Map: Mech Bay Map Gametype: Hulk's House of Frag: Deathmatch / Mantis Arena Yeap this map houses 8 mantis' plus a asethetic "Hunter-Killer" mech. This map is for arena style gameplay and is not designed to try and make it into matchmaking. I made the remake specifically for my community HHF. If you're interested in playing some games on this with the quake style gametype you can sign up here. Spoiler
Presentation? Always awesome with you. I really like the awesome presentation of both the classes. (I wish you could learn me) And the gametype and loadouts are setup well in my eyes, i don't know how it plays yet, but I like what you have chosen. For example the SAW instead of an assault rifle.. 1. Because its more awesome 2. With the weapon damage lowered you can balance things out quite well. Swords You have also taken down the shields, but to balance that out (of course), up the health. You get the point, I like the classes, pretty much The gametype is also really nice. You,ve chosen to put in bonuses to the total point system if someone gets an more special/awesome kill, and I like that. It changes up the gametype quite a bit, and motivates more special combat and just some good gameplay overall. The map itself looks really good, optimal aesthetics. And again, to change things up from the Erosion decor you have build it in the "Coliseum 2.0" or known as the Grifball court. I really have much to say about this awesome look. I wish i could test this out, but I don't really have the time at this point. But I will try to test this later, maybe even with you, and defenitly download this. Keep amazing Hulk
Thanks for the feedback! I've been testing this gametype with Nutduster and xAudienceofone and they enjoy the hell out of it. I made the HHF community to get away from the normal BR + DMR competitive style halo and bring back the arena. Lots of shooting, infinite bottomless clip ammo, very fast paced, and fun as hell. As for the presentation I was trying to keep the HHF map presentations clean and try to sell the gametype as well as the map. Didn't want to clutter it up too much but I can certainly add like a Map logo if you want. Thanks again!
are headshots a one shot kill at 200% health? that could kind of ruin the idea, although it depends on the weapons you use.
This quite possibly could be the absolute best looking map made thus far in that "shiny ass floor" arena. I like the looks of this map, as well as the idea of the gameplay!
SAW, RAIL GUN, ROCKETS, BINARY weapons only. The only weapon you can get a headshot with is the Binary Rifle, how does that ruin the idea?
There is real talent when you can take what's basically a set of virtual legos and create something like this. You astetics really capture that look of a Mech/Cargo/ Hangar Bay seen in sci-fi classics like Aliens. The multi screen drop down in the center and the boxes really sell it well. Your mech sculpture is awesome, I like that you put it in a pic next to the mantis to show the scale to anyone who hasn't DL'd the map. Really nice work.
just asking. I had thought about making some kind of similar game mode, but didn't want it to be too easy to kill with a headshot. in another hand, disabling headshots removes a level of skill.
The arena style gameplay doesn't involve skilled weapons like rifles. The only skilled weapon in a arena styled game or gametype is the sniper weapon. Arena style is based around power weapons alone and lots of ammo. To make it fun speed and agility is greatly enhanced to be able to "dodge" these weapons. The default weapon should be a bullet hose b/c the player cannot dodge it but it needs to be fairly weak so it encourages players to use more weapons. I make use of the bottomless clip so there is no reloading, just constant spraying of ammunition just like in Quake or Unreal where you never had to reload. The Arena scene should be nothing of chaos and over-the-top action... that is what makes it so fun. It doesn't require a whole lot of skill, and shouldn't, the player should be able to kick back and be entertained by blowing away player after player in the most unsubtle way while not caring about when and if he dies.
This looks really impressive aesthetically and the game type sounds fun as well. With your level of detail and lights, how is the frame rate?
On all 3 HHF maps there is absolutely zero frame rate drop. If you want to join the fun, go here: Just now starting up the lobby this week and will be running it every week that is dedicated to the arena style gameplay. I will very much consider community feedback in gameplay adjustment where needed, I want it to be fun for all.