God Damnit, Tex. I can't even post my own video... Well, **** you! I'm posting it anyway! The Ghosts of Onyx Minecraft Server - YouTube That's right, *****. Come check out the GoO Server!
I can't help but wonder why I haven't seen any non self-destructing linear style chaos cannons on youtube or anywhere on the web for that matter. I just finished making a linear style chaos cannon that has some really good range, and because of the differently timed ignitions of several of the tnt, it leaves a kind of small trench in the ground leading to the main impact area. The trench can start quite a distance away from the main impact and the main impact itself can be very wide and generally digs through 6 layers of dirt and about 2 to 4 layers of stone for a total of 8 to 10 layers, sometimes more, it kinda varies. However the build is quite complex and not exactly small. I know that the amount of tnt layers that you bother to build it with can vary but I built mine with 6 layers. In total each shot can take up to 72 tnt.
If you haven't been on the Mining bros server lately, please join and tell me what you think, or you could just read what I have posted HERE and see why the community is outraged when our thoughts are thrown aside. What i'm asking is to see what your opinions are, and to see if mine are shared with you and make sense. Mining Bros Server IP: server.miningbros.net
Thanks. I'm on a server where people like to attach penises to everything. Miku has been attacked several times. We also get little kids asking "are there Pokemon?" all the time. No. There are no Pokemon here.
(Lazy copy-pasta) I have been working on a Pro bending arena (Will be calling it the PBA from now on). I originally built it on my laptop, but now i have a desktop and i don't want to transfer any files over because i believe my laptop now has a virus of some sort, or maybe its just extremely slow, so I have been re-building it, fixing some things along the way and adding new features. Buut anyway. I don't have it fancified right now, but here is the overview of it. Blue team Encoder, which determines where a player will be spawned in on the arena. T-flip flop Class equipment pods/Starting system Team rooms and Class selectors. Lobby/Team selectors. The Court Under Court. It has 0 Redstone, but a ton of Command blocks, which makes this arena able to be put anywhere wirelessly! TNT Room/Kill room. Killing is a main part of the system. I am trying to make it completely honor rule-less, and completely Automated. I haven't got to test it fully, so i'm looking for a stable server someone is willing to provide me. I may just end up renting a server that has 12 slots and enough ram to run it without lag.
OHAY THANKS!~ Mining bros blows now. I'm jailed for kicking the staff out of the community skype room. Like, why wouldn't you make someone that is going to run the server indefinitely make the skype room. But now i just have a ton of randoms added to my skype friends list and it sucks. ANYWAY. I am looking for people to test the Pro Bending Arena. I bought a Minecraft server just for this. I think I will test at 6:00 PM CST. I will need your Minecraft name to whitelist you, then I will PM you the IP. Please help. We need a total of 6 people, but I have a 15 slot server, so we can have a few extra's just watching, if the lag isn't bad. Here are some changes I have made Also, if you couldn't tell. I deleted all of the other chunks so they wouldn't try to render while playing, causing lag.
How does probending combat work in minecraft? Also, when the hell will 1.8 be out... I want that render engine rewrite so goddamn badly.
I think he means 1.5 which is apparently soon, as jeb tweeted about this snapshot (13w10b) being the last one before pre-releases.
Good morning, members of Forgehub. This is Shuman. I hope you all enjoyed last night's pro-bending match, because it will be the last. It's time for this city to stop worshipping minecraft pro-bending athletes as if they were heroes. I am calling on Cheeze to shut down the bending arena server and cancel the testing, or else there will be severe consequences.
Oh I was thinking 1.4.8 which is probably 1.5 like sky said. Either way, render rewrite and hoppers. **** yes.
There are no "Real Elements" in Minecraft Pro Bending. Waterbenders get a Bow(Infinity enchant) and Arrow, Earthbenders get Snowballs, which are only dispensed by stepping on the pressure plates, and Fire benders get a Fishing Rod with Knockback 1 and Fire Aspect 1, so you can pull them closer to hit them. You'll never stop me! I WILL SUCCEED! (eventually.) (Yes, I got the reference, I just wasn't sure what to say back...) But yeah I never got to test it because I couldn't get enough people. Waah- Waah.
I'm generally not a fan of Yogscast, but I have never laughed so hard at a Minecraft video in my life. It's seriously worth watching the whole 35 mins. Voltz Special - Episode 12 - The Bomb - YouTube
About a week ago, I started my 29th world on the 360 version of Minecraft. And it's better than the others that I started previously. I've found an Abandoned Mineshaft and a Stronghold. The really cool part about this Stronghold is that it has an intact, inactive End portal. I'm leaving it like that until TU9 comes out which will have the End included (If I have to start a new world just to get the End, I'm gonna be pissed). The best part was when I built my Netherportal. I went through to get a lay of the Nether and would you believe that when I turned to my right, I saw a Nether Fortress, complete with Blaze Spawners. This world has been the best out of all the worlds I've started before. I want to give it a proper name, but I just can't think of one (the name right now is New World 29). I'm really stoked about both TU9 cause it's gonna have a bunch of new stuff in it(I'm hoping an Adventure mode and texture packs are among the new things), and the upcoming Skin Pack 4, which'll be out this Wednesday.