Don't confuse my suggestions for how they ought to handle things with a prediction of how they will handle things. If anything, I fall on the more cynical side of the fence; the launch of Halo 4 has made me believe that the robust customs/forge community is the portion of the Halo fanbase 343 is the least interested in. And to be fair, we don't pay the bills. Far more people play infinity slayer every day than ever set foot in forge or a custom game lobby. It just happens that I prefer that part of Halo over default matchmaking.
Really? I likd the ideas behind ODST, but I got bored after a few missions and moved on to something else, never to return to that game. It wasnt bad, it just want that fun. Still, I'm also the guy who doesnt much like any Halo campaign aside from 4, and am really only here for Forge...
CE is my favorite, mostly because it is the only one I can play on my computer (don't you dare talk about the monster that was H2 vista)
We were referring to music. Steve Vai did the guitar over the main theme for H2, it was amazing, but that's not even why I like the H2 soundtrack so much. ODST had a completely different, almost call it experimental take on music. Never done before, never done since in Halo. And it was beautiful. I feel like they don't give a **** about the music anymore. It just sounds like a blockbuster. No imagination.
Funny, I just was listening to the OST from ODST at work today. It's beautiful music. High above any other the other efforts.
Holy ****, is this just me?! I played Matchmaking today and there seemed to be even more glitches than usual!! Personal ordnance showing up at a completely different location than where you aimed it at, shotguns that simply can't kill, controller that doesn't vibrate every now and then when using the BR. What the hell is going on with this game? Do 343 Industries even care about it at all??
Was there some kind of update? If not, maybe it's just XBL issues or something with your own box or connection. The kind of stuff you're describing is unlikely to be new bugs. Even if they released a TU I doubt all of that would be introduced by it.
Don't know how we got here, but yes. Yes, the ODST soundtrack is amazing and so is the game. Still, I feel like every game has its own beast track. Even Halo 4 : OST 117. Aaaaand... Is ANYONE interested in SpOps here? There are two more episodes released now, and they are quite good, and creative, because the areas were compeletly made for this. When you are aboard on the Infinity, the gun battles are good, though for this episode I expected something really epic.. The last mission was called "Victory Lap" and I was like : "Warthog drivin' through the Infinity? Maw style?" but unfortunatly.. Just my imagination I guess. I think they are getting there, at least with SpOps.
For all those people who aren't into the loadouts and instant respawn, I made something for you. Team Slayer Classic - Forge Hub
So what do you guys think of 'Rail'? It's the only Team Doubles map I hadn't seen before. Personally, I had a decent experience, but nobody was using a jetpack. It felt like jetpacks could really break that map. I hope there are brutally low hard kills or something to keep them in line.
So what do you guys think of 'Rail'? It's the only Team Doubles map I hadn't seen before. Personally, I had a decent experience, but nobody was using a jetpack. It felt like jetpacks could really break that map. I hope there are brutally low hard kills or something to keep them in line.
Was just browsing through CGHUB's concept art and stumbled across a familiar face. I may have found 343's source of inspiration for their Flood model. Check out the original drawing, Dustin by Anthony Jones. Sadly, I don't think he'll be getting any credit.