"Countdown Remake" - Halo 4 Forge Maps - YouTube Hi Guys GT: A R C A S I U S Map Title: Contingency, Contingency (Reach) Recommended Party size: 4 - 10 Download - Contingency: File Browser Halo Official Site - Contingency (Reach) - Reach Team Slayer Gametype This is a remake of Halo Reach's Countdown and there are two variants. The first variant is "Contingency" which has been modified to adhere to the halo 4 style of play. A few changes were made however, instead of the shotgun, a scattershot was put in place as it is not as powerful as the shotgun so power weapons are evened out. grenades also spawn in a lot less frequently as your loadouts will suffice. The second is entitled "Contingency (Reach)" and has everything that the original countdown had as far as spawns and weapons and overall game play as it goes with the gametype "Reach Team Slayer" also on my fileshare. This gametype does not have instant respawn, each kill is 1 point and a total of 50 points must be achieved in order to win, as per the original. Creation: Basically I started out on halo reach, measuring every single doorway, corridor, open space, floor, the height of the roofs etc with the wooden pallet large. I did this because the pallet was the only piece that was the same size in halo reach as it was in halo 4 forge. I then hand drew up a diagram of the entire map and wrote down the measurements. then I constructed a basic outline of the map using the building blocks and from there the map started to take shape. overall it took me about 3 or 4 weeks to complete because I tried to make it ravine first, then ran into serious dynamic lighting problems, so i recreated it on impact, but then had extreme screen lag problems. so after finding info about how to avoid dynamic lighting, i created it all over again on ravine and now its perfect. lighting works great and no framerate issues. the biggest problem was budget at the end where I had to start substituting expensive pieces for cheaper ones however it actually turned out looking better. I would like to give a very big shout out to FTG Insanity who has the keenest eye for detail and helped me immensely to fix all bugs, glitches, z-fighting, and some general aesthetics. If anybody is having issues with their maps in regards to the above, or is keen to get their maps considered for matchmaking contests etc then I highly recommend getting in contact with him hes amazing. About the map: Contingency Supports CTF, Infinity Slayer, Regicide, Team doubles, oddball, king of the hill, flood, basically everything besides extraction, dominion and obviously griffball. Contingency (Reach) Supports CTF, Reach Team Slayer, Regicide, Team doubles, oddball, king of the hill, flood. -- Like the original countdown, the map supports 2 - 16 players however id recommend about 8 players, 2 teams of 4, Both play great on koth, oddball, ctf, flood and their respective slayer gametypes. Close to completion of the map I had a very big decision which was looming over me constantly, and that is wether I should make the map exactly like it was in reach, with no ordnance drops and the weapons spawning periodically, or should I make the map more modern and halo 4 style with ordnance drops. I decided to create two different maps, one with an infinity style with ordnance drops and one with the standard weapons like the original. so that's basically it, sorry about the essay guys but it was such a popular map and i'm sure some of you are interested in how it was created. Thanks! and I hope you enjoy the map and get back some of that good old Halo Reach nostalgia Note: I am the map creator. I created this acc after I was halfway through the creation of the map on my other acc Q U A R l S M A, hence why the map creator comes up as Q U A R l S M A and not A R C A S I U S however it is on the fileshare of A R C A S I U S. As proof of this go to the profile of Q U A R l S M A and you will see my tag. A R C A S I U S
It's strange that this occurred, but you may only have one thread so which one should I delete? Again, this looks great dude! You're giving me some serious competition and motivation to step up my game. Hopefully I'll finish my Countdown remake by the end of the week, but I haven't been able to forge in almost 2 weeks so idk:/ For future reference, PM myself or another mod so we can help you instead of posting a new thread.
Hey im really sorry about that, didnt mean to spam or anything. If you could, please delete my first post which is on the second page? As this one is the updated one. I updated all the info there and posted a comment but it just said something about my previous comment being coupled with my new comment and it didnt bump it. Mannn please get to it id love to see somebody else's take on countdown Also, any ideas on what map I should remake next?
