What you think should be in the next major update for halo 4?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mangochestnut, Jan 28, 2013.

  1. Mangochestnut

    Mangochestnut Promethean
    Senior Member

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    Alright i just thought this has to get off my chest, okay? First off my biggest (and everyones biggest) BOLTSHOT NEEDS TO BE EFFIN NERFED, like idk what they should do, personally i think if you want it to be a powerful pistol it should be this, it has a more powerful single shot or i think the charge up should have to be fully charged and should take longer and should be at a closer range. Next, ABANDON NEEDS NEW SPAWNS, idk if that can be fixed when the games already out but what ever. DMRs range needs to be lowered, this could be just me but i personally hate the DMR for the red headed step child that it is and would love to see it nerfed a tad bit because it makes the worse players good because its so overpowered. I think the damage on it is fine but its range is a lil OP . Honestly i would like that they bump the BR up a lil honestly, i want the headshot damage from the previous games back in, that gun needs it to compete with the dmr. Anyways, your thoughts?
  2. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    Slight nerf to the Boltshot's charge-shot damage (should destroy shields and maybe do a tad bit of damage, and maybe kill someone with an already somewhat drained shield, but not with full shields), and FIXING FORGE.

    Also, imo, the Plasma Pistol's base weapon functionality (not the charge shot) should be buffed. As is it's useless except to EMP vehicles, it should actually be a viable side-arm weapon, not just an anti-vehicle tool.
    #2 Sup3rNo7a, Jan 28, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013
  3. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    BIG TEAM INFINITY SLAYER BRs removing DMR from the loadouts.
  4. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    -More playlists that remove class-based gameplay and the ones that still do have that style should heavily nerf guns like the Boltshot and any loadout-automatics.

    -Forge improvements

    -Make custom games actually have options *looks at infection*

    -Regardless of whether or not you're playing infinity slayer, there should be basic weapons lying around for players that intend on/are capable of actually being alive for more than 5 kills. At least make it so that a dead body and its ammo doesn't disappear after practically 10 seconds.

    -Bring back traditional CTF, Assault, etc... Variety seems to be dead in matchmaking.
  5. darphiroth

    darphiroth Promethean

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    For me I'd say it was the "aimbot" ability where people are not even aiming anywhere near you yet killing you with head shots!
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    If you're basing that on killcams then ignore them, they're not reliable. If you're talking about bullet magnetism then yeah, thoroughly agreed, but I can't see them addressing that.
  7. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    Title Update Style
    -Descope when hit(This alone would nerf the DMR enough that the other mid-long range weapons would be on par with it. You could even keep flinching to make it harder to shoot).
    -Sprint toggle option
    -Keep Thruster Pack in 1st person
    -Make default jump range of Thruster Pack slightly longer.
    -Allow us to drop the flag if we want to(Thing that's annoyed me lately, is in default matchmaking when I've got a rocket or something and run past a flag right when I shoot. I pick up the flag and am forced to fire a dinky pistol round at them. If you aren't going to let me decide when I want to pick it up, you sure as hell better let me choose when to drop it).
    -Reduce the throw distance of the Oddball.
    -Boltshot either weakened or removed as a loadout option.
    -General Forge Fixes(Rotating/Vanishing, added precision edit)

    Playlist style
    -Team Hardcore(NOT an MLG playlist, but more like H2's Hardcore, which was the MLG gametypes, but on a broader level)
    -Team Snipers
    -Griffball/Action Sack
    -Throwback(Remakes with true "classic" settings)
    #7 RehnX, Jan 28, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 28, 2013
  8. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    I love the boltshot :(

    But I want to see the Pulse Grenade. It holds a lot of promise, but it's so weak. It needs to be buffed.

    Also I want custom infection options.
  9. RehnX

    RehnX Ancient
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    I love the Boltshot too, but it's way too powerful to let everyone spawn with one, especially when you can also spawn with either Camo or PV.
  10. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    That's what I use :/

    I know it's overpowered, and yeah I guess we should nerf it. And PV.
  11. Mangochestnut

    Mangochestnut Promethean
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    Everything you said
  12. DC

    DC Ancient
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    Well, custom options.

    also, who's ****ing idea was it to give Active Camo as a starting AA?

    Didn't make sense in Reach, still doesnt make sense now.

    Invisiblity isn't on par with the other AA's, especially with thruster pack and autosentry being laughably useless.

    All it does is promote camping, since you can still be seen if you're moving. I don't care how many times i walk into a room and get boltshotted, but i will get pissed off if i slowly approach an area i see the blue dots in, being cautious and still manage to die.

    I never understood the reasoning behind removing it as a power up. It would add more flow to map movement by having a static spawned powerup in a certain area, rather than having kids sit around corners with it on, stealing the good mans spree.


    **** Active Camo, it is the epitome of all things evil.
  13. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Thruster pack is definitely not useless. It's all I use, although it could use a slight buff.
  14. DC

    DC Ancient
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    You can move to an area fast with sprint, which is default, than with thruster pack, due to there being a split second of no forward movement, time to go into 3rd person, time to come out, and also theres a moment when you can't move after, and another moment where you can't use sprint. While all these happen in fast succession, without a buff, the only thing it's doing is moving you're character a meter to either direction. With the bigger map sizes of halo 4, most cover will not be within a meter, rendering the thruster pack, laughable useless, imho.

