maps ive made: intrinium, solemn, erode, mantis battle, octagonz

Discussion in 'WIP - Works In Progress' started by stealthylemon, Jan 8, 2013.

  1. stealthylemon

    stealthylemon Forerunner

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    A few maps i made and finally got the time to make a proper video so figured I would share.

    Halo 4 forge map recap - YouTube

    i cant get my youtube videos to embed help?
  2. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Your video stops @ 1:30 for me.
  3. stealthylemon

    stealthylemon Forerunner

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    hugh i don't know? I'm pretty sure its not my video it plays back for me and it did for other people earlier so not sure sorry :/.
  4. Fenix Hulk

    Fenix Hulk Ancient
    Senior Member

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    It's working for me now, I kept reloading the page earlier and nothing. Don't know what the issue was.
  5. stealthylemon

    stealthylemon Forerunner

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    cool thanks for watching
  6. darkprince909

    darkprince909 Talented
    Creative Force

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    I liked intrinium and mantis battle out of these. The others seemed a little meh to me. I've personally never cared for octagons, so that one's not really one I can comment on. Solemn seemed okay, but it looks like there's a major lack of cover. I haven't played it, I'm just going off the video. Erode also seemed okay, but I think if you did something similar to that, but didn't restrict yourself to just rocks, it would turn out much better. The "trees" look odd too, so I personally would change them.

    Intrinium looks like it has a pretty solid layout, enough cover, and everything. What I might suggest, though, is some sort of visual indicators for the trait zones.

    Mantis Battle looks sick. I couldn't really see anything I didn't like in the vid. What I would love to see, though, is a version that was set up for BTB
  7. reaper3bot0

    reaper3bot0 Forerunner

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    keep forging my advice would be to try making a more structured map.

    heres a structured layout sketchup I found of a real old map for quake

    Feel free to use it. The spots with 4-6 lines are stairs or ramps in this case but im sure you can invent something. The arrows could be jump pads.

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    btw your video isnt embedded because you chose instead of link from your video manager screen you know where it list all your videos.
    #7 reaper3bot0, Jan 9, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 9, 2013
  8. stealthylemon

    stealthylemon Forerunner

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    Ok thanks for the help on the video embedding and ill look into that sketch.

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    glad you liked intrinium. As afr as making visual ques go though for the trait zones I maxed out the budget so i would have to rework it alot and still tell people about it, its something that bothered me too. Im really surprised actually that you like mantis battle i could make a BTB variant try using most of what i already have made see what happens could be the same thing just everyone has a jet pack lol. Might come back to erode and make a "real version of it seeing as how the layout isnt half bad. I haven't gotten to play test solemn which i think could be alot better with play testing since its set up for dominion but i have no clue how it plays. Kinda annoying since i spent the most time on that map making those weird bases and all. Thanks for the feedback i want to make a BTB map next but well see i tried making somthing yesterday and meh. anyways thanks for the feedback ill have another map up tomorrow.

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    What do you mean by more structured map? Do you mean like more modular? or are you referring to erode because yeah that doesn't have much structure lol.

    Edited by merge:

    Thanks for the feed back everyone more maps will be coming soon.
    #8 stealthylemon, Jan 10, 2013
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2013

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