Can't wait for next week. Really need to get some games in on my 3 maps (Longest Yard, Mech Bay, and Morbias) and get some videos up to show the public how much fun it is with the gametype. I think you could hold TCOJ twice a week and it would still get filled with the amount of traffic right now. I'm enjoying these custom lobbies, just wish I didn't have to wait a week every time. I would be more than happy to delay my lobby tonight to next week and transfer the attendees over to you for TCOJ lobby tonight.
I'd love to run them twice a week but unfortunately my other commitments (mainly, the one I'm married to) won't really allow for it. The only other time I have regularly available is Saturday morning through early afternoon. If you guys would be at all interested in running a second lobby at a really unconventional time, let me know and I'll send up a test balloon. However, based on the low number of people that are usually on during that time frame when I'm getting forge work done, I'd guess that it would be harder to fill up...
It's really cool your lobby is taking off, Audience. There was a strong need for a regular small-team testing group. I hope you join you plenty in weeks to come.
You know I'd join that if I was able to. Which I often am seeing as I do almost nothing in my saturday mornings. I don't really have a preference though, one TCOJ a week is fine with me. I cant say I'd always be there, I do get sick of xbox and I've already got 2 lobbies a week to do, plus I need to jump on and forge from time to time.
I'm glad to hear it, Juanez, and thank you Nutty. I was thinking about how surprisingly annoying it was to get 2v2 tests so i figured 'why not'? This has become larger than I ever expected, and so soon! It's really overwhelming. I hope to see you in the coming weeks as well Nutduster, that Erosion map of yours was too fun not to play again.
Oh, it'll be played again. I'm hoping to get it in the upcoming Dust-Up contest. For that to happen, more testing is definitely required.
How many entrants do you think i will get and how long should i run it. I don't mind looking at a lot of maps i do that already. I have far too many maps downloaded. i am trying to stay at 60 on each enviroment but yeah now its moving towards 70 on impact and ravine. My judging style might be different then the staffs because i disagree strongly with some of the results of forgotten treasures. God of forges gaurdian and debehrs the pit are far inferior to other remakes of the same map. But thats why i think i want a few more judges so my ideas arent as bias (thats how i feel site contests are). Then again its my points so i should get final say. if i throw down 5$ i can improve the prize pool to 1000ms points. i think. I will have to think some more about it. Really simple designs might actually be better in this. As crazy designs may not be cost effective to the whole map since basically 7 maps are being created and some people will go overboard with blocks or money 1428$ average in order to create this and thats not including teleporters.People are going to have to use the natural terrian. Which also brings me to which maps or map i should limit it too.
That's the only thing - since Saturday mornings are usually dead, I use that time for forging. But I could sacrifice that at least some weeks for the sake of another lobby. God knows I have enough stuff that needs testing right now. You know what, I'll put up a poll and see how people feel about the possibility.
Saturday morning/afternoon lobby? Would you be interested/able to attend an additional TCOJ lobby on Saturdays, say around 11 AM or 12 Noon EST, and lasting for our usual few hours? I'm contemplating doing this, maybe not every week (maybe every other) if there's sufficient interest. The problem is that Saturday around that time - which is great for me - is usually dead on XBox Live, so I don't know if people tend to be busy, sleeping one off, or just not on their box because they know nobody else is online either. Tell me what you think. Unfortunately, doing it later in the day is no good for me.
Okay, so you have the interest, that's good. I think you'll get anywhere from 5 entrants to about 20. People won't know the gametype and that will deter many, but if they find out what it is (you may want to make a video for this) and understand it, there may be quite a few more than my 20 estimate even. Nutty's contest had about 15 entrants I think, but other contests by the staff for example had upwards of 50. I agree that you should have a few other judges, but if you have the 'final say' then are they not rendered useless? The other judges would need to have an equal voice. You should add location and cost limitations then. I might suggest Impact due to the best map specific items and a large amount of space (ha-ha!) to use.
I think we had around 20 actually. Staff contests get a lot more as you say, but they are able to promote far more extensively and offer bigger prizes, too.
I chose Pizza Rolls (even though I dislike them) because I may or may not be able to join. Sometimes I get sick of xbox and with 2 lobbies a week plus unscheduled forays in Mass Effect 3 and forge, I may not feel like hopping into an early game. However, other times I may be very willing to. Another scenario is that i may be too busy to play. But lets be honest, i don't want to do a thing Saturday morning. So yeah, Pizza Rolls.
It's okay, I won't eat any, they're nasty. Besides, I had no third option for my 'occasionally/sometimes' answer.
I voted Yes! I'm so glad you're considering a weekend lobby. I'm still surprised that no major ones exist yet, and I am unable to attend most of the weekday lobbies due to being GMT.
It seems like i am following you two around. Daytimes are no good for me cos I'm either working or looking after my 3 year old lad... I would if i could though
If things continue along these lines (some available, some not) I might try to do a smaller lobby - 2v2, 3v3 sort of thing. Not to take away from Audience's niche or anything, but I feel like a lot of our maps can be tested with fewer people.
The forgoten treasures prize of a pat on the back and the dust ups "prizes to be finalized" seem like huge prizes to me. So if 20 people entered and each did 5 ideas i would be looking at 100 mini maps.