Halo 4: Orbital Preview - YouTube Just like in Halo Reach, I'm remaking Orbital, that one map from Halo 3 that very few pay attention to, but I just decide to make it because I never see one anywhere else. Halo 4's lighting system really hates me for this, and I still have to work out a lot of the bumps and add a lot of detail, but here is the basic layout so far.
Its lookin pretty swell mate. I assumme you've upgraded the size for Halo 4? And take it from me, I remade this map too and I noticed a lot of high lighting budget items on there. I went through hell remaking Orbital and I'm still attemptingto make it perfect. I hope it works out for you cause my remake made me it's *****. haha Also you might wanna set all items at 2 second spawn in after start to remove lighting
It's not worth my time if there are so many of them. It's safe to say that someone else has made a better one than I could ever make. Thanks! I've made it slightly more spacious, but I think it just seems even bigger because I haven't cluttered the map with crates and stuff yet. Wow, I didn't think anyone else (on this site at least) would bother remaking the map. I'm a little bit demoralized now, since you made it and you're exponentially better than me at forging. Yeah, I'll try doing that. Maybe I'll experiment with what does and doesn't have lighting and keep the tunnels dark like the original.
curious about the fact that you left part of the station open to space... was that just a choice or is that area unfinished?
The spot by rocket spawn? It's unfinished. I didn't know about Moonbase Alpha until I saw GTF's post today and I've been forging this on and off since November. I mean, I guess we forged in different styles and invested our time/resources differently, in terms of what is and what isn't as detailed, and it is up to the viewer to decide which differences they find better.
Trust me, you should in no way be demoralized... If your version doesn't have frame-rate up the ass then you'll of beat me.. haha Like I said, I made it in 2 months as my first project, and I'm STILL trying to fix the gameplay aspect of it. And seeing only one other remake gets you down? At least you didn't make Lockout
you should try the gates in orbital, the first thing I thought when I saw that you could make doors is "man, that would be great for an orbital remake, oh well" <- true fax.