Archive of Test Night Recaps

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Nutduster, Jan 16, 2013.


Can you (sometimes) play on Saturdays around 11 AM or 12 noon?

  1. Yes, that time could work for me.

  2. No, I am never available at that time.

    0 vote(s)
  3. Pizza rolls.

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  1. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    Sorry for leaving mid game, I got disconnected from live and apparently many other people did as well.

    Chimera I really liked the changes to this map. It is less linear. One thing I found a bit annoying was the fact that the path that held the alien sniper was very skinny. My initial spawn was in that so it was a little irritating. I suggest expanding that a block or two wider. Other than that it seemed to play nice, and the center reminded me of lockout.

    Black Briar Flood I don't play a lot of flood but this is definitely one of my favorites. The gametype was also very nice with this map. The changes were nice, but I did notice one spawn facing the underside of a bridge incline. Turn that spawn a bit and should be fine. Keep up the work.

    House of Frag This one looked beautiful. I liked the fact that the binary rifle only had 2 shots in it so you don't have too much of an advantage. Other than the obvious lag, there were a couple issues I had, probably just because of my stupidity: It took me the entire game to realize how to get on that top platform. I never saw the teleporters at first. Also I got stuck in one of those walls that I think are made from those giant walkways. I'm not even sure how I got in it, but if you don't understand what I'm talking about I can show you in forge. Hopefully the lag will be reduced next time.

    Bleached Did't notice any changes (except the ghost on the wall is gone :( ?) but I thought it was still awesome. I think CTF is my favorite game type for this map. I didn't notice any issues with this one though. Good job.

    Vandaley This was really cool too, especially with the way you used that part of forge. I never really found myself in the center though, unless I had the sword and waited for some unlucky traveler to pass by. After one kill I thought it was too cheap /:. Maybe it bit more height variation would make it a tad more interesting, but I still like the way it is now.

    Zinc This was mine. I was quite happy with the turn out, especially when someone spoke about how they liked the pipe railings :). All of the nice comments were amazing to hear, knowing it's not just one of my friends being nice to me when they really hated it. I was wondering if it might be possible to make some sort of invisible roof using gravity zones? This could minimize the advantage that jet packers have so they can't jump over those main base walls without adding any lag.

    Oh and thanks for posting that video of Zinc!
    #181 GetRdy2Fall, Jan 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2013
  2. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Me too. :) We'll be doing that again next time I think, unless I decide to run a different map... got too much stuff to test. The ghost hologram only spawns after 90 seconds - it's generated by a dominion vehicle pad and there's no way to get it to spawn before then, apparently.

    I'll take a look, maybe there's something I can do along those lines - maybe elevated those outside platforms Hulk was talking about, but I'm not sure. Right now most of the verticality is with the lower levels on the middle of each side. I don't know how heavily they were used; might be more so in a different gametype or if I re-jigged the teleporters. Speaking of which, did you guys use the teleporters, and what would you think about the one-ways going from top mid to the bottom instead of like they are now, which is the other way around? I could even do a 2-way although I'm not always fond of what those do to gameplay.

    You can do that, though I wouldn't want it to be too low. Personally I didn't notice the jetpack being super-problematic, but apparently Hulk was the main exploiter of that and he was on my team, so maybe I just didn't experience enough of it. Another possibility - find the parts where jetpack is causing the most issues and add higher walls or ceilings around those areas to limit how useful it is. I'm learning on my own maps to make walls as tall as I can without blowing up my budget/object usage, and to put ceilings over at least some parts of the map, so jetpackers can't hop over every wall in sight.
  3. GetRdy2Fall

    GetRdy2Fall Forerunner

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    Haha I feel like a noob still not knowing how to quote text like yall do.

    I don't even remember using the teleporter or even knowing one was on the map. Hopefully we can test it again some time to determine what to do with that. The lower levels on each side did make it a lot of fun though.

    And for my map, that's a great idea. I'll see what I can do with some of the walls and try making them taller with roofs. Thanks
  4. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    If you ever need forge advice and see me online, throw me an invite. I'd be glad to jump in and make a suggestion or two. Limiting jetpackers is a personal quest for me...

