(BIOC) Complaints about Flood mode - Making 343i know

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by REMkings, Jan 12, 2013.

  1. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Hey Hubbers,

    We at BIOC (check out my signature if you don't know about us) tend to play a lot of Flood, and just like the rest of you we too have our complaints with the way the gamemode is set up. Obviously it's lacking and since we're partnered with The Halo Forge Epidemic, I thought we could try and give them a list once it's finished so they could possibly show it to their associates at 343i (since they're partnered with a community focussed section of 343i). I talked to Oakley HiDef about it and he endorsed that we can get him such a list so they can pass it along. Of course this is great news. Even though this doesn't necessarily mean they'll take our complaints into account and patch it or that it'll even get looked at in the first place, it is still worth the try. Therefore, we want to offer you to join the discussion and tell us about your complaints with the mode down below. To prevent double posting I'll post the full list down below and update it every once in a while.

    NB: Please be reminded that we're only talking about things that could be patched in the way Halo 4 is currently set up. We're not aiming for anything game changing since they can't and won't do that anyway. It would be useless. This also means this thread is NOT meant to post your suggestions or wishes for Halo 5's Flood/Infection mode.

    The List:
    - Precision forging really needs to return. It's very hard to create aesthetics without the availability of a precision editor mode.
    - Allowing to place down normal weapons instead of ordnance only. The indicators can be annoying if you have a lot of weapons on the map, and we also use weapons for other purposes such as opening up gates in Linear maps. (Using a grenade and a landmine, for instance.) Besides, it is already possible in competitive gamemodes such as Slayer, so why not enable it in Flood too? This is something the community really likes to see allowed, because we could always do it and it's extremely useful and important.
    - Giving us the option to disable weapon pickup in a player trait zone. That way you can force players to leave the holdout location in order to pick up ammo from dead fellows elsewhere in the map. Just to name a way of using it. (This was a possibility in Safe Havens too.)
    - We should be able to change the skin color of humans, and possibly also of Flood players. (Although the latter isn't that relevant.) A lot of people have been complaining about the lemon green.
    - We should be able to change the loadouts of the Flood, as well as the names. (Right now the "Hunter", "Stalker" and "Lurker" aren't even present among the human's loadout names.
    - We should be able to disable sprint for humans, and
    - we should be able to enable sprint for Flood
    - Flood should be able to carry other weapons than the flood claw. If this can't be done properly with the flood skin, than we should also have the option to give them normal spartan skins.
    - Player trait zones should be able to work for only one team instead of all players as how it works at the moment. Why did you remove the Safe Haven option if we can't even recreate its function using player trait zones? It was also really useful for minigames.
    - We need Safe Havens to make a return in general, or have an update for the player trait zone options, because it was really useful to have a separate scoring system for the humans whilst inside of the safe haven. Also, unlike in PTZ's as I mentioned before, we did have the option to change all traits for humans including the choice of whether or not being able to pick up weapons when you're inside of the haven. Besides, Safe Havens were just really useful in general for both infection maps and minigames. And we don't have the option to give a vehicle special traits like we used to be by turning it into a movable Safe Haven.
    - Player trait zones should have all default options set on "Unchanged" instead of specified options like they are now. That way, desired effects such as "fall damage at 0% but at the same time don't change the length of the shield bar" won't have to be changed manually. Also, it seems they auto reset every time when playing a custom game. That's another reason why they all need to be set on "Unchanged": otherwise, if this glitch keeps happening, you can never use them effectively.
    - We need to be able to enable or disable sprinting in player trait zones. Obviously, this means flood should be able to sprint in the first place and there should be an option to disable the sprint of humans in general too (already mentioned these two things earlier in the list)
    - We need an option where we can make the Alpha Flood remain the Alpha Flood after he dies, so he will keep his original traits. Again, this was also available in Reach as well as in Halo 3, so why remove this option?
