrong cuz I've got it working.

    I like the drop spawns. I like to time the weapons & to know when my better weapons are going to spawn. Without drop spawns that's nearly impossible. Then it goes off the weapon being used and the player dropping it (I think it does anyway). It just seems ideal for a competitive game ya know?

    Also, I have the weapons set to "max number on map: 2" so that even if I'm holding the weapon with or without ammo in it, it still respawns at the set time after its picked up.
    #29 Zombievillan, Feb 15, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2013
  10. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
    Senior Member

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    i would like to hear more about how you set this up because like I said above I've got a soccer ball that I don't want to despawn immediately if I'm far away from it. How far? you may ask... the distance from the griffball court on Erosion to where the tower thing is at the end of erosion. Aiming and sniping a coil to get the ball moving seems to immediately despawn. When up close and shooting the coil, you can see the ball moves and doesn't despawn for quite a while.

    Oh how I wish there was a despawn timer!!!!!!!
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I've had the same problem behavior with crates. I was trying to make a minigame that involved floating crates, and depending on your proximity to them they would often just pop out of existence as soon as they moved even slightly. A despawn timer you could set on a per-object basis would be awesome, but barring that, I'd much prefer a return to the simpler and more reliable system Bungie used in Reach, than what we have now.
  12. zombified panda

    zombified panda Forerunner

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    In my opinion, drop spawning is dead. The whole reason for drop spawning was based on two things to my knowledge, one- So it makes a "thump" sound and mlg kids can hear when the weapon was dropped and two- because it was on a consistent timer. If the weapon was set to respawn every minute it would drop at 12 min, 11 min, 10 min ext. I found in 4 if you set the weapon up correctly the weapon can drop and not despawn, but the timer only starts when the player picks up the weapon. Thus, there is no point to drop spawning anymore because it acts the same as a weapon placed on the ground.
  13. Zombievillan

    Zombievillan Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I didn't know about the sound thing, but I like to know the weapon will respawn exactly on "x" amount of seconds after I pick it up. It doesn't work that way with regular placement. At least not in Reach or H3 anyway.

    And btw, all the weapons are still working right without despawning & I've played many times on it. Bare in mind it's a 2v2 so I'm never that crazy length away from the weapons.

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