I've got you at fourth right now, and moved down myself and Audience to make sure you get some numbers. If you want to go earlier, clear it with one of these other miscreants and let me know, and I'll swap you guys around.
now i have played a TCOJ, i feel i can say something about myself. i plan on doing a few more... my name is unsurprisingly, Tom. i am english. i am older than some of you, but hopefully younger than more than that! i have been playing halo since CE. it was my reason for defecting from Sony and i havent had a playstation since. i didnt forge in halo 3 as i found it confusing. but did try in halo:reach only to be met by massive failure im trying again in 4. its the only game i now play, and probably will be until i make a map that is decent. i almost prefer making maps to playing them. before playing halo i was a call of duty player on PC (before it went modern, though i did enjoy 4). i also tried mapping for this, wasting many hours on radiant! only to never make anything of note i feel this has given me a good insight into map layouts, but halo is a different kettle of fish - and i still havent quite worked it out!) im quite quiet when you first meet me, but once you get to know me, you'll probably wish you hadnt bothered! i also like to cuss, the last gaming community i was/am a part of it was almost a requirement....but i think its more frowned upon in these parts so i've tried keeping a lid on it
You can ****in' cuss all the **** you ****in' want to. SHEEEEIT. I mean, welcome to our group! Good to have you aboard. You're not our only Englishman, by the way.
What do you think about giving people these slots 1/9 2/10 3/11 4/12 5/13 6/14 7/15 8/16 That way everybody should get at least one test on there map at 4 v 4. I think as the lobby is wineding down the last few testers have less of a chance of there maps being tested at 4 v 4. Like tombo's last week since he wanted to test his other map but people had left
It's a good idea on paper for the sake of fairness, but I worry that it involves a lot more passing around party leader, and could be hard to keep track of if people arrive late or have to leave the lobby early. I think maybe it will work better to keep it as is but just move anybody with a smaller map to the back - which frequently includes Audience (his latest map was the largest he's made in H4, and it still felt pretty small) and can always include me as well, since I'm testing a couple of smallish maps right now. (Obviously Salvage is not one of them!) So that said, if anyone is A) planning to be on until the end of the lobby, most likely, and B) has a map that would work just as well with 4-6 people as with 8, let me know and I will do some rearranging. And always consider the slots reserved for me and Audience as flexible - we can go earlier or later as needed.
What the **** Are you joking? You posted this today and i missed it cos i was at work!! Or in bed or something... I will take a reserve i guess :-(
You're DAMN RIGHT you will. Don't fret, you know we always dip into reserves - and if your pasty British ass needs to go earlier, you can swap with me. I should probably test a couple of my smaller maps anyway.
It's nice to see that this lobby has grown so popular! We are getting some great cartographers in here. Why dont you just put me down for a permanent slot anyway? I have done TCOJ every week for like, a year or something. I only missed one week when went to do TNT with the blueprint guys.
