the “Friend Zone” okay let’s have a little ****ing chat on the topic of the “Friend Zone”. (warning - Wall of text, uncouth language, and general rant-ness) contrary to popular belief (and by that I mean the belief of socially inept “nice guys”) the “friend zone” does not exist. Now there are two directions I can go in here. One of them is the direction of explaining to you why you are wrong using logic-based rhetoric and asking you things like “why do you think women owe you sex?” and “why do you think it’s okay to call girls sluts” and “why don’t you stop acting so entitled?” now that would be a good direction to go in but sadly it’s 4:14 A.M. right now and I don’t feel like giving an argument derived from logic-based rhetoric, one because I’m ****ing tired and two because I think if you are the aforementioned “nice guy” you’ve probably heard the logical ****ing argument before and I think it’s time for a little “tough love” and by that I mean it’s time for me to insult you. Hold on to your butt. If you are not a “nice guy” who feels he’s been “unjustly put in the friend zone”, what follows is not for you. Now here’s the deal. Maybe women would date you if weren’t such a ****ing douchenozzle. Seriously bro, it’s not healthy. I can say that if I were a woman and some misogynist shitbanger bought me a coffee and said “okay I was nice to you lets **** please” I know for a fact you would instantly find yourself plummeting to the bottom of my list of potential sex partners. Also, from trends I’ve noticed in the “nice guy” community, there are many problems besides that. let’s address personal ****ing hygiene. Showering only on full moon days might be your issue, and there has been something that’s been around in form or another forever called a toothbrush. Try using one of those. Also let’s just discuss wardrobes for a minute. now I may not be a fashion ****ing guru (hah may who the **** am I kidding) but I know that dressing like a 50s film noir mobster who decided to purchase his updated wardrobe from TapouT is just not okay. I don’t really feel like I should elaborate on this. If you can’t figure out what’s wrong with the above than you may be beyond help. so we come the end of our little chat. If you learned something from this, I salute you! If not, take your fedora, wallet chain and ‘oh so steampunk’ vest/bowtie combo with skulls painted on it right the **** back to /r9k/. Thanks!
We handsome people can wear whatever we want. MACKLEMORE & RYAN LEWIS - THRIFT SHOP FEAT. WANZ (OFFICIAL VIDEO) - YouTube
So you don't think it's o.k to forbid your significant other from stabbing you repeatedly in your sleep? Way to set yourself up for sleep stabbing.
Why do I think that this thread is half-ass directed to me It made it worse by saying "****ing" 50 times, only magnified by your sig, saying "IM ****ING WATCHING YOU"
or you know....the person the rant was inspired by could just be not attractive. and @ carter i doubt this was about you, because he mentioned things like hygiene and apparel, which unless he knew you, he doesn't know your situation with those things. Btw, nicely worded
I agree with this wholeheartedly, and even have a friend who believes that since he's, "such a nice guy" that he's immediately better than the other guys who go after the girls he likes. When in reality, he's a nice guy, sure, but he doesn't know how to talk to women. He thinks that just being nice to them is going to make them like him, when that's not the case at all. For instance, he was talking to one girl for a few months, and he never made a move on her, but he had a crush on her. I think he hung out with her once or twice, if that, and then he was surprised when she got a boyfriend. -.-
As a nice guy myself, everything he said is correct. You can be nice, but being nice doesnt make up for being a gross individual. Not even saving someones life makes them obligated to **** you, so anyone that think that needs to pull their arrogant head out of their own ass. That being said, I do lack social skills, but I knew that already.
(Some) People get "nice guy" and "loner" mixed up a lot. Loners don't get ****, and are confused because of such. "Nice guys" get nice girls, none of that disease ridden ces-pool **** vag that the douches stick to, but legitimate nice girls. I'm a little biased here, because I'm a nice guy.. But that's besides the matter. Oh, if you can't keep in god hygiene.. You're ****ing nasty.
I consider myself a nice guy, but I tend get violent if someone pisses me off So nice guy semi-loner hybrid As for hygiene, you got me >.< I forget to brush my teeth in the mornings a lot, I should start making a planner...
*subtly attempts to join group because ****all* I would consider myself as a sort of mix between nice guy and loner. People in general do, or at least did I guess, thought of me as a super smart, super nice kid, but that was just people that didn't really know me that well. I don't really do things with my friends that often and they have commented on how I can go without contact, in person or otherwise, for extended periods of time. Being a nice guy, or at least pretending to, got me a couple of nice girls. Now being a bit more douchey and partying has gotten me a couple more sketchy (not sure what adjective to use) girls, and more hook-ups rather than relationships. There is no such thing as the "friend zone". It is just something invented by people so that they don't feel bad about themselves when either rejected or just don't ask. Honestly, there is nothing better than just not knowing. Asking and getting rejected is far better than just waiting and keeping your feelings to yourself.
I pretty much disagree with everything said in this whole thread. There's an infinite number of categories into which each individual fits. No two are the same, hence the term individual. It's stupid to try and fit these "nice guy" types into a singular category of the "I deserve a nice girl" attitude. For every "arrogant" "nice guy," there's a "nice guy" who has absolutely no confidence in himself and truly believes he is not deserving of a "nice girl." And for every one of those, there's a "nice guy" who can't keep a steady relationship because his job gets in the way. And so on and so forth. My point is: I know you're trying to help out by giving some insight, but you're going about it the wrong way. Sure, I definitely agree that the whole friend zone thing is BS, but the way you suggest people fix their current friend-zone predicament is only directed at one of the infinitely many different scenarios of the friend-zonees.
I'm pretty nice to women, I respect them and all. I keep up of hygiene and don't look too bad. I can talk to a girl even if I do have some issues with it sometimes. And when I want a girl I ask. But what if I didn't? Of all the relationships I have been in I have asked the girl in all except two. My point is, usually the girl won't ask you so unless you try don't consider yourself in the friend zone.
As with every stereotypical category, the point is that there's some truth to- "The Friend Zone," and that the people who say they're friend-zoned are either: bad at communication (for whatever reasons) or (at least apparently) like a sociopath.. It's safe to say that most people prefer the latter than the former. Idk, people are just dumb, and when dumbness happens in a relationship then people do dumb things. It's quite simple, but unfortunately people get pretty butthurt about it, and tend to overdramatize this stuff for... somewhat.. understandable reasons, though it depends on the reasoning (say your crackparents hit you so now you like to hit other people). The moral of the story: Think about the person before you act, and don't be dumb, then the term friend zoned won't even exist.. unless you're dating someone who's that far gone that they can be dubbed sociopathic, or just generally an inconsiderate asshat, at least. Yes, they literally are an ass that's a hat. Wat.