Is there any chance you're doing one earlier in the day on the weekend? I'd like to try this out for myself as well.
If there is enough people to get a full 5v5 ctf or infinity slayer then we try to test on it every day!! The set times are just to get everyone on at a set time but testing can be done at any time any day usually
Great, I'll be sure to be there. My mic is broken but I'll have plenty of feedback for you posted here when we're done. Looking forward to it.
I really like what you have done with the map. The new layout is a great improvement over the old. The map looks nicer as well and the framerate issue has been almost completely resolved. I was getting some slight frame drops in certain areas but nothing huge. The power weapon set-up was great, there never ended up being too many people with power weapons so that is good. The use of spartan lasers over rockets is great as well, they take down vehicles really well but are also not quite as good for killing people as the rockets are which is good in my opinion. The Only thing I would suggest is fixing up the spawns, I found it very easy to predict spawns even though I have barely played the map. You definitely need to add more respawn points. The lack of spawn points made it very easy to spawn trap the red team in their base. To fix this i suggest placing spawn locations in the center structures. You may also need to use Spawn Zones, to influence the chances of spawning in the center, because even with spawns there, you may still spawn in your base constantly.
First off, my apologies for being the shittiest teammate possible. Like I said, my mic is broken and my play tonight was pretty bad even for me, hahaha. But I'm really impressed so far. The design screams Halo 2, like a more symmetrical Headlong combined with a big-team Turf. Obviously with the small, imbalanced teams we didn't really get a good session in, but I think this map has serious potential. A couple things to look into though. The the roofs of the bunkers by the rocket-hog spawns are only accessible by jetpack, which to me is an unfair advantage. The jetpack, in my opinion, should be used to make moving around the map easier, not open up new areas altogether. So, perhaps an extra ramp or a grav lift to the roof would be something to look into, or a soft kill barrier if you don't want those roofs accessible at all. You know that one platform next to the main red bunker? I think a small ramp that goes over the trench in front of it would be a nice touch, just so you don't have to jump over the trench. Really nitpicky, I know. And you've probably already heard this, but I think you should consider ditching the Scorpion and going Mantis vs. Mantis. The Mantis handles beautifully on this map, especially with those back alleyways. I loved the sensation of seeing it turn the corner and just thinking "**** **** **** **** Mantis Mantis **** ****". Really good stuff there, but I don't quite see this as a Scorpion map to begin with. Kudos for trying something new though, if there's anything I appreciate it's a new idea. Overall though, I'm impressed. I think you've got a real knack for these sprawling, urban style maps; I'd like to see you tackle something even more ambitious, maybe asymmetrical and utilizing some terrain? You crank these maps out and retool them so quickly, I don't know how you do it. Be sure to keep me posted on this map and your future ones.
Spawn zones are set up but I do agree with you on placing more spawns, especially in the center structures. This will be an easy update but I will give special attention to possibly more spawn zones and respawn points. I will place a soft kill zone on top of the bunker houses next to the rocket hog. I think the map would play better by influencing people to not constantly jump up there. I can add a ramp over the trench to the red base platform but I'll have to think about placement, I don't want it to interfere with the road in front. As for the scorpion, I thought I balanced it out pretty well this time and not sure yet about removing it. I want to test it out first with like a few 6v6 games before I make any further decisions on that. I am also going to be adding a ramp in the blue base by the scorpion so people don't have to run all the way around to get up if they don't have jump pack. Here's a list of fixes I will be applying tomorrow for self note: -More Spawns -Ramp to red base platform over trench -Soft Kill Zone on bunker houses -Ramp in blue base Thanks for help testing, appreciate it very much!
Yeah I kind of agree here....I know roof on that bunker is not overly high up and game breaking but especially hard to kill someone up there if you are coming from the back alley
I just downloaded the map, and went into customs on my own with the gametype CTF, to check out the map. And about the roofs, you might be able to get up there with an skillfull jump, but you are already changing that, so we close that subject. I have just an couple things to note. Not negative at all, the map is already pretty beast. - I was strolling around with the mantis, and i couldnt pass the middle. I have to crouch to go under the bridge. - I was trying CTF, but the flag only spawned at the blue base, not the red base. - Even though you have broken the sea of white, the map still can use a little more. We have recieved dominion decorative pieces, maybe you can use some wires and crates in the bases to make some cover and make it more aesthetically appealing. - Don't use assault rifles as ordnance, people can already spawn with it, you should replace that with another weapon or delete it at all. Im going to check it out again, and see what changes could make it possibly better. I have to say though, the map flows really nicely. And the Scorpion and the Mantis don't have to take the middle, the sideway is even accesable for the Scorpion, the ramp next to both the bases, leading up to an platform. Then they can come in by suprise, and have an slight advantage. Both vehicles can do this and its an pretty nice addition next to the bases. Overall i like the weapons placed on the map. Shotguns, for the corners and sideways.. The rocket launcher to take out the vehicles.. And also the saw, just for some more automatic firepower. However an sniper would fit the map too. EDIT : Ow, i recieved your Xbox message. So i have downloaded an old version, i will check out the new one. Maybe my words of above here aren't applying anymore.
Haha yeah brother, all of that has been fixed, you'll know when you see the new version. Sorry for that, just uploaded version 2 this morning.
Still wish we could of got full 5v5 games at least to have all things in play. But overall I think the biggest improvement is the back alleys behind the main central buildings. Stops the fighting always taking place in the middle and having the entire map used. This is great for ctf for sneaking up on the enemy base and have a good route back home.
Here's a match from testing last night. As you can see the scorpion doesn't pose that great of a threat anymore. 2v3 CTF And here's a clip of the Mantis vs Scorpion during our match of Infinity Slayer with a annotation play-by-play! Mantis vs Scorpion
I was so focused on trying to take you out when I was in the tank that I completley forgot about the other guy who stuck me at the end and blew up. Luckily you got highjacked at the same time! That was intense during the game lol.
sometimes when i check out other peoples maps, i find something that is so simple, yet so good it makes me a little bit mad at myself! those sniper nests are brilliant! simple yet effective, i may steal them at some point and i like the rest of your map as well. (ive been putting off checking out your maps for a few days as i have been trying to forge myself and didnt want to give myself ideas!) very nice forging. not sure how it plays as i was running round by myself, but good job.
About station ramps... I wanted to clarify that 25deg is not exactly flat, nor is 26. though, 25 is closest on this object. The Ramp bridges also could use a ".5" deg increment to allow for perfectly flat floors/walls. just an FYI that if he replaces corridors w/ ramps, that it will not be perfectly flat. However, if he alternates the orientation of them, each one can offset the slight incline of the other in a not so noticable manner when you walk on them. You'll have to look very closely to see the incline, that is. best we can do as far as I know...
Well they are flat, zero bumps, check for yourself. There's more than one trick to get them flat, I changed the physics to normal, laid it on a flat wall, then just duplicated the object, used magnets to get the height right, then turned off magnets to get rid of the black lines.. Edit: and they are ramps
This looks so much better than your first Project posted here, I have kept a eye on this one however and can say it has been much improved both aesthetically and functionally, you have a lot more movement options added and the geometry is much better. I really like the more Human and Military style touches, good job on this one it has improved greatly, do you have any plans to further testing this week? And I agree, Magnets are extremely useful when your building projects with high levels of detail and different pieces such as this, Magnets and manual free handing are your best friends in Forge in general .