    - We should be able to change the ammo in the ordnance drops. You don't always want to give a human over 9000 shotgun bullets when picking up a shotgun. Having to think twice about every bullet you use is an essential part of making Flood maps more intense. This is another reason why we need normal weapons on the map as well: so we can give weapons the desired amount of extra clips.
    - We should be able to forge in the water on Erosion and Ravine. It was a big part of Infection forging in Reach to implement water areas into our maps.
    - There needs to be an option to enable weapon pickup from personal ordnance drop (or even from initial or random ordnance on the map itself), but not from fallen allies. That way you can force players to work up to their own streak in order to earn weapons instead of taking it from dead human players.
    - A complaint we received from many community members is that the flood have a super long lunge distance, which makes it hard to get the flood in shotgun distance because he can lunge at you from so far away. Maybe give us an option to change the distance of this length, like being able to choose between certain amounts of distances like we already can with the motion sensors.
    - When turning off team killing, this should also disable EMPing or plasma grenading friendly vehicles, or there should at least be an option to do this.
    - We absolutely need the Falcon to return!! It's a great vehicle with a unique feel, and unlike the Banshee it's heavily based on teamwork. It's the flying variant of the Warthog, another community favorite. Please bring it back!
    - In Forge mode, when the respawn time of a movable or breakable object is set on "never" to respawn and you break it, it will no longer appear when starting a new round. This is extremely annoying when you're testing if it works properly, so please fix that as this problem wasn't present in Halo Reach's Forge.
    - Weapons, vehicles and objects despawn too quickly. A couple of our community members tried adding a destroyed warthog for aesthetics to our map, and it despawned only 5 seconds after blowing up. We are aware that this is more of a core gameplay issue than Flood, as weapons despawn this fast in all of Matchmaking, but it seems to show a bit worse in Flood. Lots of linear maps make use of breaking objects and destroyed vehicles, and it just looks sloppy if they disappear as soon as they break.
    - Most of the time, teleporters don't show up as linked. When in reality, they are. The blue glowing teleporter orb doesn't show up. Makes teleporters less appealing and less visible. Teleporters are very important for linear infection.
    - We need the power ups to return: overshield, active camouflage and especially custom power ups! This was essential for minigame forging, for example by giving either humans or zombies temporary special traits by giving them the option to pick up a custom powerup.
    - In most game modes, when giving the players infinite ammo, both with reloading still enabled as well as disabled/unnecessary, it will still show a particular number of bullets on the HUD. It looks a bit awkward given the fact that you actually do have infinite bullets instead of the count that shows up, and it's also hard to tell whether or not you have unlimited bullets or not in the first place.
    - Please fix the lack of dynamic lighting in Theater. We understand why it was probably removed (the files would get used if it still were to be present, we're guessing) but then simply give us the option to enable or disable it. That way, we can still take screenshots with dynamic lighting on the map to share these. It's unbelievably annoying trying to take screenshots or capture gameplay on a map that's supposed to look dark but isn't in Theater mode.
    - Last but definitely not least: We'd like to see the old gamechat mechanics from Halo 3's Infection making a return. They worked according to teambased gameplay: the zombies could only talk to each other and couldn't hear the humans and vice versa. This was really useful for a couple of reasons:
    1) You could discuss tactics with your fellow humans/zombies, making the gameplay more competitive, instense and realistic.
    2) It was really thrilling hearing someone's voice screaming in his microphone and then suddenly dropping out, because he got infected. This was another reason why it got more intensifying and more stunning. This feeling reached its climax once you became last man standing and had nobody left to talk to.
    3) It made the discussions after the game had ended very exciting because everyone wanted to tell each other how epic that one moment was where e.g. he heard the other guy getting infected / was really scared when he ended up alone / etc. It made custom games and the after-game chatting a lot more fun in general!
    The absolute perfect option would be if we can choose for ourselves to either enable or disable teamchat. For instance, have it set on FFA gamechat as default, but give us the option to switch it to teamchat so the two parties (humans vs zombies) can only talk to their teammates and not hear the other party.

