Finished up my midterms week, ended with a 25 question exam in filmstudies, then watching disney's "Up" Taking that bullshit class was a good decision, indeed
Two to three of my classes are bull **** this quarter, but they are required. I say two to three because I'm unsure if my web usability class will teach me anything I don't already know.
I have a two hour health and wellness class that is required by the state of georgia... Otherwise my classes are pretty awesome in a nerd way. Except synthesis lab, that's just a lot of boring with a shred of interesting. My thermodynamics class however has a project worth 15% of the grade based on the processes involved in brewing beer on a mass scale.
This is my second year, if I do a few summer hours then i can graduate in four, if I study abroad then combining that with my Navy stuff it would be five-ish
Brewing beer for your project. That sounds like an awesome class. Are you graded on the taste and other aspects?
Not actually brewing, just learning how to do it in a factory size setting. Although there are two people in the class that already home brew, so who knows what the class has in store.
Yeah, I was seriously considering doing five because I am in not in any real rush to be honest and I have been told that it is not uncommon for engineering majors to go for 5 years (especially in the case of EECS). I was also considering joining the Navy... Mainly because some of my best friends have already enlisted though. (Peer pressure and what not.) I'd have to do a lot more research on it though. If I can, I'll be doing full-time all four sessions though... That is, until I have to get a job again.