Your Top Three Weapons

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by StolenMadWolf, Jan 14, 2013.

  1. ReaperKnight

    ReaperKnight Promethean

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    I rarely do multiplayer, so I won't comment on that, but my personal favourite weapons in H4 are
    -M45D Tactical Shotgun - I am a ****ing legend with a shotgun. If I have a shotgun and Promethean Vision, I absolutely own the battlefield.
    -Incineration Cannon - I rarely get it due to the fact that I tend to be moderately suicidal with it, but when I use it from a reasonable distance (aka not using it as an explosive shotgun), it turns out that I can kill pretty well
    -Railgun - It's a nerfed portable mass driver, long story short, and we all know how OP the mass driver was. I love it.
  2. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    If anyone has ever played against me, they will know that my aiming is absolutely horrible.
    Anyways, that's why I like:
    1) Scattershot
    2) Incineration Cannon
    3) Suppressor

    I can't aim, and at close ranges I can hit people fairly easily with these (except for the incineration cannon).
  3. Indie Anthias

    Indie Anthias Unabash'd Rubbernecker
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    1. Sniper. reasons obvious.
    2. DMR. reasons obvious.
    3. Sticky Det. I have a love/hate with this thing. I know that although it's not the same weapon at all, because of similar features (all the wrong ones!) this was meant to replace the Reach GL, and I'm completely not cool with that. So I can't forgive it for killing my favorite ever weapon in Halo. That being said... it is a lot of fun, responsive and allows for creativity, and I rarely meet anyone in MM who knows how it works, lol.

    I totally don't get the Bolt Shot. So much commentary loving and hating it, I'm completely meh. I could easily explain my misunderstanding by my general lack of skill at Halo, but there's also the fact that, per my service record, I have 5 deaths ever from it. So it's not just my lack of skill.
    #23 Indie Anthias, Jan 15, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2013
  4. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    In terms of the Boltshot, I think a lot of people are put off by the charge nature, or just haven't experimented enough to get the range. I have two friends who I play Halo with most regularly, neither of them thought it was worth using until they saw me use it. Now they use nothing but that for secondaries.

    The charge time and basically useless primary fire mode make it less appealing, but you'll just have to trust me that it's insane. I've gotten multiple overkills with it and countless triple kills. Exile is my primary stomping ground since I play a lot of BTB and the caverns/corridors are just made for that thing.

    I barely ever run in to anyone who uses it either, though when I do they tend to be like me and kill me repeatedly with it.
  5. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    It amazes me that people haven't fully figured out the boltshot. Granted it's a weapon with a steeper-than-usual learning curve for a default weapon, but if you ever run into a good team - or even a single good PLAYER - you find out pretty quickly how nasty that thing is. "Handheld shotgun" is about the size of it. The range on it for a 1SK actually seems a bit higher than the shotgun/scattershot, which is insane, though those two are better blunt weapons (i.e. more forgiving at point blank range - if your reticule isn't centered it's still often a kill, whereas the boltshot seems to require a little better aim to work). The charge time isn't long enough to severely hamper the weapon at all, and like Peg said, it's not hard to get multikills with it, as long as you can create a second between kills where you're not getting shot to pieces.

    I've said this before, but I'm of two minds about the boltshot. I actually really like its design as a weapon; I just dislike that everyone has them (or can have them, anyway). They're essentially a low-functioning power weapon. Or a primary, not a sidearm. If they put them in ordnance or made them a primary I'd be more OK with their place in the Halo 4 food chain; as it stands, I think it's a significant flaw in the game's design, that fortunately not everyone is taking advantage of.

    Or to put it another way, I never use any other sidearm, except plasma pistol in BTB only. I always use the boltshot on mid-sized maps. The advantages of using it are just too huge to do anything else. For a while I experimented with running two primaries (DMR/AR) but the AR is hardly a better second option than the boltshot is, and you have to waste a perk to have it. If you had to waste that same perk to have the boltshot, I'd be more OK with it as a loadout choice.
  6. Pegasi

    Pegasi Ancient
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    I agree, but I just think it's not multipurpose enough for a primary. Powerwise it fits, but functionwise it just doesn't imo. Imagine a Boltshot + PP loadout. How horrible would that be to use in general play? It'd basically be useless unless you used it with Firepower, as you say, and I doubt they'd put in a primary which requires Firepower to be functional.

    I think Ordnance is a good idea tbh. But, quite obviously considering my stick in the mud nature, I'd prefer if it was just an on-map weapon like Maulers and Needlers used to be. I know I'd go out of my way to grab one, cause I find it so incredibly, indescribably useful and satisfying. I just love charge weapons like that. The Railgun is absolutely excellent. Splaser is a bit poo, even before the Reach and H4 nerfs I never really loved it, can't really say why.
  7. Nutduster

    Nutduster TCOJ
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    You're right about its best role being an on-map, non-ordnance weapon. A big problem with the Halo 4 method is that it's essentially created two weapon classes: regular weapons and power weapons. There are lots and lots of weapons, but they all basically have to fall under one of those two umbrellas. So if you get ordnance and a boltshot is one of the options, you're probably not taking it; yet it's overpowered as a sidearm, and as you say, not really adequate as a primary either because of its limited and specific function.

    Basically the only way I see it working in the current ecosystem, without a more radical change, is as initial or random ordnance but not personal ordnance. That way, at least, it can be on the map, people can pick it up, but they won't feel cheated out of a better weapon by doing so. And then obviously it would be removed as a sidearm choice. I also think I'd be OK with making it a primary, but with the understanding that people are really only going to use it as a "secondary" primary through firepower. Maybe it even would only unlock for people with that perk active, and not show up as a regular primary. I don't know. All I know is, I think the thing is too big for the shoes its currently wearing.
  8. Fauch

    Fauch Ancient
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    I have hardly tried the boltshot, I'm not really drawn to it. my side weapon is the assault rifle and it works well and has a lot of ammo. and surprinsingly (because everyone seems to say it is the weakest) my favourite pistol is the magnum. but I think it has too little ammo.
  9. Starship Ghost

    Starship Ghost Promethean

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    1) Binary Rifle
    2) Sticky Detonator
    3) Railgun

    I hate the DMR because in BTB you are basically forced to use it when the other precision weapons are much cooler, yet not as easy to get kills as the DMR. Everyone uses the DMR for this reason and that means you have to also or you are at a disadvantage. Down with the DMR.

    I think Plasma Pistols and DMRs should be map ordinance or personal ordinance drops, not loadout weapons. Not sure about the Boltshot as I don't get killed with it enough in BTB.

    Call me old school but I want BR BTB matches. I want the plasma pistol to have to be acquired so you can disable vehicles and blow them up...not everyone on the map having one when they spawn... they already have power weapons from ordinance they don't need plasma pistols too. This coming from someone who's favorite pistol has been the plasma pistol since Halo 3.

    I love the Scattershot but honestly I can't seem to get it working right or it's too weak compared to the human Shotgun. It always takes me 2-4 shots to kill someone with a Scattershot.
    #29 Starship Ghost, Jan 18, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 18, 2013
  10. Carter1234

    Carter1234 Forerunner
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    It's all about precision weapons for me. DMRs, Carbines, and BRs all day.

    I am not very fond of the Lightrifle.
  11. caughtsword4

    caughtsword4 Promethean

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    ^I love this post

    DMR is now pretty much OP as it's bloom is nearly gone.

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