    Oh and about quoting, look under each post where the edit/reply/etc. buttons are. Third one is Quote, and it quotes that entire post for replying purposes. You can just copy/paste the two quote tags to break it up into sections and type your replies in between, if you're responding to a bunch of different things.
    #184 Nutduster, Jan 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2013
  5. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I'll be posting a video of your map Vandaley as well here later today so Nutduster can get a perspective of what I saw and how it played for me.

    I added a video to my review of Zinc and you can see what I am talking about when I'm near their flag. I think higher walls near there would be ideal.
    #185 Fenix Hulk, Jan 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2013
  6. X2Sora

    X2Sora Halo 3 Era
    Senior Member

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    While I don't feel that free-for-all is the best game-type to give feedback from, particularly with our low numbers, the map was well designed and fun. You did an excellent job with all the height variation and the map is definitely one of your most promising. My only criticism (and this is more of a bias) is that the incineration cannon is just too good. Competitively I think outside of BTB the weapon just dominates. I would replace it with another power weapon of your choosing such as rockets etc. If I could play a proper game on the map I would be more than willing to give some more in depth feedback.
  7. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    +more competitive play than last time, less isolated long range fights
    +flowed a lot more smoothly

    -not sure that the changes have made me like it more
    -the game ended up in a fight over bottom mid for the last 3-4 mins
    -still had gaps between structural parts

    You need to fix the gaps inbetween the ramps inside; they were driving me mad. although some very interesting connections between areas exist, It was still kinda awkward to move around in some places.


    +still very fun
    +the central buildings really feel like solid buildings

    -nothing bad really, general opinion was that the hogs were bad

    Still my favourite and only flood map I can be bothered to play. It wouldn't be outta place in the flood playlist in MM.


    +very nice looking
    +some unique ideas on movement and weapon placement
    +honest-to-god arena layout

    -some areas need railings/walls to stop people falling
    -framerate dropped for me occasionally

    Nicely made, we spoke about how this map had an arena layout that used to be a more prominent feature of fps games, before maps were obliged to resemble everyday spaces or themes.
    Top mid looked the part, but for me, areas only accessible via teleporter are a no-no as a co-ordinated team can simply camp them and hold the area indefinitely, even just by blocking the receivers. I loved getting the Binary rifle on that platform, that was fun. It coulda maybe done with one reload though, as it got used awful quick.
    From certain spots on the map, I got framerate, not terrible but a bit distracting. Possibly the worst place was the binary platform looking onto the whole map. I had more fun on slayer than CTF, but I am reknown for not really taking much part in objective games. And we got kinda bummed on CTF! I definitely think this could support at least 10 ppl, if not 12.


    +excellent layout and use of space
    +defined areas with lots of defensive/offensive options
    +lots of dancefloor mixed with lifts and ramps and bottlenecks

    -the middle was very open and it was easy to restrict the others teams actions with simple dmr fire
    -soft kill ceiling kept affecting me every time i got the lift up top

    As for the layout it was class. Movement was intuitive but occasionally got into some dead-ends and had to turn round to go back. I was indeed getting owned by jetpackers, but that was a good thing i thought, and a credit to the map. I didn't feel cheated by jetpack but out-manouvered rather. I always have more fun on Slayer but I enjoyed ctf. Possibly jetpackers do have an advantage here, but thats the way jetpack works.
    The soft kill barrier was annoying, but if you add a cylindrical safe zone over the areas in question it will nullify the kill zone just to the height you want it.


    +we all knew the layout better and the game had more co-ordinated gameplay
    +classic arena layout

    - didn't like where two of the hills where

    A lot of fun, this must be nearly finished. More people found and used the beam rifle this time, including me. The hill in front of the incin cannon was the most fun to fight over. However the two hills at the other side of the map seemed out of place, and took a long time to get to from most places. I really liked the way you forged them, and they had a lotta functionality, with the inclination acting as cover, but seemed more like spawn-hive areas like the one you added for defenders on Terrorium. If you could move those whole depressed areas into the map more they would prove better hill areas. I think.


