Worst/best/favorite map in the game thread?

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Mangochestnut, Jan 27, 2013.

  1. Mangochestnut

    Mangochestnut Promethean
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    Abandon has to be my worst, callouts are awful, map design is ugly, spawns are awful-er, everytime i see people voting for the map i want to cry. But nothing can compare to the disgustingness that is shatter.... dlc map my ass. i loved harvest and wreckage, wreckage gives me that burial mounds halo 2 feel where its a giant wrecked ship and your playing in it. And harvest is good too because it has multiple ways to move though out it. Anyways, worst? best? favorite? idk idc, what say any of you?
  2. Sup3rNo7a

    Sup3rNo7a Promethean

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    I like Shatter better than Harvest, myself, but Harvest is pretty good. I like Wreckage as well, but it seems to give Blue something of an advantage, at least as far as CTF is concerned, so I'm not sure it's design is particularly well balanced.

    I also like Meltdown, Exile, and Adrift the most out of the original maps. Not a fan of Haven or Longbow, though...don't really get all the hype for Haven.
    #2 Sup3rNo7a, Jan 27, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2013
  3. Mangochestnut

    Mangochestnut Promethean
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    i dont quite get the hype for haven myself, what you said about wreckage is true to a point, i dont like it at all for ctf (ctf is my favorite gametype ever) but for KOTH or slayer, its really good. Big team slayer it is excellent for, its absolutely perfect.
  4. UneeQ

    UneeQ Promethean
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    Complex is ****, i Know How TO play Abandon, so i like to play it, Haven is My Favorite Map on Halo 4, its an auto vote for me when it comes up.

    I like Small Maps Where you Can Just Get to a Line Of Sight of a spawn easy. (noted easy to die and easy to kills)
  5. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Haven is awesome, amazing, fantastic, brilliant and outstanding. Love Haven, adore it. Gotta love Haven, crazy about that map.
    Haven ftw.

    Meltdown is also really cool, as well as Adrift and Abandon (the latter only a little bit).

    Vortex, Exile and Longbow suck. Complex and Ragnarok are meh meh.
  6. theSpinCycle

    theSpinCycle Halo Reach Era
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    I'm a fan of Haven, Adrift, Abandon (I actually like the design, it's just that the spawns need to be rotated to be fair in a manner similar to Haven). Exile is OK too. Could have been thought out better, but Halo 4.

    Not a fan of Vortex, Longbow, Complex, Ragnarok, Meltdown, Solace (eww, level design at its worst.. those bases).
  7. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    For BTB, all maps suck until the DMR is removed for BR loadouts. Haven is great. Worst Halo map of all time has to be Ascent (Erosion).
  8. Knight Of 0rder

    Knight Of 0rder Forerunner
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    Haven is my favorite small team map. I enjoy Complex quite a bit because it kind of reminds me of the old Halo maps, not sure why. (it sucks that it lags in splitscreen though).

    I hate all of the tight corridors in Adrift, way to cramped and really promotes the use of the overpowered Boltshot. Abandon also gives an advantage to the Boltshot because of the middle base. Solace just sucks, the bases are way too overpowered.

    For the BTB maps I enjoy Longbow the most because there are no heavy vehicles. I also enjoy Wreckage and Harvest for the same reason. Exile is ok, but the Gauss Hog is pretty overpowered if it doesn't instantly get destroyed by the tank. (I'd like it better if I didn't have to play it every match.)

    Vortex sucks all of the players just keep rushing the middle structure. In Shatter players just camp in the bases the whole game so it gets really boring. (I had about 3 matches of slayer that actually ended because the time ran out.) Also, Shatter is the worst map for splitscreen. I hate Ragnarok because of players camping with Snipers and hiding the whole match (also hate that I play this map every time that I'm not playing Exile.) Never liked Meltdown. All of the paths seemed really cluttered with rocks.
    #8 Knight Of 0rder, Jan 27, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 27, 2013
  9. Narfidy444

    Narfidy444 Promethean
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    Big fan of Harvest and Abandoned, They are probably my favorites but I haven't played on Harvest much :/

    Every one has a raging boner for Haven but I don't get it. Not a real fan of it.

    I personally think that Meltdown is completely underrated, I love it.
  10. Loscocco

    Loscocco Ancient
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    I like Haven, Longbow, and Harvest.

    I despise Abandon, Wreckage, and Vortex because they're all a bunch of maps heavily centered around massive clusterfucks in the middle.
  11. Kazerra

    Kazerra I Beat the Staff!

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    The worst map award goes to Complex. It is the only non-BTB map on which I feel forced to use the DMR, and I hate the DMR. Battles are always long and drawn out, the sightlines are ridiculous, and Blue Team has an instant disadvantage in any objective game.

    Best map has to be either Haven or Exile. Haven because it's layout is the most competitive and the sightlines are nice. The only thing I don't like is Blue Spawn: they're forced to run top-middle or bottom-middle at the start of the game, and both areas are prone to grenades.

    Exile is a really fun BTB map, where I think the DMR is the least prevalent compared to other maps. You can actually survive in a vehicle for a good amount of time. I'm not a fan of the Gauss Hog, though.

