We say it because they have been jerking our chain up to this point saying they fixed this and that or that no there is no problem, that they didn't **** up anywhere. Now it's oh well our bad see you on the next one. If they had been honest from the start and were at least attempting to fix things then it wouldn't be a problem. Remember the boltshot reload glitch? It's still there yet they said they fixed it in one of the updates. It's more about how they have lied to the community rather than the issues with the game at this point.
Yes.. But i love halo though.. Its not that i actually am thinking about it. And Nut, my answer was off topic, i wrote that without thinking, only thinking about the mistake they made.. Sorry.
I'm starting to get pretty PISSED OFF about 343 not enabling the file database. What the ASS are they waiting for??! They released an incomplete game, it's as simple as that. They've made it strikingly obvious in so many ways that they don't give two craps about the custom games community and I'm disappointed they are disregarding a large portion of the Halo fanbase. I mean ffs they already have the first map pack out, this is getting ridiculous! Also, they should rename this thread "The 343i rant thread".
For the thousandth time in this thread, I don't understand why someone can't be disappointed or cynical and express that without being berated about being some kind of selfish prick. It seems like every thing 343 does, good or bad, there is a fanboy defending their honor because the game is a conscious being and we're hurting its feelings for giving our review. The argument is practically always "shut up and grow up; if you don't like it, leave" (the exact same thing as when people spammed "adapt" at everyone that expressed discontent with Reach). If you like the game or you can see past what other people see as huge flaws, power to you, but this bigoted argument pressing for a like-minded community where people can't be negative, skeptical, cynical, or disappointed is ridiculous. Before the game came out, a negative opinion towards a mechanic was "selfish, ignorant, and stupid" because they haven't played the game for themselves, but it seems like most of those people were right to listen to their gut feeling. I'm starting to think that Halo 5 could be an absolute piece of garbage that can't run faster than 6 frames per second, and there would still be someone telling me to shut the hell up because I'm being an entitled prick.
I think what people need to understand is that Halo 4 gets the complaints and harsh criticism because the community wants the game to get better, same as any other Halo game. A hell of a lot of people don't want to see their favourite series go up in flames because of poor decisions that could have been prevented or decisions that should of been made. All people want is a good, functioning and balanced game which lives up to the standard of other Halo titles. To just say that the game was bad and just focus on the next game is just avoiding the mess that 343i created and throwing the entire Halo community under the bus. Halo 4 alone has so much potential and all it needs is a few minor fixes/alters. But to just say "yea, we know the game sucks, but the next one will be better" is just creating an excuse to not finish what was started. From a fans perspective, that is a way of showing that the developers don't really care and a poor way for a developer to market themselves. Instead, they should look at cleaning up the mess they already have and make the community happy. Not just say '**** this ****', abandon and throw the game in the ditch (which is what Bungie did with Reach) when the simple errors could have been attended to. You have to remember that 343i is a development studio/team and this is part of their job for taking on such a high end title such as Halo. The 'only human' excuse can only go so far but it is in-excusable when odd and questionable decisions are made such as: -Altering gameplay mechanics that are detrimental to core Halo gameplay ('COD'-ification) -Shipping a beta build (unfinished game) -No online fileshare (should have been already handled months before the games final release) -etc 343i did a lot of right but also did wrong. In Halo 4 the wrong outweighs the right the majority of the time. The reason the right is easily missed is because it is things that not many seem to care about where as the wrong is seen in major gameplay elements. If you can see past wrong then cool, enjoy the game. But let the players understand the game make the criticism and suggestions that need to be heard. Its not necessarily Frankie but the fact that the Halo 4 developer staff is made up of EX-Infinity Ward and EX-Bungie employees. I say EX for a reason.
In Matchmaking. Was playing with Brodelsky and he said he was still doing it so I gave it a try for the first time and sure enough it's still there. I don't have vid available online because I don't have a capture card.
How much money does that make them? They know its a crap game and they had failed but they wont ever admit it because they also have to keep up the illusion there a smart/good decision making/amazing company (Because they did make the best selling Halo game ever! after all). There so sly in there wordings(like always), The flaws they are admitting in halo 4 quoted from video: "wished it done better with halo 4 including the implementation of features that didn't make it into the final game, various glitches that surfaced" Implying the game is best halo game ever except few glitches( which every game has glitches hardly blame them for that) and 343i have the skills to make it even better but microsoft rushed them other then that the games pretty perfect, yet we still want to make a even better game for you guys our fans, Your welcome! To give us what we actually want and a classic gametype and fileshare that's not finished would be admitting fault with the game and that's not 343i's style. Fact: Game is subpar for a AAA Biggest funded Halo game. Situation A:They know its subpar, Don't admit it, Lieing to player base. If they abandon the game for halo 5. Means they are choosing to give players a subpar game to play until 5. Situation B:They don't know its subpar, There an ignorant company. Nether situation sits well with me, They just seem so deceitful and immature and/or money hungry to be in control of my favorite game franchise.
