Halo 4 Matchmaking - Thanks A Lot

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Starship Ghost, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Halo 4 Matchmaking Related Changes I'd Like To See

    The way Big Team Battle is now, it is more chaotic than ever before. Halo is faster than ever before. We have Personal Ordnance which drops down power weapons as rewards for each of the 16 players in the maps. We have sprint on be default and even an option for unlimited sprint. We have DMRs that can shoot at long range across the whole open big team maps. Why aren't the Big Team Maps bigger than ever before? In fact, most feel smaller than ever before. This is the one thing that annoys me in Halo 4. BTB maps should be bigger and they aren't. Not to mention the 2 horrible maps in the game are BTB maps. To fix BTB, since the maps are so small and nobody moves around the maps because you get more kills sitting behind cover camping with the DMR. I say let's just remove the DMR from BTB altogether and force a Battle Rifle for example as primary weapon for everyone. This will help with map movement and people will actually start leaving their side of the map.

    The other main problem with BTB, is the plasma pistol and sticky grenade combo of loadouts. Every single person having a plasma pistol and 2 plasma grenades can effectively take down any vehicle that comes in their path just about. All it takes is a charged plasma EMP to that vehicle and 2 stuck grenades and boom! Vehicles are blowing up within seconds of getting in them. Most people won't even get in Warthogs because they are useless now. The Banshee is near useless as well as you can't even dodge anything anymore. The fact that there are more power weapons also from personal ordnance wasn't even taken into account by whoever tested this game. Unless they wanted to make BTB a choatic frenzy of non-competitive crazyness. My point is... it sucks now and it did not in Halo 3 or Halo: Reach. Make the Plasma Pistol and Sticky Grenades Map weapons or at least make it so everyone doesn't have both in a loadout. It's weird the loadouts are not an issue in small maps but they are in BTB.

    Some of Halo 4's maps are great like Exile, Ragnarock, and Haven. Others are just basically good like Complex, Longbow, and Adrift. Solace is mediocre at best, but it looks pretty. And some just flat out suck like Vortex and Meltdown. For Forge maps Erosion is not that good at all and the Forge Palette is ugly while the dynamic lighting only exists in 1 or 2 small locations outside. It is very difficult to make a good looking map on Erosion and the terrain is absolutely horrible. Impact is an amazing forge map with very little terrain to work with, which is weird because the map is so huge. Ravine is an awesome forge map as well with not enough terrain once again. Of course this is all a matter of opinion but I think they need to do a much better job with making maps here. The Crimson DLC was mediocre at best. Shatter and Wreckage are both horrible for BTB due to the size of the maps being too small for 16 people. Shatter is boring to me and it's nothing special... I do like Wreckage but I'd only like it 4v4 or 5v5. Harvest is a great map and is a lot of fun for 4v4 or 5v5 as well. The Majestic Map Pack looks really good for extremely small matches. So we are getting one more map pack (Castle) with 3 more maps and that's it???? There is not enough maps here for Halo 4... Reach felt like it had enough. We need a 4th map pack please.


    - Pink Vs Baby Blue
    Red Vs. Blue never looked so bad. Why did they change it? Some say it is for people who are colorblind, some say it is an aesthetic choice. Either way it looks terrible compared to past Halos in my opinion. Yeah you get use to it... but that's no excuse. Not everyone is colorblind ya know. If that is the reason for taking the color out, it should be an option in the menu like other games for colorblind people to switch it on or off.

    - Join-In-Progress
    This is just horrible, because you only join a team that has players who are quitting and players usually only quit when they are getting raped and losing. It's not fun joining a match like this and it happens way too often.

    - Instant Respawn
    I don't think instant respawn should be in matchmaking at all. If you aren't patient enough to wait 3 seconds or whatever to spawn, then I don't know what to tell you, lol. It just isn't very competitive to spawn so quick.

    - Flood Weapons
    Yes, this again... we really need it and it's extremely important for custom games.

    - Spartan Ops
    For the love of God-Mind, give us an option to only connect to people with good internet connections. 95% of the Spartan Ops missions I join in matchmaking with random players are unplayable due to "Button Input Lag". The netcoding is different for Spartan Ops due to scripting needed for the enemies and such. You need a good internet connection like at least a basic Comcast Cable connection, or whatever cable company your area has. DSL is horrible for video games. Also, make sure your family members or room mates are not downloading porn or watching videos on youtube while you play this please. Turn off your computers and devices hogging up bandwidth if your internet connection can't handle Spartan Ops. You ruin the game for everyone else.

    Thanks for Reading.
    #1 Starship Ghost, Feb 14, 2013
    Last edited: Mar 4, 2013
  2. MockKnizzle008

    MockKnizzle008 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Jesus Christ are you a whiny *****. Not even enough friends to play doubles? No wonder you don't like Halo.
  3. Chron

    Chron Ancient
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    This might not be the best response but I can't help but agree with Mock. It seems like you've really just created the thread to vent your frustrations from playing the game. The issue here is that you've hardly given any reasoning at all as to why you dislike certain parts of the game. For example "SWAT - Garbage", why is it garbage? Elaborate on your points otherwise there's hardly any room for discussion.

    At this point I really don't think a thread that provides absolutely nothing to discuss is worth anyone's time. If you feel the need to share your hate for Halo 4 it's probably best if you keep it in the Halo 4 Discussion thread.
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    The saddening part about this list is that there are so many more important things that ruin Halo 4 (things that a large number of people can agree upon) and you have yet to touch the surface of them or they hold such little weight on your list.
    #4 Loscocco, Feb 14, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  5. Elite Warrior5

    Elite Warrior5 Forerunner
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    I don't think Haven is in a map pack, also that map looks and plays great.
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Starship Ghost - you're of course entitled to your opinions, and to express them here or elsewhere; but it seems to me that if you really hate the entire game that much, you should probably move on to some other way to spend your time. I honestly find it puzzling how often people say they've "had enough" and yet keep on playing as if they HAVEN'T had enough.