    +nice job working that area in to a map, I haven't seen it done yet
    +you mixed your own aesthetics very well with the canvas creating symmetry where it didn't exist
    +clever features like the grav-lift pit

    -it felt too simplistic for my tastes
    -the bits made of coli windows felt like dead-ends

    Kudos on this map, it's cleverly made and you have a great eye for creating competitive spaces. I didn't realise whilst playing it that you had reacreated the forerunner structure outta coli windows and ramps, that was cool. We were outclassed, and it seemed that when the enemy had the flag, I would spawn almost on the farthest away part of the map, unable to catch the flag runner. You put the teleporters in great spots, but I didn't get to use them much. I think that its always hard to grasp the layout of a map when the first game on it is CTF, Slayer might have suited a debut better.


    +compact, fast-paced
    +truly clever uses of natural terrain
    +big enough for 4v4 lol

    -spawning reported as ****ed up
    -personally i got confused by one side being wrapped in coli walls and one being open

    Nice work. I can see the endeavour comparisons, but it played better than endeavour. You did a brilliant job of using the natural geommetry in a symmetric map. Ita also remined me of the whale, without the whale's issues. Very good overall but it seemed that my team and the enemy were spawning on each others flags, which kinda killed CTF a bit. You seem to have the same issue as I had on Pristine, and I have pretty much become stumped on it. The most unbelievably knowledgeable person I know is MRGREENWITHAGUN, he's kinda an expert on spawns. He's on my friend list but can't seem to find alink to his super-scientific blog right now. I will update when I can find a link to it

    Sadly the game was too laggy for me to really leave good feedback, and it was too full of ppl dropping in and out too. I do love this map though and look forward to next week on it.

    On a personal note we didn't get a chance to play an updated version of my map, the lobby just dropped dead when Nuts and Audience left. I was horrified as I had spent about 2-3 hours every night for the whole week tweaking it and setting it up for one-flag and that seemed to be working great. I added a bunch of structure too and, well ... tweaked EVERYTHING.

    So, can I pre-emptively book slots 5-6 for next tuesday? :)
  8. BARF

    BARF Forerunner

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    great games poor connection

    the Custom games were a blast intil xbox live kept knocking people off line. I got to play 6 maps then gave up cause off connection issues. still good games. great maps.

    Chimera: Cool Athstetics. I like the use of the rock pieces. The long corridor in the center held great DMR battles.

    Black Briar Manor: Very fun. the flood settings were great. Looks and feels like an urban enviroment. Dashing through the air as the flood was very satisfing. the spawn under the ramp needs spun around 180.

    House Of Frag : Looks Great. Very creative use of pieces. Probably my favorite of the night. I was in awe of the visuals. the yellow blocks were very affective. The zero gravity room was cool although I kept falling to my death in the center. Still that made it interesting. I didnt see a point to the far out man cannons. Unless their were power weapons out there that I didnt see.

    Zinc: Great use of the pipes as railings and as ramps behind the bases. Sniping was really fun as was the DMR battles across the map from the 2nd floor. The base layouts are awesome. the entire maps layout is well thought out. the bases are deep with many rooms. Everything was very spacious. Being able to fall to your death into the green water was a nice added aspect.

    king of the hill game: Super fun. Lots of action. Clever decor. Nice varieity of high n low spots. I liked how the 2 hills would be open briefly when the hills were changing over.

    the next map made great use of the existing geometry.

    LLc Interchange. I applaude this map. It was big enough to accomidate hogs. the double brige in the center was super cool. Awesome intricate layout. Very smooth. Played great. The bottom floor with the rockets reminded me of Prisoner from hale ce. which I liked. The driving was reminesint of Rat Race. All around very cool map.

    thats about when my connection started failing. Great games all around Although I feel that random ordinances throw of the balance of the battles. I perfer classic slayer. the creator didnt put super stong power weapons on the map for reason. usually because theyd be too powerful on that given map.
    #188 BARF, Jan 30, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2013
  9. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    That is where the binary rifles are located. The pad is so far out there that the visual sight of the weapon disappears. You actually have to take the mancannon across to check to see if the weapon spawned yet.
  10. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    That's a novel idea. I noticed it was true in game but didn't realize you'd done it on purpose.

