Sticky Origin of your Gamertag

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by rusty eagle, Dec 28, 2007.

  1. Crimson Eclipse

    Crimson Eclipse Promethean

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    Halo 3 was the first game I ever played on a 360, and for a whole year, I would go over to my friend's house on the weekend and we would play Halo 3(he didn't have Live). At first I just made a profile called Will, because that's my name IRL. So we finished campaign on legendary, and then messed around in forge and customs for a few months. Then the internal storage(he had a 4GB slim) on his 360 was corrupted:( So he got a replacement Xbox from Microsoft, but we had lost our profiles, and our Campaign progress, EVERYTHING. We both wanted him to get Reach, so he did, and up until that point I hadn't played his new Xbox, so when I made a profile I called it Crimson Eclipse, because I would always use Four Diamonds/Four Plots(steel) with Double Crescent(maroon) for my emblem in Halo 3. In Reach I was happy they had kept my emblem, so when I got my own Xbox, I named my profile Crimson Eclipse. But then when I tried to use that name on Live, when Halo 4 came out, I got a message saying it was taken, so I had to get rid of the space and add a 5(my GT uses up the entire character limit:D). The most annoying thing though, is that the simple "Crimson Eclipse" GT HASN'T EVEN BEEN USED; out of the 9 other Crimson Eclipses, only 3(i think) have ever been used) :(
  2. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Changed my gamertag to Captain Karkov.

    A year ago i got waking-up-in-the-hospital drunk off a vodka called Karkov.

    If you dont know what it is, lets just say it comes in a plastic bottle and a handle costs $13
  3. Mangochestnut

    Mangochestnut Promethean
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    Mangochestnut, I thought of my name when two summers ago i was drinking a mango smoothie from mcdonalds after i got back from the doctor from an ear infection. I got home and started playing black ops 1 (around the time when it was out) and i had some microsoft points to change my gamertag and i was talking to my friend and i was telling him how good the mango smoothie was and they all like "haha you should change it to mango addict" and i was looking around and in my mcdonalds bag it came with the small packet of nuts, and i was like talking to my friends and i said "why does this come with nuts, who would put these in a smoothie? and one of my friends said something about chestnuts or something and i thought of Mango and chestnut. And so the gamertag Mangochestnut was born. I use that now for EVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVERYTHING
  4. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    During Halo 3, I took a liking to the "Subnova" emblem and used it as my Spartan emblem. When I made my gamertag, I wanted it to kinda fit with that, so I just decided on supernova instead, then I just sorta 1337-ified it. :p

    I'm still a bit sad that the subnova emblem wasn't/isn't a usable option in Halo Reach or 4 anymore.
  5. KRUS4DE

    KRUS4DE Promethean
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    My gt krusade comes from a shooter on xbox 1 that i dont even remember the name of...the character i liked playing as was named Krusade. Wish i could think what that game was called...
  6. GodOfForge

    GodOfForge Promethean

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    < Self explanatory. I'm more proud of the number of accounts XBL has forced me to change within 24 hours.
  7. Jorgy411

    Jorgy411 Ancient
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    My last name is Jorgensen. People call me Jorgy for short.

    411 is my birthday. 4-11 (april 11th)

    Jorgy + 411 = Jorgy411

    I personally love my GT. =D
  8. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    Funny story. I had an old gamertag and changed it to this one because I thought I was a good sniper in Halo 3 and I was born in 1994. I was wrong. Then I joined Forgehub and when I tried to change my name, people kept yelling at me. Now I'm Sharp and if I want to change it, I can, but nobody will ever stop calling me Sharp.
  9. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
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    I could call you schnookums is you'd prefer that.

    As for myself, I'm rather fond of music and this was once my favorite group.:

    [HQ] Rise Against - Audience Of One [ Lyrics ] - YouTube
    #969 Audienceofone, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
  10. TMR Legend

    TMR Legend Promethean

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    My first gamertag was spartanwolf67. spartan cause i was obsessed with the story of 300 and the spartans. Wolf cause of of my school football team (we were the wolfpack) and 67 was my football number. My new gt is TMR Legend. TMR was my COD MLG team( 2 years ago we ranked 661st) and legend was my callsign in matches.
    #970 TMR Legend, Feb 13, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 13, 2013
  11. Teddy55

    Teddy55 Promethean

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    I've had my XBL account for a fair number of years now. All I can remember is being sat on the Original Xbox, staring at the Halo 2 multiplayer flashing icon. Xbox Live. Holy Hell.

