Anyone know what make a map description invalid? I remember having this problem a few times in Reach, but I never figured out why the system was flagging my descriptions. I tried to upload my newest map to my fileshare, and it wouldn't let me because it said the description was not allowed or something to that effect. Here's the description: "This district has been cut off from the surrounding city and is now a UNSC urban warfare training ground." I don't see anything that would be deemed too bad to show on LIVE. Does anyone know what it might be?
They filter all kinds of stuff that is pretty non-obvious. My random guess: urban, because the vague racial implications. Or warfare, for no clear reason at all.
I have no clue what would be bad about that description. If you absolutely need that description there is actually a way around that by Hex editing though, but I'm not sure if that's allowed on forgehub.
It's a word filter designed to weed out profanity. It ignores word boundaries, checks for letter and number substitutions, and contains a ton of false positives even without those two problems. The word filter also covers the file name and your gamertag (though I think they give a special message if your gamertag is what's flagged), so giving us the file name will improve the chances that someone here can tell you what's wrong. Here's an example of how the filter sees things. Spoiler'd for profanity: Spoiler "Basement" is blocked for containing "semen". "Turbulent waters" is seen as "turbulentwaters" and blocked for containing "twat". "All skulls except" without spaces yields "allskullsexcept", which contains "sex" and gets blocked. Last I checked, "EpicT1tan" is read as "epictitan" and blocked for both "epic" and "tit". Last I checked, "puzzle" is blocked; I think this is because the Zs are read as Ss, yielding "pussle", which contains "puss". There have also been a number of innocent words that are directly blocked -- "basic", "mystery", and "glitch" are among them. At one time, "base" was blocked, which caused problems with "Sword Base" until the issue was resolved. Ironically, the filter is still pathetically easy to bypass because it doesn't do symbol substitutions ("@" = "A") and because people can just completely misspell profanities. The only thing it's really good for is confusing map authors by blocking innocent text.
ThisdistricthasbeencutofffromthesurroundingcityandisnowaUNSCur-banwarfaretrainingground. Toff? Cur? Ban?
The filter applies to all text in all user-created content in all games. Everything from Halo file descriptions to Minecraft signposts. The false-positive block of "basement" must be particularly devastating in the latter game.
yea but that seems a bit strict to me too. the PS forums used to block the word Cockpit for obvious reasons, but Gran Turismo racers actually need to use the word, so eventually they changed it. Hopefully if there are words important to discussing a game on xbox, they'd do the same. another funny one was FGT which is apparantly an abbreviation for a sexual preference, but we also needed to use it because it was "Formula Gran Turismo". sooner or later, you won't be able to say anything...