So what's different about this thread than say... posting it in the Map Sketch thread. I don't think it needs it's own thread. It's a nice enough sketch, people will most likely give you feedback in the Map Sketch thread, where it's supposed to be.
I cannot get much from the purty sketch, but my initial concern is the linear pathing. Beaver Creek was designed similarly, however, it included those caves wrapping around adding a counter position away from base and giving players the option to flank if need be. Currently, regarding slayer gametypes, it seems like a design in which players will feel most comfortable camping in their base watching weapon spawns. Nonetheless, the aesthetic aspect of it is interesting. Goodluck with it, man.
Thanks for the feedback. Just a rough sketch-up But I was thinking in the trench I could have a tunnel or 2 That lead to the other side of the light area on the ground level. (sort of like what I did with wicked world from halo reach..) I tried to make this in forge a little and am having a little bit of difficulties with objects but meh thats expected as its not a drafting program and I cant cut pieces the way I want them shaped.
Correct. For some reason I cannot merge the thread with the map sketch thread. Therefore, I'm closing this thread. Please post it in the proper thread : LOCKED.