    Pro-vision also practically beats out every other AA on smaller maps aswell. Overall i never liked the idea of AA's, and think that the competitive playlist won't be to competitive if they are in it
  15. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    Watch the video of Ninja using the Thruster on Lotus in the feature thread. Its not useless, though it could really do with a buff all the same.

    You can use it to change direction mid air which is useful. And Sprinting is not faster for getting to cover when you're being shot at.
    #15 Pegasi, Jan 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2013
  16. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    Seriously can't believe anyone hasn't mentioned this yet, GOOD CONNECTION MATCHMAKING SEARCH FILTER!! Lag is a game ruiner and personally I think Halo 4 is exceptional other than them having removed a feature of matchmaking which rectifies lag. At least for the most part. Don't try to fix what isn't broken. The "Good Connection" by default that exists right now doesn't work because it only searches for better connection for a short time then tries to find any match. I would gladly wait an extra 20 minutes to find a game free of lag, (or at least substantially reduced).

    Personally, I think the weapon balance is exceptional; all except for the Boltshot. The only other thing for me is fixing the spawning system. There seems no longer to be the natural system within the game that makes it so if an enemy is within a certain range of a spawn point then you or anyone on your team won't spawn there or are at least more unlikely too. The range was decreased on Reach I think but it needs to be more like Halo 3 with that system. Again, stop trying to fix what isn't broken.
  17. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    With the exception of Spartan Ops online, I don't get that. I think in my entirety of playing H4 I've only had like 2 games lag out, and that was due to some other guys connection being awful. I'd suggest looking at your network setting and maybe considering changing ISP's, as I don't think what you're experiencing is a problem with the game.

    My list
    - Obvious buffs & nerfs mentioned beforehand. (Except the DMR. I've never had a serious problem with people using these.)

    - Forge needs alot of work. The pieces suck, they realign, shading just looks awful, even when it's working. IMHO.

    - Trait zone properties NEED to be set "Unchanged" by default, It's easy to forget and it's damn annoying when your radar keeps vanishing and reappearing during a custom game cause someone set a trait zone and forgot that it overrides any custom game settings.

    - Custom games need to be more "Custom". Like the choice to make the infected have the Flood skin, giving the infection any weapons and AA's that would be available to normal players and giving them their own FULL set of loadouts. Also the choice to turn sprint on and off would be good.

    - Grifball/Oddball needs fixing. While I love the new ball throwing mechanic, it's pretty glitchy. The distance is fine, but when throwing the ball there is like a 1 second delay from pressing LT and from the ball actually being thrown.

    - Not to mention the stupid blue light that streams out of the ball. It would probably look cool if it didn't randomly shoot across the screen when the balls picked up or if it actually stayed attached to the ball instead of wandering off and doing its own thing.~

    - More gametypes. I noticed we no longer have the "Insane" playlist or whatever it was called that allowed us to make awesome minigames. I think a few classic playlists from previous games and even gametypes with sprint disabled could be fun.

    - In previous games you could refine your searching in matchmaking, to increase the chances of being paired up with a talkative team player with a microphone that speaks your language. I can't say it ever worked for me but it was reassuring to know that it was trying to find decent players to match me with instead of now.

    - Exp from Spartan ops needs to be lowered. I enjoy Spartan ops as I'm a huge fan of the Halo storyline and books. But getting 7000+ exp every mission, with 5 missions in an episode, and 10 episodes in a season (And who knows how many more seasons to come). I'm going to be ranked up to 130 in no time. Most people wouldn't complain about this but I like earning my rank instead of being blasted by FRG's by Elites over and over and getting rewarded for it.
    If I reach 130 there's no more exp to be had. I like playing Halo knowing I'm being rewarded for my playing, even if it is just exp. But all those commendations will be pointless. I'll have less motivation to unlock them because there's no exp reward.

    -Either that last one, or bring out more, better, specializations to raise the level cap.

    I probably have a few more but that's all I got off the top of my head for now.
  18. UberAURORA

    UberAURORA Promethean

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    Where are you located? If the answer is the USA then there are a lot more people playing there and you aren't as likely to get a laggy game.

    However, as I am from Australia I frequently get put into games hosted by people that are miles upon miles away from my location and that is the reason I get atrocious lag. It is never about my network settings or my ISP because I can assure you that when I get an all Australian game, I actually get given host most of the time. That just proves there is nothing wrong with my setup, because the game selects me because I have the best connection.
  19. Turtlespoon

    Turtlespoon Promethean

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    No that's fair enough, all countries have varying internet connections.
    I'm actually from the UK, and get paired with US players more often than UK players strangely enough. It works okay for me and my ISP is actually quite poor so that's surprising. This is why we need to have the old "Refine Search" (As I mentioned in my last post) so you can select to play with players in your country only.
  20. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    well I know one thing...people with bad connections like budget DSL should only be connected to people with similar connections. It's not fair someone that pays $50 a month for a cable connection has to play a laggy match with someone using mommy's $12 DSL made for checking email.
    #20 Starship Ghost, Jan 30, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 30, 2013

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