My team for x/y Magikarp - named Bubbles Magikarp - named "pikachu" Magikarp - named Trout Magikarp - named Hank T Wellsworth the 4th Esq. a shiny Bidoof named Like I give a ****
I'm too much in a rush to check the pages, but does somebody know if there's a whole new generation? Or just new starters/legendaries?
Okay. For some reason, I always suspected the 5th gen to be the last, which I assumed we'd get just some new starters. But w/e, I'm even more excited now. Not so much about the 3D honestly, just the fact that it's a new game.
That's understandable. I just hope that the 3D looks good. Not some gimmicky thing tacked on for the initial wow factor when after a week it looks like garbage. What was in the X and Y trailer looked fine, but borderline bad. At least the animated battles look better now. I really cant stand some of the endless movement loops in 5th gen.
It does say that it isnt footage of a final product, they have plenty of time to polish it. I mean, I havent seen a first-party 3ds game that didnt look good, so I doubt they'd release it looking bad. The 3d effects will probably be implemented well too.
I just like the dynamic camera angles instead of the static behind-Pokemon view that's been the standard for all games up until these. The models look good, appropriately cartoony, and the 3D will probably end up being annoying, but that's why you can turn it off. I also like the dimensionality of the overworld, too. I'm definitely getting closer and closer to the 'yes' side of the fence in the battle of the decision to purchase one of these with a 3DS.
I played showdown with an XBL friend of mine off and on, but I haven't touched it in at least a few weeks. I have played every tier except for Ubers, since it just looks like a mess to me.
You know, I came in here getting ready to watch the X and Y trailer and rage at the next fail generation and get mad at not getting a Ruby/Sapphire Remake... But that didn't look half bad. I'm still a bit disappointed at not getting a Gen 3 remake, (read: Y U NO REMAEK SAPPHIRE?!?! TAHT + PKMN GOLD WAS MY CHILDHOOD!) but at least this new gen doesn't look like a rehash. I actually kinda like it. Rage avoided. Though until a R/S remake is announced, I won't be moved to get a 3DS. I don't have the budget unless a remake of the game I poured 400+ hours into is put on the system. Until then, I'm not sure if it's a worthwhile investment.
Ruby remake would be cool, though I put about 500 hours into that game myself, 300 of which were on one file. Not sure how much more I could ever play it.