The title basically says it all. The other night I hopped on to play with a friend and my controller simply wouldn't not turn on. It has stopped all functionality. If anyone knows a fix I would love to hear any ideas. I have another controller, but its got some slow response times. I'd like to try and fix the thing, I just got it a few months ago so I'd be rather upset to toss another crappy piece of xbox equipment.
Probably a short in the wire near the controller or near the plug. Or possibly the plug on the xbox went out. Have you tried to other ports?
My wired controller decides not to connect sometimes. Usually unplugging it and plugging it back in fixes it, but on occasion I've swapped the plug head, and that helps sometimes too. I just grab one from a different controller or a guitar hero guitar. You might want to inspect the two plugs and the socket in the cord for any debris that could be plugging it up. Keep an eye open for corrosion on the contacts that you can potentially scrape off with a screwdriver. Corroded contacts is a big problem with the guitar hero les pauls, so it could very well be a problem for your controller too, if the humidity is high enough. Same shitty metal.
I have tried other ports and my wireless controller (That I don't use batteries for and so it has to be plugged in whenever in use)works fine, though the wireless still hasnt been functioning beyond an occasional 1 second flash of lights on the home button and then nothing.
My battery pack is dead. It holds no charge. So it sounds like my controller is unfixabnle to all of your collective knowledge? Yes? Okay. Awesome. Dang nabbit.