Lotus Skillfully crafted by | [user]unoverrated[/user] and [user]WALDO the lemon[/user] Players | 4 - 8 Gametypes | Infinity Slayer and CTF They say you can't judge a book by its title, but this map's name says it all. Just a simple Google of Lotus will reveal one of two (if not both) beautiful things: A Lotus flower boasting voluptuous color with near geometric perfection, or a Lotus car which can speak for its own style and sass. These elements of style, grace, and functionality transform nicely into the Halo 4 forged version of Lotus. With gameplay in mind, Lotus is an MLG oriented map that sticks pretty well to the books without being dull. A limited on-map weapon set coupled with a gradual learning curve make Lotus a map to truly test your metal against a worthy adversary with. The layout of the map is inversely symmetrical making two-sided objective games, specifically CTF, a very fun and balanced choice of game. Lotus also plays a nice game of Slayer, but with no official Slayer type attached to it I can safely recommend playing an Infinity Slayer variant with ordinance drops off. It reduces the randomness of games bringing an aspect of map control back and is just plain more fun. So for all of the competitive players out there looking for a good 4v4 brawl, Lotus should be regularly coming through your circuits if it is not already. There's an innate classic feel to Lotus. This screenshot captures a lot of that. A look at the overview and power weapons reveals some key positions on the map. A look into the history of Lotus reveals that the map has had some aesthetic setbacks in its making to work around issues with dynamic lighting. While Lotus is by no means an aesthetic god-of-a-map, it is certainly eye catching with a wonderful and serene atmosphere that makes up for any aesthetic simplicities it may possess. The rest of the development story is an interesting read as well so I'd recommend reading it. It made me aware that I'm not the only one who has ever left a party to go Forge. Thanks unoverrated. Here are a few more pics and a gameplay vid of Lotus: Ninja - MLG Pro ♦ Lotus TS - YouTube That's about it for Lotus. We highly recommend you download and check this map out. You can easily download the map by conducting an in-game fileshare search of either '[user]unoverrated[/user]' or '[user]WALDO the lemon[/user]' and it will be listed as 'MLG Lotus v4' We would like to thank all of you for bearing with us while we got everything situated to be able to bring features back to you guys. On behalf of the staff I'd like to apologize for it taking so damn long. That aside though, we look forward to bringing you more Halo 4 map features for eons to come. On that note, we are always looking for feature worthy content, so if you have seen a map floating around the board that you think is worthy of a feature then head on over to recommend that map for a feature. Additionally, if you have any questions about this article in specific feel free to voice them in our front page feedback. Happy Forging Forge Hub, Organite
Hey! Features are back! Very cool. I've gotten a few games on Lotus and I have to say, it's a great map. While Team Slayer can get somewhat stale at times, it handles objective games amazingly well, just like you said ****. Halo 4's been lacking in the 4v4 department, so this is a very welcome addition Congrats uno and Waldo.
Somehow I ended up playing a game of Lotus with MLG Pro Naded. It was intense. I got the invite from someone else in his party, although I have no idea why anyone of that level would invite me. Needless to say, I got raped. Defended the flag as best as I could, scored two kills, died several times. It's funny, I always wondered how crazy it would be just to play on that level just for a few minutes. I definitely found out. Sorry Naded, I'm not MLG. The map itself is a great design. I'm just wondering how it got featured when Ciela by Dax had more nominations to get featured. Lotus only had 1 nomination. I understand you are featuring it because of the quality of the map and I suppose it is the staff's decision in the end. It also sucks that the creators aren't very active around here and probably weren't even expecting to get featured here unlike lots of our loyal forgers (someone better tell them they got a feature.) A feature is feature though. I'm content to see them being posted nonetheless. EDIT: WALDO the lemon hasn't been active here since august... Oh well. Post your map on every site and it's bound to get featured somewhere.
Wheres the option that votes utter shite JK, from the screenshots it looks like a great map. I can't wait to test it so inv plz
I know that you know the "Want to see a map featured" thread doesn't work like FHF, but I still want to expand a little. The fact that mine got more or less nominations doesn't make it better or worse of a map, then it would be just another popularity contest. Even though the two maps are geared towards different gametypes and player count, I definitely consider Lotus superior in terms of the map's design. Thing is, if the staff focused more on featuring "loyal forgers," there would be a big divide in the FH community: the staff and the members that are friends of staff, and then the not-so-active-but-still-reasonably-active members. This lets the lesser-known members of ForgeHub know that they have a chance at getting a feature regardless of their popularity around the site. I definitely think this map deserves it. That being said I do have a question about this... should probably keep it in PMs though.
Well said Dax. I agree with you. I just meant when I see a map featured on forge hub I'm expecting it to be forgehub's baby. What I see is a great map. But it's not really forge hub's baby. Seems like it's MLG's baby that caught forge hub attention. It's such a great map really. Just think we need to cater to our hard working everday forge hub members.They deserve it for more reasons than just posting an epic map. Hopefully you get where I'm coming from. Sorry for the troubles. Great map guys.
No need to be sorry Indeed I do know where you're coming from, I just wanted to point out the other side to it.
The number of nominations a map gets in the recommend a feature thread does not directly affect its chances of getting a feature. That being said, it's almost as if you guys believe Ciela is ineligible for a feature now that Lotus has received one.
This map plays a great game of CTF, probably one of the best I've seen so far in Halo 4, although slayer on Lotus is rather boring, with campiness by the bases and the gold/green buildings. Lotus CTF has been on pro tournaments, so that should say something about the map's quality It really hasn't gotten much attention on Forgehub, though, probably because it doesn't have its own thread and because Waldo / Uno are not super active here. Greaaaat map.
Congrats on the feature, I'll check this one out for sure. It's a pity Waldo isn't active anymore Well it looks great for objective gameplay, so I'll try it out sometime, Great work...
this was featured on THC like a month ago. forgehub late to the party again =P its a great map, i was super impressed by the forging on it when i checked it out. plays good too.
I've had the write-up to feature this map ready to go for almost a month. And discussion on it was being had even before then We were waiting on gameplay vids, but those never came through and we got tired of waiting. Your eyes deceive you, fair Titmar.
I've gotta start forging again. This map looks great and makes me want to pick up the control one more time to attempt a decent map. Well done on the feature, guys.
Looks sweet. Congrats on the 1st FH H4 feature. I'm glad features can go up despite 343s decision to never give us files on line. At paints, activity or status should never be considered in a feature. Then maps that deserve it, like this one, wouldn't get featured. Plus, that would have screwed me over cuz I have like the lowest post count of anyone who has a considerable amount of features & I'm only friends (as in actually talking to regularly) with like 2 staff or retired staff members, lol. Obviously not taking away from Dax or any other map author, but this is apparently a good map so it deserves to be here. Patience my friend.
One of the best competitive maps I've seen in H4...thank to Waldo & Uno for their hard work. CTF is grand!
Damn, just realised that I traded my copy of H4 for a friends Witcher 2 the other day, so I won't be able to forge again until I get it back. Poo. Oh well.