    I need them where they are structurally, but I may just move those two hills to the adjacent areas with the little windows - they are slightly closer and more accessible, and a small tweak like that may make enough of a difference. I have to admit though, my philosophy of hill placement is to get people to have to move around the map as much as possible; if you find yourself running great distances to get to new hills, it means you're probably dying too much or not gravitating to the map's center when a new hill is about to come up. I'm not a fan of hill maps where the hills only utilize the interior 50% of the map. But I can tighten it up a smidgen.
    #190 Nutduster, Jan 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2013
  11. unrivaled20

    unrivaled20 Promethean

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    first i'll address some feedback and then ill review the maps we played

    I tried to make the green area more powerful since last week it was a horrible choice, i am going to lower some of the rocks to make less of an area to hide. if it is till over powered i could put a trait zone that makes you die quicker

    What do you mean by try adding elbows. whats an elbow?

    I actually like the fact that you can jet pack around this map plus the fact that there is no real way to fix that aspect

    This is fixed for version three

    This is also fixed for version 3

    Don't you think that's a little drastic. Plus i don't think i have the time to do this. However i have redone most of the bottom level of the map. i tore down most of the walls and put up new walls. If your free on xbox live I like to get some feed back on the changes before next weeks customs. I might switch it up and do something different next week too.

    Now for Black Briar Manor i am pretty much done with it. i am going to get rid of the vehicles as they are kinda annoying and take up 1300$ of my maxed out budget. it is impossible to move the building at all around so i will put some ramps to compensate for the bumps caused by the window. the area nutduster fell into is gone now and i will fix the spawns and possibly add the aesthetic things i originally wanted in the mansion. Next week will be my finished map and last test for this map in flood form

    Edited by merge:

    House of Frag: This was a pretty fun game and definitely a unique map. I had a few issues with it.
    First. it seemed large for 4 on 4. I don't know if speeding up the players will help either because moving fast can **** up movement and aim of players. Although i have never tested this i am just assuming moving at 120 or 150 speed will have a serious learning curve

    Second. there is no way to get to the yellow room with the mounted turret without a jetpack. You should not map a area of your map only available to jetpackers.

    Third. the teleporter is barely visable. I suggest you add a dominion shield and adjust the shape of the teleporter accordingly. Frankly i would always make a box shape for teleporters especially if your using the frame

    Fourth- I fell of theramp bridges at least 4 time. i would sugest adding raining and if you don't wanna do the at least remove all spawns from the area on the bridges

    And Finally I would move down the center platform a tad. Also team based spawns may work well for ctf but they are horrible for slayer which is why i would just do respawn zones

    Even though I have a few issues i did like your map

    Zinc- This was a very fun map. Although i didn't like how the jetpack had a huge advantage to other aa's. I frankly don't like the jetpack at all. One thing i would do is connect the under layer of the one side that goes high. I think i took the flag that way and it is much harder to go that way as you need to go outside to get were you want which equals instant death when you have a marker over your head. This map was a fun time even though i got owned by people who use jetpack regularly

    - This played pretty bad on king of the hill, which is surprising since i liked it so much on flag. i just feel the hills were placed wrong. case in point a few times i spawned on the other side of the map and it took me 15-20 seconds just to get to the area of the hill. I do like this map but not for KOTH

    Vandeley- This map was pretty unique however capture the flag drove you to go certain paths as some were just odd since your walking there for no reason. I like how this map has a lot of really good hiding spots. overall i wish we switched the gametypes of your maps or played slayer on this. I would have liked this more if i wasn't attacked by 3 people because of the xbox live problems kicking my team

    Painted- This was a cool little map i liked how you incorporated the rocks into the map. some of the spawns need fixing since i spawned next to the flag.I also though the base closer to the ocean was much more easy to get around. yeah i played on both teams because of switching

    Interchange- Even though i played the whole game and you didnt even play your map. its hard to judge since 10 different people were in this game and only 5 finished. I would say that the Gauss is way overpowered though. i think you should just go with a normal hog and a ghost
    #191 unrivaled20, Jan 31, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2013
  12. Juanez Sanchez

    Juanez Sanchez Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Here is the link to mrgreenwithaguns blog Forging Halo 4 its a super methodical and complex read, but deeply professionally researched. Thinking cap time.
  13. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    1. It's Quake style brother, it's not meant to be played like Halo, it's meant to attract Quake fans, which they're are a lot of them. I never set it in stone as a 4v4, that's why we tested it. I had no idea it would be that roomy.