For this lobby i think i am going to do some of my old idea's for this lobby they may be a little rough because one is my first forge in any first person shooter and the other is height challenged and then in two weeks. i will have two radical idea's i have been working on. But anyways that means in the next 2 weeks i will have 4 different forges in this lobby
For ONCE I was actually done with my write-up before the thread came up. Just wanted to get it out of the way I guess: Longest yard - this was hectic and fun. You have definitely managed to turn Halo into a different style of FPS with this game type. Because of the open nature of the map spawning was never really safe, so maybe some crates or something small to protect certain vulnerable spawns would be good. I agree there need to be a few more railings given how quickly you zip around in this gametype. I also had to walk extremely slowly through one of the teleporters because I would sometimes fall to the lower level as as I went through, thus putting me back on the level I started. Mech Bay - This was a fun concept and looks awesome as well. The mantises were a little underpowered I think; there was hardly a motivation to get in them except in if you spawned in one with no one around you. Maybe this goes against the game type, but have you considered putting a range weapon somewhere on the map? Everone seemed to just rush the middle since mantises and close range weapons were the only options. If that's not the style of game play you're going for here I understand. Interchange - This seems to play well with a wide range of team sizes. What is the max number of players you've tested it with and what is your intended size for the map? I don't have much new to say about this yet but I look forward to trying out some other game types on it. Congealed - quite a nifty little map. I missed the ctf game but oddball was pretty balanced, no one location was too campy. Surprisingly the top areas didn't get used much but probably due to the nature of oddball. Some of the bottom areas were misleading with the glass: were those blocked off or did I just miss how you got down there? Promenade - A couple of Q's: should the long hallways up top be more open, less campy, etc. Should they have a hole to drop down to the underside, similar to in the original boardwalk? Did I simply move the campy areas somewhere else? Should I make the initial and weapon spawns totally symmetrical or should I keep them diagonal/staggered across the map? Mobilize - I was going for something like Harvest or standoff here - just big enough for vehicles but small enough for 4v4 as well. I also have been trying to make an elongated map since many of my recent maps have been wide rather than long (from the perspective of initial spawns/bases). So my usual questions: although obviously too big for 2v2, did it seem too big for 4v4 as well? How were the power weapon and vehicle placements? Risky enough? Were the LOSes too long, or is this necessary for vehicle oriented maps? Was the mantis over or underpowered? With all the anti-vehicular weapons and the risky location (only two ways for it to escape bottom mid), I thought it might actually be underpowered. Finally, I actually started to run out of certain object types and so I was worried the map was too sparse with not enough cover on foot or safe spawning options. These questions really demand a 4v4 evaluation but I just wanted to put them out there as my concerns. Jade - The action was pretty well spread out on this latest version (some changes seem to have been made but I can't figure out what they were, but they were for the better). I wonder if harsher soft kills or hard kills on top might help the map because jet packing gets a little crazy (and I'm the worst offender). I have to ask, since this is a whitish map and erosion has a greenish lighting, why not swap the names of your two maps here: call this one opal and the erosion one jade? No big deal though, I just almost confused the maps because I thought this one made more sense to be called opal. Opal - Why death pit, why? Not that you should remove it, I just always seem to fall prey to it! This game was all about fighting for that one hallway. You may want to make the opposite side of the map more of a power position or power weapon location to even it out. The structures are cool and the concept is a good one, but half of the map doesn't get played since it isn't as defensible/exciting. Octave - This was pretty fast paced even for 2v2. There are still some little holes and crannies I am discovering about this map (jokes are welcome), probably because it is so fast paced with bigger team games. I really don't have any complaints about the map at this point, it seems basically ready from the game types I've tried at least.
Longest yard - I wish there was something to say, but the gameplay and hillarity says it all. I really love your fast paced non-halo halo maps, I didnt find anything I didn't like about this iteration of Longest Yard. Mech Bay - The mantisses were just amazing, but so weak against the tiny people thruster packing constantly and the rockets and the melees. Honestly, if you make the AA not infinite, you should be on your way to another flawless arena map. It was fun, hilarious to see multiple mantis' and the little people flying around below, and I never felt like the map was too open or closed up. Excellent work, it seems the game settings are all that need some work. Interchange - This game worked surprisingly well with 3v3. I was quite impressed. I didnt find anything wrong, the new vehicle spawns seemed nice and nothing felt out of place or over/underpowered. Congealed - While 3v3 works, I think 2v2 is best here. This is a great little map with some really significant landmarks, and you've done a great job with it. I'd like to get a 2v2 test here some time so that I can evaluate what its intended game size plays like. Unfortunately I had to depart then. But I noticed that you guys played Opal and Jade! Thank you for that, it wasn't neccisary, but I hope that you all enjoyed them regardless of my absence. I intend to do something like that, I just havent gotten to it quite yet. Glad to hear that the flow was better though. I added some railings on the low area by railgun! Do you think there should be more obvious boundaries? I thought they were fine, but I dont want a pit that people always fall in, its rather off-putting. Hm. Yeah, in my more recent tests the center and the 2 story hall has gotten too much action. i could try and lessen cover of the top and empower another spot I suppose. I'll look into it. Thanks again for the tests! I am trying to even out the flow of traffic, so I'll look in to those areas you mentioned, Cyborg.