Hey there! I wanted to show you my first creation in Halo 4 forge: Weaponlist: Description: Paragon is a medium-sized, symmetrical map designed for Slayer, Oddball and KotH. The basic layout can be described as a 2/3 floored, squared dounut with a angled North-South axis. There are 2 main structures (orange tower, purple building), which are connected by a mancannon. Additionally, there's one lift on each side. Both areas are symmetrically connected by two 2-story bridges. For more competetiveness, there were a total of 6 trick-jumps added (3 on each side). Paragon features a plenty of interesting sightlines, which makes it great for FFA- or Team Snipes. However, this map is still in beta-state, since it was tested only with 4 players by now. So the weapon layout isn't final yet, same goes for some aesthetics (z-fighting...). But spawning, KotH, and Oddball are completely set up, support is granted up to 8 teams. Pictures: Loadout Cam/Orange tower: Purple Building: Red Spawn: Red Bridge Backyard: Overview That's for it, I hope you enjoyed! It's in my fileshare, gamertag: x j1m P4ns3n x PS: I'm from Germany, so please forgive possible mistakes grammar-/spellingwise
This looks amazing from the pictures and I'm certainly gonna have to download this the next time I'm on Halo.
Thanks! I've uploaded an updated version of it, it's in my fileshare. I fixed some z-fighting, plus I redesigned the purple building, unfortunately it caused framedrops sometimes. But now everything is pretty smooth...
it's nice to hear you talk about testing to increase framerate. has that same fix been tested with at least two on one console? just a plea to all map designers to try their best to make splitscreen work well...
"Paragon" would be better than "02 Paragon". Looks nice though! EDIT: It's usually a good idea to name your map using just one word. In recent years, the majority of official halo maps have been named this way. It is ok to use 2 words like Blood Gulch, Battle Creek, etc. Or a number after a word like "Anchor 9" is fine. But "02 Paragon" just seems like an odd name. Paragon 02 would be ok but I still think Paragon would be best unless this is some kind of numbered space station or facility like "Anchor 9". 02 Paragon just doesn't sound like an official map, which in my opinion map names are kind of important... especially if you plan on trying to get your map in matchmaking then 343 is going to take the name into account or make you change it.
I ran around in this map and found it pretty cool. The layout is easily understood and it feels fun to move around in it. The drop-downs on the orange side are nicely crafted. I look forward to playing some team games on the map. It seems you said you already took care of the Z-fighting I noticed. I'm not a huge fan of the rocks in the purple area. They just don't seem a natural fit for the map's style. Good job on the map. I think it has a lot of promise.
Thanks! Yeah, those rocks are rather a emergency solution, because I ran out of objects... But without 'em, this particular area would be way too open, plus, they remind somehow of Tombstone in H2 The last 2 days I got to play a few FFA matches with 5-6 people, and it played pretty well. However, I updated the map yet again, based on their feedback: I increased the respawn time for the sword to 210s, due to it's effectiveness on this map. Secondly, i altered the top ceiling on the purple building, because you would jump against it and fall down, if you sprint and jump. This issue is solved now, and it's playing way more fluid now. I altered the spawn-layout. There was too much weight on the 'Backyard' (the rocky area), so I transfered a plenty of spawnpoints to both bridges. I noticed a little lack of traffic there, I hope this will compensate this. And finally, I changed the frontside of the purple building, it looks now more even and not that cluttered anymore. Going to upload it sometime today! I tried it with 2 players and... well... it's not unplayable... but there are definately some framedrops in certain areas, unfortunately.
use some golf cups as the green gras by simply flipping them over and putting them where those rocks are would make it look a lot more natural...
unfortunately, no [br][/br]Edited by merge: Another, and propably the final update: I fixed pretty much all z-fighting spots, optimized some spawnpoints and lifted the front ceiling of the purple building. I'll add screenshots of the final version very soon!