    2. The yellow room is a low grav room, all you have to do is jump up, no jet pack required. No place on this map is catered toward jet packs. Funny thing you say this b/c that is what I stated about yours.

    3. Dominion Shields are a killer on framerate. I did have them in the frames beforehand but frame rate started becoming noticeable so I deleted them. Now with the deleted stairs and a few minor fixes I think the framerate has been fixed so I added them again. Teleporters shouldn't have to be marked with a shield though, it's just about learning the layout of the map and my layout is pretty simple.

    4. Yeah... don't know what to do about that, I think it has to go back to learning the layout of the map. I had zero issues with it. I can add some railings but technically, every catwalk would have to be railed to get rid of the problem. This is also heavily inspired from quake, quake was all about enviromental hazards to really test the skills of its players. Most shooters have strayed away from this making the game easy as pie.

    5. Respawn zones are actually horrible period. If you read some expert spawn guides, you'll learn that you can spawn trap the enemy team with zones. The only way to go in Halo 4 is respawn points only. Anything else would cater toward the better team.

    P.S. Elbows are attachements that are usually a walkway that bends like a elbow form one corner to the other. So if you take a "+" shape, the elbow would connect one end to the other diagonally. So there's more than one way than going through the center. There's no way to sneak around, you get some skilled players, they could control the map like a champ. Also, elbows would be the fix to your jump pack problem as well, giving players a chance to chase them down when they go to cut across. Making the game fair to both types.
    #193 Fenix Hulk, Jan 31, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 31, 2013
  14. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    He means a long bridge or walkway with an angle in it - there are "elbows" on Lockout and Guardian for instance, basically just bridges with a 90 degree turn (in both cases at a lower elevation than the two structures they connect). It's a quick alternate connecting route between two areas of the map so you aren't forced through the middle.

    Sure, any time you see me on send me an invite and I can take a look. I would definitely say my suggestion is a drastic one, but I feel the map right now has two fundamental issues with its design that really can't be fixed without some major rebuilding. The main thing is that one long corridor that we keep playing tug-o-war over; the length and the fact you can see straight from one end of it to the other (barring those pillars in the middle for cover) is detracting from the map's overall gameplay, IMO. The only way I can think to deal with that other than what I suggested before would be a huge line-of-sight blocker right in the middle of the map that cuts the two halves of that off from each other. But that would change the map pretty substantially and maybe not in a good way - I'd have to see it in action I guess.

    Another possibility would be to deform both halves of the corridor to make them more into rooms than a big long hallway. That might help some, depending how you did it. But that gets more into the area of radical reconstruction, as well.

    I've tightened up my hill locations some - the two hills in the rooms at one end have been moved up and inward by maybe 8 units, and the hill at the far opposite end of the map has simply been deleted. Hopefully this will help. I do reiterate what I said before though - I think it's good for hills to move you around the map a lot, and if you find yourself constantly having to cross the entire map repeatedly to get to a hill, part of that might be your strategy for the gametype and not the map. e.g. Think of the hill locations on Asylum, in Reach; they took you to the furthest areas of the map, and if you didn't bounce back to center when the hill was about to move, or if you got killed and respawned in a bad spot, it could very well take you a long time to get to the new hill. And some of that too is not your personal strategy but just the dumb luck of where the game happens to spawn you. Still, I give you that Bleached is a big map (bigger than Asylum) so I'm hoping that tightening up the hill locations a bit will reduce that feeling of constantly running across the entire map.

