Clarity of Faith (covenant assault carrier) 2 copies on my file share beta v 2.0 (full aesthetic) & 3.0 (less objects) gt timmypanic Hello all, Welcome to my first map on Halo 4. A remake of a covenant assault carrier. This has a reasonable lay out and a few ways around. Working on slayer for now, but I intend to add ctf and koth in the near future. Some trait and gravity zones have been added to improve flow and to get right gravity feel on exterior of ship. [SIZE=4]Weapons and spawning to accom[SIZE=4]o[/SIZE]date 8-16 [SIZE=4]althou[SIZE=4]gh due to size it will be better 8 player. As this is an aesthetic map framerate isn't too [SIZE=4]good,[/SIZE] hence 2 versions. The less object version has better framerate but it is definitly not competitive wo[SIZE=4]rthy.[/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE][/SIZE] Some pictures Thanks for looking
This is by far the best aesthetic map Ive seen in Halo 4... It is an amazing forge creation. Curious though, could you color the objects purple?
Thanks for the comments. The pictures will be updated once everything is live, I don't know if my camera changes lighting. The exterior braces and parts are all in purple and it is quite clear when your on the ship although pictures don't show it too well.
I'm going to tweak the exterior a bit to make it more faithful, overall it looks great, but some proportions are wrong.
Sounds almost bitchy ha. I'm going to fix your ship Lol I know from reach version what you mean, The head is massive and I know the pointy part and head need to take more of the ship. When I take comparative pictures the majority of the ship looks right, I know it's not perfect but it's an improvement on the last reach version. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Thanks, Yeah I will add some interior pictures soon
Sorry bout' that, didn't mean to come off like that I just want to see if I can try to make the design more faithful, because it's really close to being perfect.
I always love your aesthetic maps, this one must be the best of all, your Reach ones were good too, but those pieces make it look much better.
Thank you! Yeah I like some of the new pieces, can make a map look more interesting although the industrial theme on the pieces doesn't have anything to do with the halo franchise to me. And having 0 covenant forge pieces makes it difficult to capture feel of a covenant ship, especially the crates. Thanks [br][/br]Edited by merge: That's ok... no worries. I understand what you mean. I should have shown a better side shot to show the ship does curve on the top more, but I agree there are a few more curves needed and the head needs to be longer or I need to shorten the ship a little. Thanks
Hi Tim, You are back in the saddle. I like what you doing. This looks better then the Reach does and you can be the best in Halo 4. I'll watching you. I got a new designed controller (4 times) and in 12 months, thanks, I am starting again, I am better fighting and I am a slow Forger, I forgot to do it like in at Forge. You can't stop me, I will be as good as I was, or better. See ya later ROCK
Hello ROCK!!! Happy new year! It has been a long time, I will have to try and catch up with you on xbox live. Glad to here you have your controller sorted. Yeah I am trying to keep interested in forge and Halo 4 although forge is no-where near as good as halo reach forge. I have enjoyed making this ship...again, glad you think it is an improvement. Good to here from you
Thanks matty! Always appreciate you checking out my maps. I think there still a little room for improvement on this... will see what I can come up with