You're right the "friend zone" does not exist. That's just for guys to feel better about a girl not liking them. The friend zone on the other hand still exists. There are those occasions when one person likes another person as a friend but not doesn't want to be in a relationship with them. I've been there, I have friends who have been there, I know a few gay and ******* people who have been there, and I've even friend zoned girls in the past. There's nothing wrong with being thankful you have the person as a friend and getting over it. Small universities like mine would be social hell if the friend zone didn't exist. [br][/br]Edited by merge: Also why do people insist on continuing to try when they've been shot down and are stuck with friendship? It's not kindergarten; trying harder just makes things worse.
Trying harder can sometimes help. It's only effective if the two people are both good-intentioned people, otherwise it doesn't.
"Friend zone" sounds a lot better to a guy's ego than "she wouldn't f@#k me because she can do so much better".
Just wanted to drop this link here - the 'friend zone' has a lot to do with the way men and women perceive each other. It revolves around the evolutionary process that shaped us.