    Also, if you want to start a conversation like this and not have it turn into a flame war, I'd suggest tempering your language by a lot. Casually dismissing huge chunks of the game as "garbage" without explanation is basically bait for pointless arguments and making people mad. You'd be better served by saying "I don't like this" and then explaining why. Give people a chance to understand your reasoning and reply to it; don't just use the easiest insult at hand.

    Frankly, I think the gaming community needs to retire the words "garbage" and "broken." They're simplistic, reductive, and 95% of the time, inaccurate.
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    Your arguments for why you don't like things are shallow and highly opinionated. What was the purpose of this? I really don't understand what compelled you to come to a place where the people here generally enjoy Halo 4 and complain with no real argument. Okay, so you think Team Snipers is garbage. That's fine, but if you want an actual conversation, don't call it garbage and tell us why you dislike it. Personally, I'm not a fan of team sniper either, but I'm not going around the forums calling it trash and trying to draw attention to that or myself. To each their own, just don't try forcing you opinions on us (especially like this and without reason).
  8. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Well, thank you "CawkJizzle", I appreciate your input.

    Edited by merge:

    You're right buddy... I was a little drunk last night when I typed it, I will reword it better. Honestly, I thought some people would think it was funny. I think Mocknizzle was one of the ones that got pissed. Maybe he loves Swat and I called it garbage, waaahhhhh. I should have worded it better, so I'm doing editing to the OP.
    #8 Starship Ghost, Feb 14, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013
  9. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I thought what you typed was kinda bothersome actually.

    To each their own.

    Edit: I saw that update you made on SWAT/Snipers, any what you listed as reasons for why you don't like them are opinions. There is nothing wrong with the gametype, they only give another way to play. If you don't like that gametype don't play it.
    #9 Audienceofone, Feb 14, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  10. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I don't play it.... and never did. What do you want from me? lol.
  11. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm just saying that you shouldn't insult a gametype that you don't like. There are plenty of other ways to play the game, and some prefer SWAT or Snipers. A lot of people love those games, and they play well for what they are meant to do, so there's no reason to attack them.
  12. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I re-worded what I said about both gametypes to prevent pissing people off. What do you want me to change about it now? If it's not good enough, Please let me know. I'm not trying to piss people off on purpose.

    EDIT: I just edited it again, lemme know what you think... or don't? Thanks anyway for your input.

    EDIT: Ok guys, I simplified the post and made a final edit. I left out pointless venting. There isn't anything wrong with Snipers and Swat and I didn't mean that it should be removed. In fact, I think the more playlists the better but unfortunately, they limit the number of them.
    #12 Starship Ghost, Feb 14, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2013
  13. AussieForger

    AussieForger Promethean

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    yeh i get what u guys mean, this does seem like a venting page but im not going to say anything offensive. There are plenty of things i like/dont like about halo 4 but you dont heer me going on about it. Easy way to fix this would be to hope that they take it back to their roots, halo ce hehehe, best game ever. i played some halo 1 the other day, was so much simpler back in the day.
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    For better or worse, games have moved away from that beautiful simplicity. Every game now is grossly overcomplicated because either they think that's what we want, or we've proven that really is what we want. I don't mind the new games at all, but I do miss games that knew what they were, did it very very well, and didn't try to overwhelm you with a bunch of distractions. It seems like if you want to play a game like that now, it costs $10 and is on the XBL marketplace; hardly anybody makes triple-A titles with that kind of design purity.
  15. ExTerrestr1al

    ExTerrestr1al Promethean
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    i like the fact that a well-timed plasma pistol can slow down and possibly take out a vehicle...

    remember when a team in H3 could take a hog and spawn kill like crazy, grab the other team's hog as a result and then it was game over in less than five minutes?

    you've GOT to have something that can easily take out vehicles. otherwise I know for sure I'd be too frustrated with ghosts to even play Big Team...

    I vote for keeping the plasma as it is. but that's just me and you are entitled to disagree :)
  16. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    well isn't that kind of you :D (unlike some other jerk off)... no you're right, it did start as a venting page, because I was drunk. It's not a venting page at all now, pay no attention to the comments. The OP was edited to say what I think should be added or changed in Halo 4 to make it a much better game and experience.

    Edited by merge:

    I don't disagree with ya... but actually, that isn't what I meant about the plasma pistol being a problem. What happened was I edited what I originally wrote so much that I left out what I had before, so re-reading it now is not what I originally meant. I just edited the OP again yet again to clarify what I originally meant.

    Anyway, it's not actually the plasma pistol alone that is the problem, but rather both the plasma pistol and sticky grenade combination of 16 people in a match having this as a loadout. Anyone can pretty much blow up any vehicle that gets near them at any time... as long as they have 2 stickys and a Plasma pistol. In Halo 3 and Halo: Reach BTB, you had to go grab these weapons on a map to do this and it is what I went for as soon as the match started every time. It was the smart thing to do because any warthog or whatever that came driving buy was going to get me a double or triple kill almost every time. Now that every single person can choose this as a loadout... it makes vehicles useless. And vehicles is really what Big Team Battle is about, at least to me.

    I guess it also depends on who you are playing against and if they know what they are doing (and of course are using this loadout combo).
    #16 Starship Ghost, Feb 23, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2013

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