Destitute in Chains By REMkings I was originally going to keep this project a secret for the time being , but Insanmiac decided to be an asshole and make it end in 2th place in his contest so now I'm forced to show it to the world. :S Just kidding, of course I'm very glad it got so high, especially since I didn't expect it because the map is actually not yet finished. Therefore, please don't download it just yet even though there is a version in my fileshare. Anyway, let's talk about the map itself. This map is a reimagination of my most popular Infection map from Reach, both in terms of downloads as in publicity and feedback, which was called Lone Souls in a Lost Mine. I brought back some of the classical features of the map such as the L-shaped holdout room, the furnace, the minecart rails and the shaft as well as invisible zombies, the lack of weapons, the But why didn't you just literally remake LSIALM instead of only making a reimagination, REMkings? Well, it is for three reasons that I did it this way. 1. It's more fun to only take parts from the previous map and add new ones. It's also more original than to simply remake everything, and makes it more of a challenge. 2. I wanted to use the new features from Halo 4's forge pallet such as dynamic lighting, the new blocks (pallets ftw!) and the addition of two lights to the previous amount of 2, thus having 4 lights at my disposal. 3. I simply couldn't literally remake it, because we no longer have Forgeworld and I had to adapt to the natural environment of Erosion. (Which was by far most suitable in my opinion.) The same goes for the looks of some of the blocks in Halo 4 that would no longer fit in a mine map because they don't look woody or rocky enough anymore. 4. Halo 4's Flood mode also plays differently than Reach's Infection. I had to adapt the map to fit with the gametype. Once the fileshare systems will be up, I will post the finished version of this map and also add a nice background story plus tactics on how to survive on this map. For now, just use your creativity. To provide you a look into the map I'll go ahead and post the results video of Insanmiac's contest here: Spoiler H4FM - Best of the Dead Contest Results! (Custom Flood Maps) - YouTube If you've tested this map with me and you have any (new) feedback, please go ahead and tell me below! Anything is welcome if you can help me improve my map.
A Flood map. Hurray!! First of all, congratulations Remco. This definitely deserved to place in the contest. It was a blast to play, both as a survivor and as the Flood. One point I would make is about the little ledge near the pre-fab bridge built into the canvas. I don't know if you have changed it but I could get up there and I imagine it would make the game quite unfair if quite a few gang up and go there. Again, well done and when will we be playing it again?!
congrats man and kudos for using the Erosion terrain which is the most difficult to forge on. great work! By the way, Lone Souls in a Lost Mine was one of the best aesthetic maps I saw in Reach and I loved it.
All 3 maps were pretty awesome in my opinion, my favorite was the one rated #3. Had that apocalypse feel to me like stated in the video and really felt like you're in a movie playing a military force trying to take back a city infested with flood.
My opinion pretty much stays with Insanmiac. If this has a similar feel to LSIALM I'm sure this will be fun to play. Can't wait until it's officially released .
It does, but it is still somewhat different. I'm trying to make the map more narrow so it will get even scarier. [br][/br]Edited by merge: I think I know which one you're talking about but you're probably gonna have to show me sometime. And of course, we'll be playing it again very soon.
Looks very nice, Rem. Gives an eerie feeling when I watch it. Definitely can't wait till you release it for dl.
We had a go at this during out TGIF session and I have to say that it was a blast. Hell, invisible zombies was even fun and balanced. The only issue we ever encountered was that if you happen upon the area below the minecart and tracks you get stuck and it takes a considerable amount of effort to get out. That's my only qualm with the map though. Even the most campy area isn't that campable. Great job REM
Thanks, I hope to release it soon! You should see my newest Flood map, it's pretty cool already after testing it once lol, I thought you guys tested 8 O'Clock Reminiscence in TGIF! Glad it was this one though, since I didn't expect this new feedback. The campable area, assuming you're talking about the ridge with the crates, has actually been improved upon since the latest version, which I haven't put in my fs yet. I'm also going to add more narrow hallways to make the map smaller and make it feel more cramped and thus, scarier. Right now it's a little too open which also makes it kind of small. Thanks for your comment!
I agree with Oranite, our game on here during TGIF was pretty enjoyable. I'm not personally a fan of the invisible zombies given they scared the **** out of me on several occasions, but I like the emphasis they place on teamwork. Normally I would constitute that as a negative despite the aforementioned, but the sounds the infected make to alert players when they're near is an excellent counter to their being invisible. I'm not sure if this aspect could be considered postive or negative as I don't generally forge with Flood, but there were corners I felt very comfortable camping in during our game. One in particular being the small room of rocks in which the only two viable doorways are the infected's spawn area and the entrance. Even as a group of three, some others and I managed to hold that position for quite some time until becoming destracted by some internal shenanigans. Although I did not traverse much throughout our games, I do believe there is very little orientation. Again, I don't know if that's a positive or negative with Flood, but I couldn't get a grasp of the layout until the final round had begun. Overall, it's a very solid map from what I can tell. Good stuff, mang.
Exactly what I tried to do haha That was actually intended. In this map you're supposed to feel lost and kind of clueless where you would want to go. You're trapped in some kind of not-so-abandoned-but-rather-cursed mine, with creepy ghost figures hunting you down, where the only way to survive is to use teamwork and coordination. The three areas on the map with a light near them are where you generally want to position yourselves among with a couple of buddies, so you'll have an easier time targeting the nearing flood. This was easier to achieve in Destitute in Chains than it was in Lone Souls in a Lost Mine, due to the dynamic lighting. (Really love that feature.) The lack of a radar makes it even more challenging to locate flood when you're wandering around. Walking through the hallways, especially on your own, is therefore basically getting yourself killed no matter what. So yeah, that's definitely the intention of this map. I wouldn't recommend this playstyle for every Flood map though because mostly you do want to be able to tell where you are, but in this map I think it works because of the theme and the enclosed layout. Thanks for the feedback!
I know it's kind of lame to double post it here, but the map is actually finished and little people know that. Here's the official thread! Feel free to check it out and leave me some feedback if you have any.