    We may do slayer for the next test. I like the design for flag too but I think the uneven teams really hurt this particular game. I've also done several things that will have a big impact on map flow:
    1. Replaced the two sniper weapons with explosive ones (railgun on one side, sticky det on the other). I think the snipers are too OP with those intentionally long lines of sight down each side. This change should make the map play more like Elongation - DMR- or BR-oriented, with the power weapons kind of lessened in importance.
    2. Added four large crates as cover on the outside balconies (where the snipers spawned before), facing the flag locations. This will strengthen those areas and make them useful places to stand and attack flag-defenders.
    3. Teleporters now go from top mid down to the bottom of the opposite side, instead of the other way around. I think this will push more traffic downstairs and be equally useful for flag runners as the previous teleporter design. One nice thing is that you can run the flag to top mid, teleport to the downstairs of the other side, and immediately lift up to the top level again; it should make the movement through the middle pretty damn fast.

    Oh yes, I forgot to mention that. I spawned ten feet from the enemy flag once. Made for a pretty easy cap...
  15. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    I think it's fine but you might recommend 5v5 or even 6v6 as optimal team size, and I'd like to test it with speed set to maybe 120% (any more than that and you feel like you're on ice skates). Also if you're messing with trait zones, you might think about a slight damage boost to give it that true arena feel, and to make it harder for the speedier players to run away from danger.

    I wouldn't worry about it. Conventional Halo designs need railings because players expect the maps to be solid and not so hazardous, but I realized as soon as I set foot on yours that it was in a very different style, and deliberately so. I'm usually the #1 proponent of "more railings" (just ask Audience!) but it didn't bother me here; only the occasional faulty mancannon got on my nerves. If I were you I'd keep it basically like it is and just test it with gametype settings having no suicide penalty.

    That's not such a bad thing, if you like MLG-style play. But yours is a true arena map and needs dynamic spawning IMO. The general direction of the Halo series has been dynamic spawning for all gametypes except CTF - notice that Adrift is set up that way; you can spawn in either base in slayer, oddball or KOTH. Only flag forces you to spawn on a side. There are arguments for and against that, but as always I try to go with the flow so that customs players will basically know what they're in for. So all my maps so far have fully dynamic spawning except in CTF, which has zones.
  16. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    You could place some curved walls on their sides, but if the bump is to tall it won't work.
  17. CyborgAnthro

    CyborgAnthro Forerunner

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    Yeah, I think you're right about the incineration cannon, especially on this size map. I will try rockets there instead, since that is a pretty risky location. The map is probably meant for 4v4 one flag or TS, hopefully you can get another game on it sometime. Thanks for the feedback.
  18. leegeorgeton

    leegeorgeton Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Chimera by unrivaled – The first half of the game played much differently than last week. Somehow, the last half ended up starting to feel similar to last week. At first, it seemed like combat was spread out nicely across the map, then we all seemed to begin focusing on the central hall area. I had a fun time playing on it, regardless. I just still haven’t grasped all the strengths and weakness of the various areas yet. I think, due to the complex, asymmetrical layout, it’ll probably take quite a few games before I get it down. The aesthetics and forging are well done, and like I said, it’s a fun map to play on.

    Black Briar Manor by unrivaled – I enjoyed the game on this map more than last week. I can’t point to exact reasons. I’m not sure it should be so easy for most of the last stands to take place on the rooftop. I might consider making it less accessible or possibly not accessible at all. Again, I can’t explain why, but the map seemed a bit cleaner, aesthetically and structurally.

    House of Frag by Fenix Hulk – This was a very cool map to play on. I loved the massive, yet not too massive, scale. It was easily traversable and relatively easy to understand in the two games we played. Your floor plan is impressive. It’s simple, yet offers multiple routes and ample cover. The verticality isn’t overdone and fits the map’s scale well. As usual, you’ve done some interesting things with the forge objects to create some interesting architectural forms and aesthetics.

    There were a few issues. The frame rate didn’t really bother me too much during the game, though I did notice when looking through the center from one side of he map to the other. While your total budget isn’t extremely high, I believe you achieved the grand scale and relatively small budget by using some inexpensive yet geometrically complex Impact forge objects. I also believe it is probably the use of those objects that is responsible for the frame rate issue. I’d really like to see this map optimized so it plays as smoothly as possible. It might require some significant revisions to the forge objects used. I also noticed quite a bit of texture fighting, both on horizontal and vertical surfaces. While it’s tough to fix it in the horizontal surfaces, it’s easy to fix on the verticals by using fine movements when looking down on the objects. You can get such fine movements that you won’t notice that the objects aren’t exactly lined up and it will get rid of the shimmering textures. My last concern is the sniper location being so removed from the map. I’m not sure it adds a lot to the map, even though your execution is done so interestingly. It just seems to me that I have enough to worry about traversing the bulk of the map, and then to have to pay special attention to those platforms takes me out of the rest of the feel of the map. I don’t hate them and wouldn’t be disappointed if they remain. They’re just a bit of a jarring difference from the rest of the flow of the map.