Really like this remake. I've been able to do some customs on it with friends, and this is by far the best Countdown remake I've seen to date. I didn't notice any real issues, aside from frame-rate issues on split-screen, but I realize that 343i's maps have the same problem. Any Z-fighting I saw in the past was no big deal, and you probably fixed it anyway. But really, this map is so impressive, and your aesthetics are inspiring. I'm curious as to what maps you would be interested in remaking. I personally have been hoping for High Ground, Isolation, and Snowbound to be remade for some reason (unexplainable nostalgia), and I thought I would attempt Snowbound... however, I'm still having too much fun tweaking my Burial Mounds to make it the best it can be. But whatever you end up remaking, I look forward to seeing it someday. Happy forging!
Hey I'm glad you liked it personally I like to remake small to medium maps due to te fact that remakes are always so expensive because more pieces have to be used to get dimensions right + aesthetics in the original. I made a remake of boardwalk but it was so open that it had severe screen lag problems and most of the aesthetics couldn't be added in due to a lack of forge environment pieces. Check out the map if you want tho it's on my fileshare. All the dimensions are perfect however^ I'd low to have a go at sword base but I know I will have terrible dynamic lighting and budget issues so I won't bother. I was thinking some odst remakes? Alpha site sticks out to me and lost platoon. I'd make them an infection game type so as to get as close to te firefight gamemode as possible but I'm not sure if that's a good idea or not :/
You did an amazing job fixing the issues we talked about!!! There's still 2-3 things we need to discuss online. I'm impressed though.
The map is finally complete 100% with no bugs. Please download the latest version guys. A lot of aesthetic detail was added into the map including the radio pillars that everybody used as cover, also the "sabre replacement" has been extended outward so as to recreate the exact original countdown sightline. Final note, all the lifts work 100% however they shoot you slightly faster than they did in the original countdown. I tried to make them slower however using weaker man cannons allowed for various glitches and match advantages that I will not go into. So this is probably the only detail of gameplay that is not like the original however I do not think it will have much affect on gameplay. This is Halo 4 and unfortunately not EVERYTHING can be the same, although I have done my upmost to do this. So please download the latest version and enjoy this remarkable map again and I hope you all get that same sense of nostalgia that my friends and I did while playing this map. Cheers! A R C A S I U S
needs fixing with your boardwalk map i couldn't find the thread for your boardwalk map so sorry for posting it here but on the bridge by sniper tower you can fall inside one of the pieces. its where there is cover, two ramps and a block piece. this needs to be covered up. like, a sm airlock piece in size. good job on the map tho.
There is no thread for boardwalk. The map literally cannot be recreated accurately and to a playable level in halo 4 due to the fact that te map is so open and screen lag is unavoidable. Also it's a big map for a remake and too many pieces r used which ruins te dynamic lighting. I just put it up for the sake of people seeing the weeks of work that went I to it. But sadly it's a failed attempt because of halo 4's forge. The map cannot be made for proper competitive play unfortunately. I could maybe make it work if I made certain aspects not to scale or proportion but personally I hate remakes that are not as accurate as possible so ill just leave the map as is and invite somebody enthusiastic about te map to attempt to fix it thanks for your feedback though
To be honest countdown was not my favorite map in reach,but after seeing this map upgraded into halo 4 my opinion of this map has changed; and for that I applaud you. This map looks great and keep up the good work.
wow this looks very nice. I've only played on teh original once or twice, but it definitely looks correct to me! (I had Reach only a short time prior to Halo 4 coming out and didn't have XBL until recently...)
Great remake, very impressive. I noticed you didn't place the fusion coils? Also, I thought there was a Concussion Rifle on the back landing pad? Other than that this is pretty damn amazing.
Ahh these screenshots were mostly taken off the base pallet of the map minus spawns and weapons. In the Contingency (Reach) version all the weapons in the classic version are where they should be Also the fusion coils are way over powered in halo 4 so I decided not to add them in as they would ruin original gameplay. Thanks for the feedback