Archive of Test Night Recaps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Jan 16, 2013.


Can you (sometimes) play on Saturdays around 11 AM or 12 noon?

  1. Yes, that time could work for me.

  2. No, I am never available at that time.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Pizza rolls.

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  1. Tombo V1

    Tombo V1 Forerunner

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    i know the majority try to find a similarity...or familiarities between established maps and forged maps - but......


    i'm looking forward to this :)

    its confined, its linear. my cup of tea.
  2. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Yep, just fixed the room in Opal, I'm positive that the results will be good. Also just made Dust-Up versions of the map (different weapon spawns and weapons placed, same geometry). Jade now sports two sticky detonators (1 spare clip each) and a sniper (one spare clip, may change to 0). Opal supports a railgun (2 clip) and some DMRs. Non-Dust-up versions have the same weapons as you are all familiar with.

    I'll be looking for some people to test these maps for the last times in the next couple of days. I hope to see you there.
  3. unrivaled20

    unrivaled20 Promethean

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    I have a forge on all the non forge canvases. maybe if we get 4 people left we can play a few of them. I guess nobody else noticed adrift has a ridiculous amount of scenery pieces and walls for some reason.
    #363 unrivaled20, Feb 12, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2013
  4. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
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    Evoke is finished. Might release it, but i might be too lazy to make a thread for it.

    Pristine Ravine probably mostly finished. Spawning broken, might try fixing it, might not.

    Radiant is just stuck. Its not what i intended to make but I might test once or twice more.

    Impacted plays okay 2v2 it turns out, might submit to the dust-up thing. In response to NUTDUSTER's comment that all the action goes top-mid, i have made a version with an altered top-mid to try out on friday.

    I don't really post map threads. Maybe i should do some.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    You definitely should, you lazy bastard.

    Radiant is a nice little map, I just found the flow to be repetitive. I'm curious to see what you did to the top mid to de-emphasize it. Interestingly, I expected flow on my own 2v2 map Congealed to go to top mid over and over, but people go up there way less than I'd expect, and seldom hang out there for long. I guess the combination of fusion coils and very little cover had the desired effect!
  6. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I think I'm going to run CTF on Salvage and Bleached. The latter is probably releasable already - that map just came together without much effort (probably in large part because it was half a remake). Salvage is undergoing constant tweaks but I like the wacky design and want to get flag playing well on it. I might run Smallsylum at the end if the lobby is winding down and we just want to do something ridiculous...
  7. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm really glad that you do the whole 'tcoj tonight' announcements here, because I seem to always forget that its a Tuesday on the days we have these. This must be the third week in a row I see these comments and go "what? but it's not.... oh..."
  8. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    That's exactly why I started doing it - I like to have the sign-up thread up for the whole weekend to ensnare the max number of participants, but by Tuesday it's easy to forget it's happening. Hence, reminders!
  9. unrivaled20

    unrivaled20 Promethean

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    I wouldn't mind staying late. I have a few ridiculous maps myself.
  10. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I can stay late as well. I have so many maps that I can't even decide what to test. I know I need to stop forging new ones and finish testing one already, but I can't lol. I just get too excited about testing my new builds.
  11. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I think if everyone is up to it get some 5v5 going on. If maps are big enough to support 4v4's... why not 5v5 to get more play testers on our maps.
  12. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    It just depends on the maps, really. Most of mine that support 4v4 would be fine with 5v5, and in fact I prefer those numbers for the two maps I want to test tonight. But other people's 4v4 maps are barely that, and some of us (cough cough AUDIENCE) tend to make 4v4 maps that are really 3v3s in disguise.

    Basically, I like to tailor it to personal preference of our attendees - but we shoot for 8 participants, and some weeks we end up with a couple more.

    The other reason for aiming for 8 players is that that's usually enough to fill up 3 hours of testing time. Not always, but usually. So if we get more people, I prefer for the extras to be random friends and not people who signed up and expect to test something.
  13. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here's a screen to point out some key elements of my map tonight so some have a basic understanding. The banshees are not in their exact spot but you get the point. Defenders initially spawn all over the ship in key locations for optimal defense off the start. Attackers initially spawn up top then respawn on the left and up top every once in awhile to represent reinforcements coming down. Defenders respawn at the right of course. No vehicles respawn.

    I also will be recording all maps live tonight.

    #373 Fenix Hulk, Feb 12, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2013
  14. unrivaled20

    unrivaled20 Promethean

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    how close did you get to the ocean with that.
  15. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm pretty sure its an illusion. The playable space could'nt be any closer than the lowest line. From this angle it looks closer than it truly is.
  16. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's pretty dang close, lol. I originally had it so close that if you crouched you were inside the kill box. I moved it up one so you can crouch now but I can't spawn any mongooses, they blow up for some reason. All other vehicles are good. I already did some tests on it just to make sure your high enough anywhere on the map. The side walls on the ship are just barely above water.
  17. Audienceofone

    Audienceofone Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I'm terribly sorry, but I cannot make it to tonight's games. I've got to catch up on some work that I need to get done unfortunately. I would have loved to play, but it's just not going to work out. I may try and get in later in the night, but don't count on it.

    Again, I'm sorry about this.
  18. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    I didn't change my settings, yet my NAT type suddenly went to strict and so I couldn't join earlier. Did I mention that I hate the internet? Hopefully I can join later.
  19. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Recap for Tuesday Feb 12th

    Say your thing that you want to say.

    I'll be back tomorrow at some point with my recap.
  20. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Man that was one crazy-ass long and varied lobby. Really really great games guys, I am dying at work right now on 3 hours sleep but it was worth it ;-)
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