    - Appendix -
    Red stripes (-) mean that the community considers these to be extra important. We want to see those recommended changes being applied more than any of the other listed ones!
    #1 REMkings, Jan 12, 2013
    Last edited: Feb 3, 2013
  2. AssaultCommand

    AssaultCommand Ancient
    Senior Member

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    There is a modding tool for flood gametypes, it's how some gametypes have been made. You can even disable the flood model for the infected.
  3. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    That is indeed not an official option in the official gametype. We're aiming for changes in the actual flood gametype by asking 343 Industries if they can apply those desired changes after the list is done. Do you have any suggestions?
  4. AssaultCommand

    AssaultCommand Ancient
    Senior Member

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    I have plenty of suggestions:
    - Bring back all the things we could do in the previous games in forge and gametype settings.

    I'm not going to go over each one :p

    Also I saw somewhere people were working on porting Race gametype over from Reach :D
  5. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    Clearly the flood could carry weapons in Halo 3, so why not now? Anyway, I noticed in a recent IGN video, comments from Frank O'connor popped up explaining there were many thing he felt that 343 had wish they had done differently.

    We can only hope for a massive title update later in the year, or Halo 5 will be our dreams come true. It seems to me that they want to strive to make Halo the best it can be. They just screwed up, and want to fix things. They are working on it.
  6. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    The flood have a super long lunge distance that I feel, and I am sure I am not alone here overpowered. It makes it hard to get the flood in shotgun distance because he can lunge at you from so far away.
  7. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Have that one already but thanks anyway! We're aiming for a title update fix, since these are all things they could change in Halo 4 with ease.

    Thanks! I'm not sure if they could or would change that in Halo 4, but I will add it to the list as one of the complaints some of us have had.
  8. PacMonster1

    PacMonster1 Senior Member
    Senior Member

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    This is kind of like the "allow us to forge in the water sections part" but also not really something they can easily fix. But why not, since we're here. How about giving us some maps actually designed from the ground up with infection in mind. I'm tired of playing flood on maps ill-equipt to handling the lunge distance or speed of infected. Either the flood have a massive advantage due to their speed on the map or the humans do with lots of close quarters spaces and areas for the infected to lunge to their death. I want to see a map, maybe even a community forged one (the ones that eventually made it into infection for Reach were ok...) make it into a flood hopper.

    /ignored :/
    #8 PacMonster1, Jan 14, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2013
  9. Ryker61

    Ryker61 Promethean

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    The one thing about Infection mode in Halo: Reach that I thought was great was the inability to team kill. I've already had two instances during a flood match where two guys were going around team killing. I don't know how, but I was the one who, in the end, was able to boot both of them. You couldn't TK in Halo: Reach Infection mode, why should you be able to TK in Halo 4 Flood mode? I absolutely hate the green color that the human characters get in Flood mode, and I'd like to see that fixed.
  10. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    Those are my main concerns. I really dislike the fact that you can't really change much about the Flood people (mainly the weapons) and I find that really annoying.

    I think the Flood feature is cool (you know, playing as a Flood) but I didn't expect for them to take away so many features.
  11. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I thought of new ones myself.

    - Player trait zones should have all default options set on "Unchanged" instead of specified options like they are now. That way, desired effects such as "fall damage at 0% but at the same time don't change the length of the shield bar" won't have to be changed manually. Also, it seems they auto reset every time when playing a custom game. That's another reason why they all need to be set on "Unchanged": otherwise, if this glitch keeps happening, you can never use them effectively.
    - We need to be able to enable or disable sprinting in player trait zones. Obviously, this means flood should be able to sprint in the first place and there should be an option to disable the sprint of humans in general too (already mentioned these two things earlier in the list)
  12. DC

    DC Ancient
    Senior Member

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    while this isnt flood related, but since THFE is widespread, i figure throwing this in wouldnt be a bad idea... but the ability to team kill team vehicles, but no betraying. (Realistically this only pertains to matchmaking) I cant count the number of times me and my friend have jumped on the gauss on exile, or going to the mantis on rag, and just been EMP'd and plasma naded till the vehicle is dead, ultimately giving the other team a huge advantage.

    anyways for flood...

    idk if this would be programable, but im thinking if they can change it on there computers, alittle work could be done to put this option in the game
    -Adjustable lunge distance

    -option to disable OD labels
  13. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Thanks, that is all very helpful! I will add it all to the list. Once again, thank you for your input.

    And I just came up with another one myself, which will probably not be fixed in Halo 4 but should definitely return in Halo 5: We. Need. The. Falcon. Back!
    #13 REMkings, Jan 17, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2013
  14. Waterfall

    Waterfall Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I agree I don't see why they removed it.
  15. Elliot

    Elliot BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    And the Hornet! Combat and transport!
  16. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Added the following one to the list:

    In Forge mode, when the respawn time of a movable or breakable object is set on "never" to respawn and you break it, it will no longer appear when starting a new round. This is extremely annoying when you're testing if it works properly, so please fix that as this problem wasn't present in Halo Reach's Forge.
  17. SIERRA420

    SIERRA420 Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    I find that weapons, vehicles and objects despawn too quickly as well. PA1NTS and I tried adding a destroyed warthog for aesthetics to our map, and it despawned only 5 seconds after blowing up.
    I know this is more of a core gameplay issue than Flood as weapons despawn this fast in all of Matchmaking, but it shows a bit worse in Flood. Lots of linear maps make use of breaking objects and destroyed vehicles, and it just looks sloppy if they disappear as soon as they break.
  18. PA1NTS

    PA1NTS Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Add this: Most of the time, teleporters don't show up as linked. When in reality, they are. The blue glowing teleporter orb doesn't show up. Makes teleporters less appealing and less visible. Teleporters are very important for linear infection.
  19. REMkings

    REMkings BIOC
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Added both. Thanks guys.
  20. WWWilliam

    WWWilliam Forerunner

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    Overshield camo and custom power ups all need to be added back.

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