    I was only young so I tried using my 'family friend' name -
    Teddy (which incidently is contained my real name - Edd).


    I was gutted, so I used my lucky number to finale my name. Teddy5.


    Out of frustration I just added another 5. That's it, boring story really.
    #971 Teddy55, Apr 9, 2013
    Last edited: Apr 9, 2013
  12. Berb

    Berb Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My gamertag's origin was the Introductions forum here on FH. The term "Hi, I'm Berb" was spammed so much by myself that the term almost gained a meme-like status, so I thought changing my GT to that was funny. Also, I hated having a number in my GT.
  13. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Only read this now. Haha Elliot you made my day xD
  14. StolenMadWolf

    StolenMadWolf Promethean

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    I used to use gamer tags such as BondedWolf751 and later on XXXBlizzardWolf. I used to have another GT before them two but I shall not mention it cos:
    1. It is stupid
    2. It's actually got my name in it. :(

    Anyways, back on topic. On an MMO I'm often on my Username is StolenMadWolf, which actually is a spinoff of one of may mates GTs. I just kept the word Stolen and swapped in the other words to make it different. Henceforth my mate accuses me of stealing his GT :p. Often when Im putting up polls on the MMOs forum and when I often say my 'Good Hunting' message, people often make the occasional friendly joke about my username. After I got my Halo Emblem up on some of the forums as my profile pic. I decided to change my GT to StolenMadWolf in cae I ever wanted to make vids and such.

    And thinking of which, username needs changing :p.
  15. J DawgMillenium

    J DawgMillenium Promethean
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    "J Dawg" is a common nickname for me. Because my previous XBL account had some unfixable issues, I had a driving want to play online. I signed up again, and I misspelled "millennium" because I thought the name must have been taken. I still don't know if it was taken to this day, but at least I have a story to tell to the actual "J DawgMillennium" if such a man exists.
  16. Shadowcat AZ

    Shadowcat AZ Guest

    Well, for anyone who remembers what Mechwarrior was, one of the Mechs in the game was called a Shadowcat. It was a preferred Mech of mine when I played that game, and I kinda kept the name when the game met it's untimely demise. Now that it is back online again, i refuse to play it. I hate the idea that every time a new title comes out on PC, you gotta upgrade your system and video card just to play a game, thats why I switched to console systems, and how I dicovered Halo and ulitmately Forge.
  17. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    So me and my bro's (granted we were 11 so I didn't even know what a "bro" was) We were fussing around on the Pokemon Online thing. He looked at me and was like. "You need a name" I was like "What kind of name?" He goes "A name" I typed in narf... We laughed for an obscenely long time. To long actually. Its not even funny. Now all my user names derive from the word "narf"

    My GT is actually an acronym from narf.
  18. Zandril

    Zandril Promethean
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Mine came from some name I heard that I though was pretty cool and then the service tag of Noble Six of Halo Reach.
  19. xECLIPSEx

    xECLIPSEx Forerunner

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    When I originally came on the site I was AceOfSpades996, and that's what I had my username as well and a LOT of people called me imposter ace. So So I changed my Username along with my Gamertag, when I thought of my gamertag (grineer) I wanted it to be original, so I took the name of an antagonist in a manga (Grineed) and switched the D to an R and that's how my gametag became Grineer
    #979 xECLIPSEx, Jun 26, 2013
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2013
  20. Lone Deity

    Lone Deity Ancient
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    I used to be L0N3 S0LD13R because I thought I was 1337. I was 12, forgive me. I was known as "Lone", so when I went to change my name, I needed to keep that. 13 year old Lone thought of many nouns that could follow "Lone" and Deity sounded the coolest to me. Thus, Lone Deity.

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