well i dumped another 2500$ into chimera and i think i finally happy with it for tuesdays custom. It will have the same basic shape but i added a few jumps and what not. My shadow budget is at its max though and if i place another piece my shadows go berserk. I decided to go with ramps to open the center up as the grav lift just didnt work right. But as of now i have fun just going into this map and jumping around. Which is what i wanted to make this map for because i am nostalgic for my halo 2 trick jump lobbies
This might be just me but after looking at the maps nominated. i like about half of the maps we played last week better then all the maps nominated. My favorite of the nominated maps would probably be exia. Memento and scythe are basic but i really don't like basic design. big freeze seems like a jumbled mess and both maps nutduster played last week are better then trapped in my opinion.
^ Nice, dude, looking forward to seeing it. Although if you're that close to the lighting glitch, you might want to make a pass or two to streamline and cut down your object count. It can only help with overall performance (i.e. framerate) as well, though you may not really have issues there. Strangely I have yet to see the infamous poopshadow - I guess forging in Reach trained me to be conservative with how many and what type of objects I use.
Well i thought i was going to have framerate issues to but i just did a 6 person free for all and it worked fine.
sign me up BARF is ready for customs on Tuesday. I may want to test a snipers only match on Hoarding Action but if not no biggie. everyones maps blew me away last week. Made my maps look like bird droppings. Had a good time great ganes.
thanx for the insite on my map. i agree with everything you said. i was impressed with the asthsetics and gameplay of all the customs last tuesday. i cant remmeber what was what now. so next week im going to take notes. then ill have more detailed imput and constructive critisism.
I think that the people that attend this lobby are all constantly learning from one another, stick with us and you will get the same support and help that i got when i came here. Also no one here will ever be super negative about anything you make- all the maps we make have issues and almost anything in forge can be fixed or buffed or nerfed or altered into something awesome. You should see some of the broken stuff i have put up before lol
I wouldn't mind being added to the reserve, if possible. Might give me an opportunity to get a good test or two in on my Infinity Station map. GT: Sup3rNo7a
To Nutduster and Audience, thanks for the advice on setting up one flag. I didn't know 343 had ommited it, why the hell did they?? Thought i was going mad when i couldn't do it. It does work the wqy you guys told me. So hopefully we can get a game of one flag on tuesday night on my map. I changed the name to Radiant btw. Tidied the whole thing up and added KOTH, slayer and CTF spawns too. Looking forward to it!! [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also, were there any plans for a competition of any kind. The 7x7 one from Reach was a blast.
Hey Juanez - no plans as of yet. I'm sorta-vaguely helping with site contests - to what extent remains to be seen - so between that and my various other distractions, I don't want to over-commit myself. If a hole of free time appears in my schedule, and the right idea comes along, I might do another. General updates: 1. The lobby is tomorrow night. Be there, it'll be fun and stuff. 2. TCOJ co-host xAudienceofone is now taking sign-ups for his small-team lobby "Friendly Fire Customs," so if that appeals to you look for his thread in the forum one level above this one (but one level below it in all of our hearts). 3. It seems to be the case that only I can add threads in this forum, so if you have a suggestion for a new topic that urgently needs discussion, PM me and I can make that happen. That also covers suggestions about how to do sign-ups, recaps, or manage this sub-forum of ours - just PM me and I'll see what I can do.
Aww, Nutty, you mentioned my customs? How sweet of you, thanks! Yeah, I talked to the mods of these forums about me not being able to post at all. They said they couldn't do anything and passed it up the line of power. Hopefully we'll see some results in the near future.
I mentioned it to Shock but I don't think he had time to get to it, and now he's out of town. I'll hit him up again when he gets back in a couple weeks.
Hour and a half, boys. I don't know about you but I am in need of some good custom games. I've got maps flowing out of my pores lately, need to get some of these things tested.
Anybody else just get booted from XBox Live for no reason? My internet is up but XBL won't let me on...
Yeah, that's what happened to some of our other attendees. We ended up with 7, and I have to get some things done, so I left so that they could carry on with at least 3v3's.