At first I was like "Oh look, yet another video whining at the Halo 4 forge. But as the video went on, I realized that pretty much everything mentioned is true. Hilarious and true.
Beautiful. Pretty much sums up everything wrong with Forge. Hopefully 343 sees this and changes their approach to Forge in Halo 5.
Hahaha, that Falcon Hog. I also liked all the clever jabs at Forge's problems, like that one directed at pre built structures on the map. A very good job, it is.
Very well made, well done, sir. If I could give you rep, I would. I'm not much of a forger anymore but I agree with everything that was brought up, 343i really took out a lot of great tools that made forging easier/faster.
Love it, it resembles actual vidocs a lot and is all in all a great satire on the monster called Forge in Halo 4. Great job!
I was a bit bothered by the constant slamming of 343i/CA for their decisions on Forge for Halo 4. But I loved the calm voices as though they were truly serious.. Outstanding quality of parody on an otherwise troubling issue...
For all you guys hoping 343 feels like assholes, here you go: The Halo Bulletin: 1.9.13 It's only been 2.5 months since release, on top of that it's been the holidays, but yet so many people think Forge is broken until Halo 5 or so, lol. They're already going to start incorporating forged maps into the playlist, before you know it, your map might be in the playlist. 343 got the bulk of it knocked out, now it's time for them to get on their "A" game and take halo where we want it to go. I give 343 a huge pat on the back for doing what they have done so far and plan to do.
Agreed, but I think the video is a good way to show what the community does not like about the Halo 4 forge, for future reference to 343i. The video is funny but also sends a strong message because of how revolutionary forge became after that video. I don't condemn them for not getting everything right the first time, I just hope that they take notice for the next time around. The only thing I think we can even hope for in a TU is a fix to the stick controls that were left out supposedly by mistake.
you guys realize how genius this video really is right? Not only is it a fake forge vidoc, it parallels the reach vidoc EXACTLY. down to the feature and almost each word. Everything about it is exactly timed to the reach vidoc, even the length. When the guy talks about the falcon, even the points at which the video fast forwards parallel each other perfectly. You'll even notice that the individual spartans correspond to the individual developers. Insanely nice job. Watch the two videos side by side with the Reach version muted. Then you'll see a lot more than I can remember right now.
That was absolutely hilarious. I can't think of a more effective way to get across all the problems we have with Halo 4's forge mode.
Hilarious and spot on. Every issue in Forge is laid out perfectly. Considering the attention this issue is getting both here and on the 343 forums I'd say that 343 is realizing how big Forge and Custom Games really is for the community, hopefully they have something planned to work on this.
Funny, yes. Accurate and thorough? No. The decision to make this a shot-for-shot, nearly word-for-word antithesis of the Halo: Reach ViDoc predetermined it's content: there are truths, but there are also blatantly false statements in the video, coupled with unclear guidelines for what it would really take to improve Forge as a tool. If you want to be TAKEN seriously, then BE serious. That's what it's going to take to get the real improvements that Forge needs. Oh, sorry. Hope I didn't interrupt. Carry on.
Unfortunately the serious version of this video gets a lot fewer views and stands very little chance of landing in front of a 343 or Certain Affinity employee. I do agree that a little less fidelity to the source video would help though. You could make some stronger arguments about the problems with H4 forge if you weren't directly parodying so much material. One more thing: the fake falcon that drives to a watery grave just about made me cry with laughter. Best shot in the whole thing, IMO.
I don't know, there's something to be said for using wit as opposed to a bland video detailing the issues with Forge. This video hit it spot on in my book and the comparison to Halo Reach was essential, hence the parody bit. Yes there are joke claims that are meant to be taken in jest, but the general disappointment and lack of features in Halo 4's Forge is glaring and this video points it out while being downright hilarious.