Map Name: Gravity Creator: KAZEROID Players: 8-12 Description: I Used a very similar Lay out to the map in Halo 3 Called Orbital. Youtube Video: Please Like And Subscibe To My Channel Halo 4 Forge Map | Gravity | KAZEROID - YouTube Pictures:
this looks ****ing fantastic. I'll be sure to grab this sometime today and play through it. I'll be back with feedback
I don't get why you wouldn't just remake the bases as well...the bases in this map feel so cramped...
cuz this is not Orbital Layout is same, bases with long halways in U shapes, but i may comeback and design a better base. a little more open.
What exactly makes this look fantastic? -------------------------------------- A couple of things Id like to ask 1) why does your video have the pieces spawning on a timer? 2) why do you include your name in your map title each time? 3) I don't remember orbital too well but this doesn't remind me of anything I played in halo 3 was it a custom map remake?
1) He does it to make it look like he builds the whole map in one shot. 3) Orbital was in the Halo 3 Mythic Map pack, along with Sandbox, Longshore, Heretic, Citadel, and Assembly. Orbital
Ahh, Orbital. The original hamster tunnel map. Wasn't too fond of it. There were no movement options except forward. CTF was fun on it, but that's about it.
well that looks nothing like the pics on wiki... and that also explains it i never bought that map pack just played it a couple times at a friends house didnt care for a few of the maps.
to awnser your 3 questions, 1) its my way of shwoing people how my style of forge is and what pieces i use, its a little trick i do, to make a map showcase video interesting. 2) my name in the title is something i have always done, its something i will continue to do. 3) as for this being a remake, ive said it many times this not a remake i will build a remake and you will be like okay, thats a remake, i use orbitals layout. thats it.
They aren't, he's opening the map in Forge and deleting the entire map one piece at a time. Then he plays the video backwards and it looks like everything just pops into place.
looks great Kazeroid just one suggestion... it's always better to hide the lights or use them in a way that it looks like a real light, rather than just have them floating in the air. Just an aesthetic thing and my own personal opinion to make the map look higher quality.