I had a frustration to vent, and your format nearly matched what I had in mind, so I borrowed it. Now I'm frustrated that it's impossible to kick somebody in the testicles so hard that he poops them out- even if they're incredibly deserving of it..
That moment when the girl you really like and you're about to ask out starts talking about her boyfriend when you were 99% sure she was single.
Told a girl I love her, and she shoots me down. Invited her to my Eagle Court of Honor, she says yes. Arrive at Court of Honor she's not there, never showed up Talked to her about it at school She had a mental breakdown, because she found out that another guy who told her he loved her just proposed to her best friend I was stood up by an asshole I loved her she choose to brood over this guy than celebrate with me Obviously, this asshole meant much more to her than I did. "Grenade" by Bruno Mars? yeah, it's like that, and it feels like ****.
At least you got an immediate response. The girl I told is trying to choose rethinking her life and being with me, or being the girl that anyone can sleep with because she loses self control when she gets really drunk.
Ryan or Aaron? Anyways, I hate jocky douchebags that decide to pick on people for absolutely no reason. ****ing assholes. I don't want to start a fight, but it might have to come to that. Also, my friends seem like they are pretty much cutting off contact with me. Feels bad man.
new Frustration! My $3,200 laptop was damaged by someone at my school total repairs are $1,118.69 The parents refuse to pay a single cent (even when I offered to pay off some of it with my own money) because of a technicality within the school handbook stating that damaged incurred within the school holds the owner liable. (by extension this means I could run my car into someone else's car, and not have to pay for the damage I caused) I doubt they had that in mind. My father warned me this would happen, that white people hide behind loop holes, that their only loyalty is to their wallet. I insisted that people were better than to hide behind the law when the right thing to do was obvious Guess I was wrong.
How did he damage it your laptop? Did he do it on purpose? Just wonderin' Umm, don't really have a frustration atm other than a 4 pg. paper in philosophy due tomorrow that's extremely vague. I'm hoping I can BS through it because I don't particularly like the topic... it's beyond words- literally, you're supposed to come up with your own concept for describing a "particular technological entity.." It's- weird.
Accident, but it doesn't change the fact that she broke my computer, and I would like to get it fixed the parents refuse to pay a cent when it was their child's fault. Her father then says that they are not liable for the damages, and that it was my fault for bringing my computer to school. That is what pisses me off.
I actually felt bad for you up to that point (pyro can haz feelz!?) Good to know racism is still functioning as well as ever.
I hate ****ing up my sleep schedule before I have a math test of any sort. Spoiler It's my fault but it's still frustrating