Here is my Guardian remake for Halo 4. Both the standard and MLG variants are available. Both variants play slayer, oddball and KOTH. Best suited for oddball and TS in my opinion. Both variants as well as custom gametypes for H3 MLG settings can be found in my fileshare. I kept the waepons pretty true to the original and substituted weapons no longer available in H4 with something comparable. I also swapped camo for damage boost to equalize the dominance of snipe tower. Made by: GoD 0f FoRgE (the "0" in "0f" is a zero) Players: 2-10 for standard variant. 2-8 for MLG variant. Base map: Impact. BEST Halo 4 Remake of Guardian - Forged by: GoD 0f FoRgE - YouTube
Wow dude, you did an awesome job on this. I love that you put in all or at least a decent amount of the trick jumps.
Kudos, i know of one other remake but i really love the way yours turned out, this style is much different, very clean. I also like the fact that it looks a tad larger than the h3 version, halo4 needs a little bit of scale up to make it run right, also nice work with the trick jumps. You got my download, ill also use it for some game battles warmups with my squad.
Haven't seen a guardian remake this close to the original in a long time. You managed to add both trick jumps and accurate weapon spawns. All though I wonder if the weapon spawns are for an MLG version you might have looked at. Cause I noticed that snipe is supposed to be at the bottom of snipe tower, there is supposed to be a Hammer bottom mid, and maybe a concussion riffle on the grass platform, to swap for brute shot?
Thanks for the comments, guys. Please let me know if there is anything I can add or change to improve the map or gameplay. @Narfidy, I mentioned in my original post that there are default and MLG variants. You're thinking of the default variant, which is also in my FS.
Wow, this is almost perfect. It's missing a couple of the minor jumps, but all the major ones are spot on. Nailed the weapon spawns, and the player spawns are even accurate. I ran a few 2v2s with some friends last night and everything just felt "right". Layout, call outs, aesthetics. This is a very good map, and anyone looking for a quality remake of Guardian should download this ASAP.
Which jumps are you referring to? I can certainly try to add them if they'll add to game play and don't take away from aesthetics. I'm glad to hear you've had a chance to run some customs on it. I really appreciate the feedback, especially from those who are familiar with all the intricacies of the originals.
I put in Halo 3 for a minute just to double check. I was incorrectly remembering a jump from the S1 up to S2 bridges, and a corresponding drop down. I take back what I said, and bestow perfection upon thee.
This is very good, there is something about Guardian that everyone has a minor issue with any remake of it. I showed this to a few friends and they each had minor complaints. Mine is there is no fusion coils to the right of Gold Lift. Another friend didn't like the fact that you couldn't shoot someone in top mid from the top of the ramp leading to OS spawn from the grass area; because the platforms around top mid either aren't low enough or are two square. (I don't know Guardian call outs, I didn't play it competitively that much on Halo 3.) This is all just nit picking, and very minor issues though. Its a very accurate remake. Good luck.
I love this map its a perfect example for people who are trying to do remakes that you can make a map really accurate and still make it aesthetically pleasing. I only have one issue with this map and that is I noticed u have a trait zone that covers the whole map. I understand the reason behind it but I think its something unnecessary. The problem it causes is when someone wants to play there own settings with certain damage on your map the trait zone will cancel it out every time. For example I work with a classic forge community on the waypoint forums. We find and make the best remakes and put them on our list and host classic game nights. When we do our classic game nights we use these settings we made that have sprint turned off but when ever we play on urs its turned back on because the trait zone cancels it out. Something small but over all u have the best remake for this map. If you would like to check out our Waypoint forum we have ur remake the top one set for Guardian here is a link
I've been playing 1v1s, 2v2s, and small (3-5) FFAs on this map since I downloaded it. I usually try to find at least one constructive criticism to point out on any map I play, whether its spawning, aesthetics, layout, map movement. I really cannot find a single flaw in this map. It's perfection. I finally got a full game on it last night with TGIF. I was in heaven. This is one of my favorite Halo maps ever, and I was smiling ear to ear. Holding S3, camping bottom blue with the shotgun, charging Yellow 2 with a hammer. It's all here, and it's all awesome. You've also managed to incorporate elements from Halo 4 fairly well. Speed boosted Grav Hammer? OK. Damage boosted SAW? Yes please. It plays better with classic settings, but that's to be expected. What's surprising was that it still played well in Infinity Slayer too. I think it was a bit small for 5v5, but I am interested in trying it 4v4 just to see how it runs.
Haha thanks, Frags. To be honest, I haven't played a single game on the default variant. I just made the remakes my friends and I played the most in customs and as a matter of personal preference they were always the MLG variants. My buddy Mantis started making the videos and posting them and we noticed YouTube was pissed about a lack of the standard versions. I had no choice but to add them. I'm glad to hear it still plays well with all the added gimmicks. 4v4 is pretty hectic due to instant respawn so I imagine 5v5 would be like having a 7 minute seizure. Thanks a lot for the kind words and feedback. I really do appreciate it!
looks great to the original, nice job. did you break the dynamic lighting on purpose, it looks broke in the video? it would probably look a lot better with it if you can get it back working.
This map looks great but in the video it looked like you couldn't pick up the damage boost unless you got up onto the platform. I don't know if this is actually the case but if it is you should probably move it forward just a bit so you don't have too. It is nothing major but it makes it a little more convenient i think. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I think that is probably just the theater glitch. For some reason dynamic lighting doesn't show up in theater mode on Halo 4 but I think they are going to patch it.
You don't have to jump on the ledge to get it. It's just like getting camo in H3. And you're right, it's just the theater glitch.
Very good job on this. Absolutely the best one ive seen so far. Good job getting a good amount of the important jumps and adding them. I hope to play on this soon.