This is my first attempt at making an artistic map, just so you know. It is a robot sitting on a throne. There are teleporters that lead to the top and a teleporter that leads to his "hand of judgment." Hope you all like it! Download Crazy King-Bot
haha this looks kool ill dl! only thing is i would put up some pictures from a game to make your post more exciting
i know his post isnt up to forgehub standards, but i just went to his bungie profile and then to his fileshare
yes, please include a link and maybe a few more pics. a more detailed post almost always guarantees more DLs
holy crap! this looks sweet! this is such an awesome idea! i think there should be fusion coils flying out of his "hand of judgement." or put a teleporter inside that either kills you or takes you to another place by chance. is that what it is or is it different?
Another Robot? Only this one is sitting on something. I wonder how the robot phenomenon will evolve next. Maybe next time the robot will be driving a giant Hummer which, incidently, is less energy efficent than a hundred foot automaton.
Thanks, but I would like it if you could give more constructive criticism. Although it does not matter since you are banned...
wow, that looks amazing. i love his crown. i really liked barkustheman's idea for the hand of judgment either killing you or bringing you to a supply box or something
Again like other maps- SIMPLY SPEECHLESS oooooooommmmmmmgggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1). Can you go inside of the robot and if not so you should do that and it'll mkr the map alot funner but, other htan tha this make is realy good- keep forging.
First, no. You can not go inside him, although I could do that for the second version. Thanks for the feedback, I will consider these suggestions when I make the second version.
Your map looks very nice ,but there are many ways the post could become better. Your description of the map is vague and short.To see how to fully post post your map look here.If you want to learn more about forge go to the Forge Tutorial Master Index By Kayaman132 I hope this helps your post and gets you more attention on it =).