What you think should be in the next major update for halo 4?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mangochestnut, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
    Senior Member

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    it can be used that way, since you can place AAs on the map.

    doesn't it depend on player speed or some other parameters? I've seen flood games where the thruster pack would propel me extremly far as a flood.
    #21 Fauch, Jan 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2013
  2. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Not the same. Picking up the Camo AA and picking up the Camo powerup are very different. One is instant effect and time limited, the other is on-demand and reusable until you die.

    I don't believe so. I'm pretty sure that the Thruster pack stays the same even if you up player speed, and the Flood one is like that as a special modded version which you can't achieve outside of the gametype (in the same way that Flood don't have Sprint but there's no way to do that using settings).

    Even then, messing with fundamental mechanics like player speed just to buff the Thruster a decent amount isn't really a solution.
  3. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    yeah, it worked the same way as in timesplitters I guess. but you still have to fight over it, and you don't have it for the whole match. and it may even draw more attention than a powerup.
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That's true in principle, but the way they've balanced the AA makes it less appealing as a pickup. Camo pickup is useful for pushing but the AA punishes you for moving fast and the radar jammer gives you away. These things kinda make sense in nerfing it for use as an AA (though I dislike how passive it encourages the user to be), but don't work as well for a pickup people fight for and use to push with.
  5. Ingulit

    Ingulit Promethean

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    ===== WEAPONS =====

    ** DMR
    Slight firerate nerf
    Red reticle distance nerf

    ** BR
    Basically perfect imo
    Slight red reticle distance buff

    ** Light Rifle
    Basically perfect imo
    Possibly a very slight unscoped firerate buff

    ** Carbine
    7 shot kill

    ** AR
    Basically perfect
    Possibly very slight damage buff

    ** Storm Rifle
    Basically perfect

    ** Suppressor
    Accuracy buff through lowering bloom rate very slightly

    ** Magnum
    Utterly perfect

    ** Plasma Pistol
    Buff uncharged bolt damage
    Nerf the charged shot by making it charge slower (this is for BTB)

    ** Boltshot
    Buff uncharged shot damage
    Nerf the charged shot dramatically:
    - Reduce range
    - Reduce damage (maybe only take out shields with minor bleed?)
    - Increase charge time and make it all-or-nothing

    ** SAW
    Basically perfect
    MAYBE slight nerf via greater bloom rate

    ** Sniper Rifle

    ** Beam Rifle
    Basically perfect
    MAYBE slight unscoped autoaim nerf

    ** Binary Rifle

    ** Rockets

    ** Spartan Laser
    Needs a MASSIVE buff
    Buff the charge time to be as fast as the Pelican's splaser in Campaign

    ** Scattershot
    Minor range buff
    Minor damage buff

    ** Shotgun
    Minor range buff

    ** Gravity Hammer
    Basically perfect

    ** Sword
    Basically perfect

    ** Fuel Rod Gun
    Basically perfect

    ** Concussion Rifle
    Basically perfect
    Maybe slight buff in number of spare clips

    ** Needler
    Basically perfect
    Maybe slight buff in max spare ammo

    ** Sticky Detonator

    ** Railgun

    ** Frags

    ** Plasma Grenades
    Nerf via only spawning with one

    ** Pulse Grenade
    Buff DOT damage significantly
    Buff via spawning with two


    ** Active Camo
    Nerf amount of time you can stay camoed before it runs out
    Nerf the speed at which it regenerates

    ** Pro Vision
    Nerf via appearing on motion sensors during entire usage regardless of movement (possibly even different color on radar)
    Nerf amount of time before it runs out
    Nerf the speed at which it regenerates

    ** Thruster Pack
    Buff the distance it travels
    Possibly buff via staying in first person like when pressing A+Thruster forward

    ** Autosentry
    Buff via shortening the amount of time to charge it to be the same as current Regen Field
    Buff autosentry firerate to be more comparable to Campaign

    ** Regen Field
    Basically perfect
    Possibly nerf via increasing the amount of time to charge it to be the same as current Autosentry

    ** Jet Pack

    ** Hologram

    ** Stability
    Buff by removing flinch entirely (currently no reason to use over Awareness)

    ===== MAPS =====

    Remove the Gauss Hog and Scorpion on Exile

    Remove the Mantis on Ragnarok

    Remove the Mantis on Meltdown

    ===== MISC =====

    Probably not fixable, but seriously increase the time it takes for a weapon to despawn

    Remove instant respawns from all playlists

    Add or fix various custom game settings:
    - No instant respawn
    - No sprint
    - Fix Oddball scoring so that stuff like Oddball Kills actually gives you points, not just amount of time holding the ball
    - Fix Infection so you can at the very least change armor abilities for Flood

    Various Forge fixes already discussed

    Probably not possible, but remove random ordinance in favor of respawning initial ordinance

    Make personal ordinance tier-based, such that your first drop is of slightly weaker stuff, second drop slightly stronger, third drop forward stuff like Beam Rifles/Rockets. This would reward actually doing well and would keep random super-strong power weapons out until the endgame.