God this thread is such a shitpile. Never coming back in here again, it's just a massive waste of my time trying to argue with people who refuse to think rationally. How the **** do you get "we made the best game ever, the game's pretty perfect" out of "we wished we had done things better"? Do you have any idea how retarded you're making yourself sound?
Just to drop it in here.. There are 3 new playlists in the coming. - Forge Test Playlist : 343 will test THEIR forge maps, and recieve feedback. I hoped and expected somenthing else, but this is quite nice. - Grifball : As expected, i thought we went for simulation realism, but oh well.. - Team Doubles : Yes. Oh and everyone has to see this vid, it had been posted in a thread, but not everyone reads that thread or finds it. I hope we can use this vid for good use. Halo 4 Forge | Parody ViDoc ( @HaloWaypoint ) - YouTube
And the specific things he did mention wrong with the game where not really things that where wrong with the game.(not implementing enough features,Glitches) Kinda something like that, Like when you give someone an apology "I'm sorry your so ugly" isn't really a apology but it still technically is. Just doesn't feel sincere the way they go about doing things. But that video was lol, Showed bunch people hope it gets popular enough for 343i to see it and realize there problems about forge. Its funny sincere and informative.
The biggest problem is that this thread no longer accomplishes anything. Yes, they definitely need to understand what they got wrong, but I am writing this on page 1068 of this thread. I've followed it for a while and at this point most of the same things are being said that have been said many times over, often by the same people. You're opinions are valid, no matter how much we disagree with them, but it's the fact that this thread has become a place for your opinions to be re-iterated for months on end is the reason I hate coming here. This is supposed to be a discussion thread, but with no new info being brought to the table it has really stagnated. Yes, your opinions have been heard by now, so please stop re-posting them every other day. This thread has become so toxic to try to read because a few people who share the same opinion are making up the majority of the posts in it. Also, I'd like to make it clear what type of post it is that we are tired of seeing repeated over and over. Saying something like, "Damn, I hate the way this is balanced. Because of this and this it is really hard to counter it and it generally throws the balance of the game off." That's constructive, that's the kind of thing that should go in the thread. There is still some of this, but it's no longer what usually gets posted. The type of post that no one wants to hear anymore are the, "343i are a bunch of money hoarding assholes, they don't care about anything, why haven't they fixed things, I hate them!" posts. Those aren't constructive at all and do nothing besides give the thread a more negative atmosphere. Harsh criticism isn't bad, emotional rants are. And when they keep getting reworded every few days it really bogs everyone down. And off topic with the rest of my post, but that video is amazing. That was a great way to actually make the communities feelings on forge known. I hope that CA and 343i have seen that.
Personally I just wish people would stop bitching about the lack of a forgeworld. Sure they could have mace the spaces in the forgemaps we have more open but having just one super massive map to forge on makes no sense anymore when no one ever used even a quarter of the space it had. And at least now even though all the pieces are the same from map to map, there is still a difference in them due to the over all lighting environments of each map.
Yeah I don't really mind having three separate maps at all if it helps lower chances of FR. I just wish we'd get something akin to the mid-level of sandbox so we could have room to make our own, completely original BTB maps without having to worry about pieces. And while I'm at it, I might as well also complain about how annoying it is to have blocks with round edges. They look terrible. Lastly, has anyone else noticed how many pieces in this game don't work as well with each other as they did in Reach? On Impact for example, every damn piece is shaped at a non-traditional angle so anything you combine with it looks like crap. Sorry for the rant
I played a ton of maps that used the entire forgeworld. Even more that used 50-75% of it. Now the closest thing to medium-big map we can make is in sky box on asteroid map. Smaller maps get just as much lag if not more apparently according to some posts Ive read. Even if halo 4 had big maps it has so many other problems wouldn't be able to make much anyway. Feel free to bring up an interesting topic to discuss, I can't think of anything worth discussing that doesn't have so many errors/flaws with it that it provokes ranting. (That in itself a pretty bad sign of the quality of the game)
Well, I hit the level cap last night. Seemed way too easy. If I put more time into it I probably would've done it weeks ago. Now I'm really disappointed because matchmaking has pretty much lost its incentive. I still have a sliver of hope they'll up the level count and bring in more specialisations but at this point it seems unlikely.
Linubidix, I know for a fact (see the Halo Bullitin) that there are new specializations on the way. I havent played any matchmaking in what must be about 2 months. Its not terribly appealing, but I do have fun it it unlike Reach's. For now though, Mass Effect Multiplayer reigns as my top game for multiplayer. All of these other shooters are just so cookie cutter its unbearable (halo's saving grace is customs with forge maps, ME3's is powers and unexpected tun of events, Battlefeild 3's is excellent gunplay, but none of these make me want to play hours on end). That reminds me, I should play some assassins creed.