Bleached is a hybrid beast - partly a remake of my Halo Reach map White Lodge, and partly outright theft of some ideas from The Pit. It started off as a straight remake or re-imagining, but I realized partway through that 1) I liked one half of White Lodge more than the other, and 2) the floor plans of White Lodge and The Pit were not entirely dissimilar. The two kind of squished together in an adult way to make adorable baby Bleached, which is a good-sized 4v4 map meant especially for the kind of nail-biting CTF games The Pit provided. Bleached is currently in playtesting - if you want to get in on it, click the banner in my sig for the TCOJ customs lobby. I'm running this and several other maps right now. Yep, that's a turret dispenser:
This is a great, smooth-playing map, and it's not too hard on the eyes either. The games on it have been very balanced and exciting. There's something for all types of Halo players on this map.
Ooh. I like it when things squish together in an adult way. I take it, then, that I'll like this map. I suppose I need to get in on some more TCOJ games?
There would be literally no other way to build this map. It's large and object-intensive, and I was already pushing lighting and framerate limits by using station pieces for flooring everywhere. I guess I could have not used ceilings at all, but I hate the way that affects gameplay when people start getting jetpack-happy...
I mean delete the wall coliseums for the overhead and put them back, or something of that sort. It seems like there's a lot of detail underneath them, judging from the other pictures..
...derp. Sorry, I completely misunderstood. Yeah, that would be the non-lazy approach, wouldn't it? I'll see if I can make that happen soon.
Gameplay vid courtesy of Fenix Hulk: Bleached CTF - YouTube This map will probably be released pretty soon. Just trying to decide if I should wait for fileshares to come online.
Thank you! I'm pleased with how this is testing so far; it's been one of the easiest builds, and required the least amount of tinkering, that I've done. Of course now that I say that, I'll probably discover a huge problem and end up rebuilding half the map...
Nice map man! My friends and I will probably get a lot of use out of this map. Not too big, not too small and lots of places to fight. Will DL for certain!