    There's probably more, this is just what I thought of off the top of my head.
  6. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    Thrusters are judged by player speed. I don't think it being flood has anything to do with it based on minigames dependant on the thrusters (For example VII's Gravball or Cryppys Episphere).

    Also, something else that I feel should be changed or atleast added in the next Halo...
    More 1st person!
    With Thrusters being the new evade I gotta say I'm pretty annoyed with going 3rd person for less than a second every time I use the thrusters. I think it should have remained 1st person like it was before, easier to retain accuracy.

    I had a similar thought for assassinations. If anyones played AVP you'll remember the assassination sequences. They were awesome, even if you were the one dying.
    Nothing scared the **** out of me more than staying in 1st person and being interrupted by an enormous Predator blade (Or Alien tail) bursting through my chest.

    In Halo it's just depressing, cause the moment it goes 3rd person I just drop my controller and have to literally watch my enemy dance around me until I'm finally dead and can respawn.

    If it remained 1st person and out of nowhere a Spartans hand pulled my head back and rammed a combat knife into my visor/HUD, I would be pretty startled, not to mention dead, and I wouldnt be watching a perfectly choreographed dance sequence before having my neck snapped.

    Plus you wouldn't zoom in and out of 3rd person when performing an assassination, helping you retain accuracy and flow.

    Just my opinion, anyone else agree though? As awesome as the assassinations look, when I get killed I want to actually die, so that I can get back to respawning. The assassinations are too damn slow considering you could just punch them in the back in H3 and get an instant kill.
  7. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    I completely agree. The whole first person assassination idea sounds absolutely brilliant. Being assassinated would certainly be more enjoyable on the receiving end. The animations also need to be quicker, too - I never ever go for an assassination because I know I'll just be killed during the few seconds it takes me to kill someone. I think I have a total of 12 assassinations out of 4300 kills...

    Regarding the next major update... The four things that immediately jump out at me are:
    1) Nerf the DMRs range or firerate. I'm a loyal BR user and know I'm putting myself at a disadvantage every time I use it.
    2) Nerf the Boltshot's range and damage - it's ridiculous how it beats a Scattershot, and has become pretty much a staple secondary on anyone's loadout for non-BTB.
    3) Do something about the Plasma Pistol into Plasma Grenade combo in BTB. Vehicles in Reach saw no use due to armour lock. I don't want them to see no use again due to Plasma Pistol loadouts.
    4) Provide ammo on the map! Too many times I've had to die just to get some blasted BR ammo.
  8. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    I assummed the thruster in flood acted that way due to gravity being lower but as someone said it may jsut be specific to that gametype. Because, I made a BTB testing map on Impact with gravity at 75 or 50% and the thruster certainly didn't boost like it does for Flood...so I think it is just the gametype.

    The main thing I see the Thruster is good for in regular matches like slayer is boosting behind cover once your shields are gone, as a quick escape. Sometimes you need that extra boost to get behind that wall before you die and the moment you push the thruster that shot that was fired at you will miss if timed correctly...or the person aiming will miss. It is also good for dropping to a lower level on a map quicker, as the thruster drops you to the ground faster when you use it in the air. Last but not least the thruster can save you from being splattered by vehicles if timed correctly. I think it is also possible to save you from falls if timed correctly. Using it to get through shield doors or dominion shields I consider cheating though and that should be fixed.

    The thruster is my favorite armor ability and I really like how it looks going into 3rd person when you activate it. It just gives me that adrenaline rush that I like. People who say the Thruster is useless are probably basing the ability off of Evade from Reach. They expect it to dodge bullets and confuse enemies, which it does not do. If you try to use the Thruster like Evade you will just die.

    Edited by merge:

    This^^ I completely agree with and been saying the whole time. Except I go a step further. They should enforce all BTB matches to have loadouts of primary weapon BR and secondary either an AR or Magnum. Plasma Pistols and DMRs should be map and personal ordnance ONLY in BTB. I don't have too much of an issue with the Boltshot but I think that is only because people tend to use the plasma pistol instead for BTB. In small maps I could see getting annoyed with Boltshot. As far as the Scattershot I think it does need to be on par with the human shotgun as if you compare it, scatter is much weaker. Also I have seen the scattershot cause tremendous framerate drop for the person shooting it in forge maps in certain areas of the map. This happened in one of my maps just inside of a building forge piece. So just one forge item, a building, being inside it with the scattershot caused lag when shooting it.
    #28 Starship Ghost, Jan 31, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2013
  9. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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  10. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    nice video and good testing. Boltshot definitely overpowered I see. that UNSC shotgun needs to be way better than a boltshot. The randomness of the Scattershot pisses me off. Sometimes I get one shot kill.... others it takes 3 shots even at point blank range i have seen 2 to 3 shots to kill.
  11. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    Pegasi - that confirms exactly how I felt about the weapons without ever having tested them. The boltshot is just nasty, it has a superior range and greater consistency than both the shotty and scattershot, and all you have to do is time it so it has a second to charge. Pretty sick for a weapon you can spawn with.