    Don’t take that I wrote so much about my issues with the map as an indication that I didn’t like it. I like it, see a lot of potential in it, and would really like to see you optimize it.

    Zinc by Iznel Wettham – Both games were fun on this map. It was impressive that you were able to forge such a large space and not take a hit to the frame rate. It’s also a nice looking map considering it’s in Erosion. There aren’t many things I can think of that I didn’t like about the map, but one thing stands out. I think I pushed forward white entering a lift and hit an edge above. This caused me to get stuck in the lift. I probably spent about 30 seconds trying everything possible to free myself, but couldn’t until someone came along and killed me.

    Bleached by Nutduster – I enjoyed the game immensely, though a few of the hills seemed too hard to take from the opposing team. I really noticed the layout and cool use of forge objects this time. As with some of the other maps we played, I’m impressed with the scale of map you built while keeping the frame rate from messing up. I don’t know why, but I’ve yet to use the teleporter or the lift during an actual game. I don’t know if it’s because they lack usefulness or because I somehow just didn’t run past them or notice them during the game.

    Vandelay by Nutduster – It was cool seeing a map incorporate the Forerunner structure. It took me a while to realize how simple the layout was. Capture the flag worked well on it despite how small the map eventually seemed. I’d like to try some more games/game types on it.

    Painted by Audience – I instantly liked the look and feel of this map. For it’s smaller size, I thought the CTF game lasted quite a while and felt complete. It was nice that you were able to maintain the symmetry while using the natural geometry. While I understand Nutduster’s concerns with the narrow walkways with no cover, I felt it made getting to the flag location more exhilarating than usual. It’s a great map, and I look forward to seeing how it plays with other game types.

    Interchange by LEE C G – I was pretty bummed to get kicked out of my own map, but I’ll live. I focused on getting the budget for the map down over the last week. I believe it started over $8,600 on the version we tested last week, and I was able to get it down to an even $6,600 on this latest version, while not losing any of the pathways or tunnels and without any major changes to any of the structure. I did remove the ramps that lead up to the center of the bridge and simplified the architecture and pathways around the underside of the bridge. I may use some of the budget to spruce things up a bit, or not. I definitely still have some work to do on the upper level in the main building on each side of the map. Currently, there’s no real path connecting all the upper entries in those buildings.

    As for the gauss hogs, my initial feeling is that they will be bit overpowered, but I’d like to see if what Nutduster mentioned last week is true, that the hogs are relatively easy to take out on this map, so it might be best to up their power. I may also add ghosts to the mix as well.

    Here are the updated floor plans.

    Upper Level:

    Lower Level:
    #198 leegeorgeton, Feb 1, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 1, 2013
  19. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Thanks for the feedback! I'm currently putting this map on hold right now though until I know the route I want to go with it. I don't know yet if I want it to fit into competitive gameplay or quake style gameplay.

    BTW, those layouts you have there are super sexy!

    P.S. Nutduster, your video is up on my review post, sorry it took longer than planned.
  20. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
    Senior Member

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    Lobby for Tuesday Feb. 5th, 7 PM EST

    Need to know how this works? Click here to read our FAQ and rules. This lobby will be held on Tuesday February 5th, starting at 7 PM Eastern Standard Time and ending at or before 10 PM.

    1/2. Juanez Sanchez
    3/4. LEE C G
    5/6. Nutduster
    7/8. xAudienceofone
    9/10. GetRdy2Fall
    11/12. unrivaled20
    13/14. CyborgAnthro
    15/16. Tombo V1

    1. BARF
    2. AnotherClaymore
    3. fragsturbait
    #200 Nutduster, Feb 1, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 4, 2013
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