    My favourite map is Adrift, for some reason. I just love playing on it - I like the symmetrical layout and man cannons. Meltdown is pretty good for BTB, too, because the Mantises aren't overpowered.
  12. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    My favorite is Longbow, for what Knight of Order said. I usually just play BTB but I get so sick of constant vehicles on most maps. Longbow is much more a foot soldier map, fun for the same reason Highlands was such a great map in Reach, and without the cross-map lines of sight Highlands had. Highlands was a bit of a power-weapons fest but all of Halo 4 is like that now.
  13. Mangochestnut

    Mangochestnut Promethean
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    I hate ragnarok with a flaming passion, who ever likes that dumb ass map please die. I call it fagnarok to be honest. I hated that map in halo 3 and i hate it in this game.
  14. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I'm satisfied by the maps overall, so far there is not one that strikes me as being horrible (TSFP siberia :-/ )

    adrift is too friendly to shotgun users. which could be fine if finding a shotgun wasn't just a matter of luck.
    abandon is a bit weird to play.
    I actually like complex, it offers a nice range of combat styles.

    BTB maps are fine too, although I tend to camp a lot since I don't use vehicles and use an anti infantry build. in cases where most of the enemy team is using vehicles, it is frustrating. it seems more likely to happen on ragnarok.
  15. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Big Team Infinity BR Slayer. No more camping and more map movement.
  16. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    My opinion about Exile was actually too mildly stated. I ****ing hate that map.
    It's one complete total campfest, driving a vehicle basically equals dying, and so does walking from point A to point B through open field. There are tons and tons of hiding spots on the edges of the map, that give you no reason whatsoever to go look for opponents yourself because you have great overviews of huge parts of the map from almost every one of those spots. Every 1v1 battle on that map ends either with one of the two running off into one of those safe spots, or a complete random player killing one of the two with a sniper, banshee, gauss hog, tank, etc.
    Half of the map is practically never used anyway (the canyon on the left when spawning in blue team) because the camping spots over there aren't as good as on the other side. I can't think of a map that gets closer to CoDlike gameplay than this ugly little mother called Exile.

    The worst part? Every single motherf*cking time that this monster of a map shows up in the voting list, everybody seems to vote for it!!
    Faith in CoD.. ehm, Halo 4 community: LOST. Well, "exiling" this map is actually what I'm going to do from now on. Too bad my teammates will have to fight the first half of the game with the disadvantage of having one man less.

    Give me my Sandtrap, give me my Rat's Nest, or any other good map we used to play in BTB, but Exile ruined BTB for me. What a waste.
    #16 REMkings, Jan 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2013
  17. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    Good points bud, I still think every map plays bad in BTB with DMRs though. It was bad in Reach but I feel they totally ruined BTB in Halo 4. I can't even play a match by the way on anything but Wreckage or Shattered because those 2 map scome up in every vote and get voted for unless the 3rd one is Exile or Ragnarock. I even deleted the Crimson map pack at one point just to stop playing those small claustrophobic 10 player maps they are squeezing 16 people into with a DMR. I think the only fun I can have in BTB now is in a custom game with BR loadout enforced.

    Vehicles? useless in Halo 4...unless you have the wheelman support and get in a ghost you can get some kills. Mantis? camping vehicle. Warthog? suicide vehicle. Banshee? suicide vehicle. Gauss Warthog? Raping vehicle. Mongoose? death 2 you and your buddy within seconds.
    #17 Starship Ghost, Jan 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2013
  18. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    maybe I didn't play against professional campers, but Halo 4 doesn't look very camper friendly, unlike COD games.

    I haven't got the feeling that vehicles are weak yet. the DMR isn't very efficient against them. ghosts on complex are a pain in the ass. maybe the plasma pistol is super awesome against vehicles, but it doesn't seem worth it.
  19. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    well I am a BTB player and always have been, so I know the difference in gamestyle between Halo 3, Halo: Reach, and Halo 4 Big Team Battle. When everyone has a plasma pistol and 2 sticky grenades... you can't drive a warthog near anyone or you are dead. DMR can easily blow up a ghost or banshee with just 1 or 2 people DMRing it. To survive in a banshee you have to hide behind rocks and **** which is rediculous. Mix this with the new ordnance system and you got people with lasers, rocket launchers, incineration cannons, etc. Not to mention the weapons already on the map like the laser on Ragnarock. Vehicles are pretty useless now unless you play against noobs or get lucky.

    Now this can easily be fixed by just setting the base player traits to primary weapon BR and secondary weapon AR or Magnum, while adding 1 or 2 plasma pistol map weapons for each team. Even better you can disable ordnance (not 100% required) and it will feel like Halo is suppose to with BTB. Less of a power-weapon crazy game of luck and more competitive with map movement to get closer for kills.

    As it is right now in Halo 4, playing against a good team in BTB is not fun at all.
    #19 Starship Ghost, Jan 29, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 29, 2013
  20. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I would try that if I had a shitload of ammo. killing the driver is difficult.

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