    Pretty much the only CQC power weapon I bother picking up is the sword, because the lunge makes it well worth having. The two in that video - why bother, if your boltshot still has ammo in it?
  12. Ryker61

    Ryker61 Promethean

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    Why should they enforce all BTB matches to have loadouts of Primary weapon BR and Secondary either an AR or Magnum? I don't see the point. The loadouts give players the ability to choose whatever weapon they want as a primary and secondary. My loadout is AR as the primary and BR as the secondary. That's my Assault Loadout. Having 343 come in and say "You no longer get to decide what weapons you get to choose in BTB. From now the primary is the BR and the secondary is the Magnum." is a stupid thing to do. If that were to happen, I would not play Halo 4 MP anymore. Players should be allowed to choose what ever weapon they want for their loadouts. Plain and simple. Enforcing all BTB matches to have loadouts with the BR as the Primary and the AR as the secondary is only going to piss off a lot of people.
  13. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    The point is that the DMR is incredibly accurate over very long range, making it a less-powerful sniper, and the plasma pistol can basically ruin vehicle play if lots of players in the game use it. These two things combined make BTB less fun that it ought to be because you can't move around on foot and can't use vehicles very effectively either.

    Loadouts and choice are nice on paper. In practice, they can ruin gameplay.

    By the way, I'm not in favor of forced weapon starts. Now that we have a loadout system they may as well use it. But some weapons are problematic and if we're not going to remove them from loadouts, then they may need to be nerfed for the good of the game.
  14. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    Before Reach, BTB actually saw players traversing the map, attempting to gain the Spartan Laser or Sniper that had just spawned in the middle. Vehicles, if not destroyed with the appropriate weapon (e.g. Missile Pod), would wreak havoc. Before Reach, BTB was a lot more strategic and involving than it is now. DMRs, as well as personal ordnance, have caused infantry gameplay to become stale. Plasma Pistol loadouts have caused vehicle gameplay to become stale. Just look at Ragnarok - all it is now is a cross-map DMR fest until one lucky sod gets their hands on a Binary Rifle, then the game ends.
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You could use that logic to argue in favour of having Rockets as an available loadout weapon.

    Balance > you getting your way.
  16. Ryker61

    Ryker61 Promethean

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    I want 343 to get the issues that constantly crop up with their H4 servers resolved. I'm getting fed up with going in to play a match, then be told that the Halo 4 servers are not available and that matchmaking has switched to default settings. I never had this level of problems when I played Reach matchmaking. These server outages, coupled with the ridiculous lag is unacceptable.
  17. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I haven't had those server issues in a couple of months. Seriously not once. Perhaps its to do with when I play, but I often keep going to the early hours of the morning which is US prime time so idk. Do you notice it happening at a particular time of day? What are your speed test results like also? Up, down speed and ping are all important.
    #37 Pegasi, Feb 7, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 7, 2013
  18. Ryker61

    Ryker61 Promethean

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    That's the thing. I don't know where to go to test those. It might be in the network settings on my 360. I'll check there first next time it happens.

    Something else I'd like to see either fixed or changed in the next update is the penalty system for Betrayals. I've had at least two instances where I've blown up a Ghost, and the wreckage kills another team mate and I'm the one that gets a Betrayal. One thing they should consider doing is adjusting it so the debris vanishes immediately after the vehicle is destroyed. That's what they did with the Banshee, though there is a bit of a delay.
  19. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I'm in favor of keeping debris and its random killing, because it's hilarious. Just don't make it a betrayal (it should probably just be a death with no credit or blame given to anyone).
  20. Ryker61

    Ryker61 Promethean

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    No. It's funny the first time it happens. Every other time after, it's not funny, especially if you get booted because of it. Having the debris disappear immediately after it gets blown up is the better way to go. In all honesty, I'm in favor of them removing the Betrayal system entirely from the game, but I know that won't happen. With the exception of vehicle kills, you can't just walk up to a team mate and TK them on the spot. You can do that in Flood and Grifball matches, but you can't do that in BTB matches.

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